OT-OK now that I brought it up... | Arthritis Information


I started that skin care thread but it got me thinking. This early menopause thing is freaking me out in another way. Maybe you can help me.

I have always had a relatively healthy sex drive (at least when my RA is under control). Will menopause ruin that?? I am specifically talking about the drive aspect. I can handle the dryness thing.

There are lots of things that affect sex drive. Especially meds, narcotics and antidepressants, high blood pressure meds. Hormonal changes during menopause can alter sex drive but hormone replacement can help that. Mucosal dryness is always an issue with some woman. If you can stay as healthy as possible and stay away from key medications that cause this, you are better off.

Hi Hessalina, I've been in surgical menopause since 2001 due to removal of ovaries when I was 42.  Unfortunately yes, it did have a negative effect on the libido for me.   My doctor is pretty progressive, I asked him about compounded testosterone cream for the sex drive problem and he signed off on that with no problem.   It helps some but not like pre-surgery.  Do you intend to use HRT?  In case you haven't found it yet, there is a site called www.earlymenopause.com, their board isn't as active as this one but there is a lot of info.  Is your doctor basing the menopause diagnosis on bloodwork?  I have done a lot of research into various aspects of surgical menopause and HRT,  the most important thing is to have a knowedgeable doctor whom you trust and who will listen and work with you.  Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

Best wishes, Andrea  
Andrea- I have not gotten a final diagnosis from my dr that what I am experiencing is menopause yet. I have been getting hot flashes for about the last 2 years and my mother went early but I could be fretting over nothing. I do intend to stay away from HRT if I can help it (who wants another med with serious side affects).

But after so many years of not having a sex drive at all due to active RA and everything that goes with it, I just don't want to go back to that.

lorster-I'm not on any of the meds you mentioned so I guess that's an advantage.
Definitely effects the drive, well for me.....Sex was on my mind 24/7 and I loved it.  I could care less now if I ever had sex.I would have to say it affects the sex drive, also.  I have been in surgical menopause for many years now...most of that time I was divorced and not dating, so I guess it was a blessing of sorts...but I remarried 3 years ago.  I'm happier than I've ever been in love, but the drive just isn't there.  I tried HRT for a short while, but the cancer scare is enough to keep me off of it.  Wish there was another way.[QUOTE=Debrakay]Definitely effects the drive, well for me.....Sex was on my mind 24/7 and I loved it.  I could care less now if I ever had sex.[/QUOTE]
Me too.  I could care less.
OK.. I've been in meno-land since age 44...... I am 51.  for the first four years it wasn't too bad..  rarely even did I have dryness issues...
Til.. I flared w RA and my sjogrens went crazy..... and dryness is a major component in my drive.
Up til then... I had a reduction in drive .. but not that much...maybe it hadn't kicked in?? IDK
Hot flashes are definite signs of peri-menopause.. what are your AF visits like?
Sex drive is and was fine perimenopause and post menopause.  The problem for me is more the RA and  drugs than menopause.  Now, if you come up with an answer for that, let me know.   Lori gave you some good advice.  HRT isn't for everyone but I do know that it helps you through menopause.  Lindy It is so refreshing to hear from so many honest women. If you read the women's magazines you feel like something is desperately wrong with you. Heck- I never felt like the women I read about when I was young!
I don't know if it's age, perimenopause, my meds, this disease...but I have to say I could care less too. When it's initiated I start out feeling like it's my "duty" but I do end up enjoying myself. It's just that I never think of it on my own.
babs- I had my uterus removed (but not my ovaries) several years ago so AF hasn't been around for awhile. My main tip off is the hot flashes and some other strange hormonal signs.

LinB- yeah, the drugs definitely can put a damper on things. Particularly the MTX. Once I went off that it was completely different.

wanttobe-I think it is easy to get into a rut when you have been with someone for a long time. I find that the less I have it the less I want it but that the inverse is also true. It is easy to get caught up in family, work and that blasted RA so that when bedtime FINALLY rolls around you want nothing but sleep. Some advise I read somewhere said that if you haven't done it in 2 weeks make it a point and do it no matter what. I live by this and it truly works for me. It's definitely a jumpstart to get me back in the saddle, so to speak.I was diagnosed all at the same time low thyroid, RA, and not only menopause but passed thru it at the age of 37. I am with you on the low sex drive. I am newly remarried and I tell you it has really caused some problems in the bedroom. I take HRT but it hasn't helped me. In the begginning it did then the scare came out about cancer and I went off of them for about 6 months and when I went back on them they just din't work like they did. I have it in my mind but my body doesn't follow along. It is really hard when you are in so much pain to just relax and go with the flow. Wow thought I might be the only one  was beginning to think something bad was wrong with me. quite honestly sometimes I would rather just be alone than to feel like I let my husband down. LauraLove the honesty.  I'm exhausted by the end of the workday and it's difficult to find the energy.  I also suffer from dryness, so that makes it worse at times.   Yet, it's an important part of a marriage, so I think I'll work on following Hessalina's rule.    We became empty-nesters this fall, so at least we can be more flexible with when and where.   I went into early menopause at 33. I took HRT for a few years but stopped this past summer. All of my menopause symtoms have stopped and I've done fine without it. My hormone levels test well in the menopause range; there's no doubt it's menopause and when they tested my libedo (however you spell that) they felt sorry for me. At least it proved it wasn't all in my head.
I follow that two week rule pretty much also. I wish I wanted it more....and I have a real patient husband. It caused horrible problems in my first marriage; but I'm married to a man now that NEVER got it from his first wife so he feels blessed to have me. Go figure?
Lovie- How did they test your libido may I ask?Is it testosterone or something? It's a blood test. Different than just the hormone levels.I'm 55, started menopause early  ..43.. STILL have the darn hot flashes.. but anyway I'm past the change by about 5 or 6 years.
 my drive is as strong as ever... like REALLY strong..but.. it HURTS to do certain  well heck... most things..
 I can make love, but believe me my days of hanging from chandeliers are over.. hurts my knees.
 I need to go slow, use untaxing positions and use LOTS of lube (Sjorgrens)
Even at my worst depression and pain, I am ready and willing and wanting to go.
Wow Kathy. the chandelier position. I have never done that one. You may want to explain that, LOL kathy-thanks. I really needed to hear that. And I'll be installing a chandelier by Christmas...

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