OT NOT FOR WEAK -PIC of Shingles | Arthritis Information


i thought i would post a picture of full blown shingles for those who don't know what it is.
for anyone who has not experienced nerve pain, it is pretty bad.
OMG how awful! I have heard it takes awhile to get well from this. They give you any idea how long?hessalina,
i was told anywhere from two weeks to months.
i had tiny red bumps and severe pain for four days and then this explosion
i am told i can not get around children or pg women as they could get small pox from shingles virus, never heard of that one
since my is in the crusty stage the pain is easing up
they have me on valtrex, medrol dospack, pain pills and pills for nerve pain
Oh mabus, is his you? I had shingles after my gall bladder sugery. I was so fortunate that my doctor caught it when she did. It still hurt but oh my, I cannot imagine how you must be feeling.   I hope you are on valtrex....and even an IV med if possible. Also, you need to be on some heavy narcotics.Mabus, I'm so glad you went in.The dr said it was pretty bad and i didn't know what they were talking about untill my hubby took this picture,i had no clue but i sure was complaining about the pain, very intense.Mabus, can you imagine what this must have been like for people before the antivirals came out. Total suffering without anything to help. And this virus would spread and spread and sometimes people would end up with life long excruciating pain from this. I'm so glad we live in the times we do. I'm glad you are getting good medication. It will surely help you. I'm thinking of you.

thanks lorster

i wanted people to see pic in case something like this happens to anyone else

I'm sorry you are in such pain. the last time I had my Remicade a woman getting it also was just getting over shingles. the Dr told her it was a result of getting the remicade. I wonder how often this happens? hope you are feeling better.Very good of you to post the photo, as shocking as it is. Somehow most people have never actually seen shingles so it's often a surprise when it arrives and we don't know what it is.  It was certainly true for my husband and me when he developed pain on his upper thigh and then the red spots/blisters just like these started appearing.
Take good care of yourself and I hope it is over very soon.
OW!  Get well soon!!!!!!!Yep, Thats it. My Grandma would get them. She got them along her waist line. Terrible pain. So very sorry for you. I pray for a speedy recovery.Oh my....how painful that looks!  I am so sorry you're suffering with this.  Sending up prayers that you recover fully, and quickly!  OH MY! I'm so sorry. I've heard how horrible they can be if not caught early. Get well soon.
FYI: I think anyone that hasn't had the chicken pox can get chicken pox from you....not small pox. I THINK their dfferent. I could be wrong. Nurses?
Ouch, ouch, ouch.  I had shingles once along the nerve of my eye.  I was lucky that I got in to the doctor the first day and started on anti-virals right away.
I'm so sorry you have shingles.  It's terrible stuff!

Ouch - that looks painful.    I hope the meds can help you feel comfortable.   It does not look like fun.

I had shingles in September and still have the nerve pain left from them.  Nearly the same area too.  Left side, but on the scalp and my ear got it too.  It took a week for a doc to finally diagnose me so at that point the antiviral therapy was not as effective.  Also, like a big dummy I scratched at mine so now I have got some impressive scars and a really attractive bald spot on the top of my head from mine.
I've heard how terrible it can be but never saw the actual rash/blisters. I'm so sorry you are suffering this pain! I does look terribly painful.
My rheumatologist told me to be sure to get a shingles vaccine. She said if that pain started, along with what I already have , it would be extremely hard to control.
The problem is, there appears to be a shortage of the shingles vaccine! My PCP doesn't have it and said they don't know if they will be getting any at all. I asked my Rheumy, too. She doesn't know anyone who has it either. So if anyone hears of a drugstore offering them, like they do flu shots, please let us know. Thanks!
Mabus, I sure hope you start feeling much better soon!
Gentle hugs, Nini
oh that looks painful...sorry you're going through this.  Feel better soon!ugh.. that looks so bad!!
there's a shingles vaccine? I know there's a chic pox one... I need to look into that.. thanks, nini.
best to you,mabus..heal quickly.
that's an interesting comment Lovie, so shingles can cause chicken pox or small pox???
Which vaccine do they no longer give? it sounds like shingles is just another virus from the pox family.
Does anyone know?
I have been isolated, my family is running from me like i have leprosy LOL
[QUOTE=mabus]that's an interesting comment Lovie, so shingles can cause chicken pox or small pox???

so anyone who has had chicken pox can re-activate in adults and be a walking typhoid (sp)mary and pass it around??????



so anyone who has had chicken pox can re-activate in adults and be a walking typhoid (sp)mary and pass it around??????


Basically.  I don't believe you can pass it on unless you have active disease, though.
If you have shingles, and are around someone who has not had chicken pox, then that individual can develop chicken pox.  If the person has had chicken pox, they should be safe around you.  But, I believe they could also become a carrier and transmit the virus that way.  I was in the hospital for a week and a half with mine and was treated the same way.  Wasn't allowed out of my room, some nursing staff even made me keep my door closed at all times.  Others were nice about it and let me at least open the door.  That was the worst hospital stay ever.
The shingles vaccine is only indicated for use in patients 60+ and would probably not be used in patients like us because it's a "live" vaccine.  I think the over 60 thing has something to do with the vaccines effectiveness wearing off over time.  The current vaccine is called Zostavax I believe.
the dr did say stay away from children and women who are pregnant
thanks for the info, i do hope i am one of the people that don't get another occurance (50% of people who get shingles)
Oh Mabus- I hope they go away soon!
I never saw shingles before- my first thought was it looked like a severe case of poison ivy!

Bob's right- the Shingles vaccine is "live"- I was told I was not a candidate for one. I guess because of the MTX?

That's correct, about the MTX that is.  When I first started tech school, we were asked to have a titration done to determine chicken pox resistance.  I was pretty low and when I asked my rd about the vaccine she told me it was live and that I would need to be off Enbrel and MTX for one month, then get the vaccine. 

I'll just take my chances at another outbreak of shingles instead of getting the vaccine.  I now know what they feel like coming on and when to get to the doctor for Valtrex. 
Want to see some better pics of shingles?
I mean better as in, with the classic redness under the rash.  There's also some good info there for people who might want to know some more about the virus.
Bob H.
when does itching phase end?  It is horrible right now, i feel like i need a cat scratch postI wish I had taken a picture of mine..
Imagine that rash, but bleeding and red in a swath as wide as my outstretched hand from just above my right shoulderblade all the way around my torso to my  belly button..
it hurts, itches and burns as bad as it looks.
I itched  for at least 3 weeks and now its been what 3 months? and it still itchhes at times.. I take gabapentin for the neuropathy.
The itching will be around for a while.  I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but don't scratch them.  They will leave bad scars.   Maybe your doc can give you an rx for some topical steroids or even a medrol dose pack for the itching.  Keep in mind that you can have lasting nerve damage from them called post herpetic neuralgia as well as post herpetic itch as well. 
If anyone is interested in natural remedies for shingles I found this one
I'm already on enough flippin meds and wanted to give the PHN treatment a try so I ordered a bottle last week.  I'll fill everyone in on how it works when I get it.
Bob H
thanks for the great info.... i am doing some natural stuff to speed up the drying up phase, will keep you posted on what works. i am beginning to see a shingles and ra connection for me with various stress triggers thrown in....Can people with autoimmune disease and on these strong drugs we are all on get the shingles vaccine? Please feel better Mabus and thanks so much for the post, good wishes are coming your way as fast as I can send them. waddie,
i think someone mentioned it was a live virus so not good for people on medications that suppress the immune system.  maybe someone else could answer this question. thanking you for good wishes.
woke up feeling great this morning..woohoo as i did sometime that elimatinated the oozing, cracking phase from yesterdays photo. i soaked paper towels in hydrogren peroxide and water and patted on effected area for a few minutes. yes it burned like a ____. then i dapped entire area with tree tea oil and yes it burned like a _____. then after that dryed patted on caladryl. the itching and burning was intense and i felt like i had a third degree burn eewww. well this morning NO BLISTERS, just very red area across back, neck and chest and feels much better.You're a tough one Mabus- glad you are feeling better!Ouch Mabus...I just read your post and am glad you are getting better.  Hiking_galHi-thanks for sharing to photo.  I have only seen what the outbreaks look like on me but not otheres.  Yep, its the same.  That is a little large that the ones I get.  I'm so sorry for you because I know how painful it and the skin aroun it can be.  I know my skin hursts o bad just before an outbreak.  And of course the itching is horrible.  I take advil to help tke some of the feverish stuff down...
Bless you!
thought this was interesting, about patient who's RA went into remission after shingles outbreak        http://www.springerlink.com/content/7873416104563028/
if i get brave i will post post blister pictures
my home remedie seemed to shorten down blister phase
no PHN at this timeIt IS a live vaccine -- and thus not suitable for people with auto-immune diseases. We, the ones who need it most!picture of back four days out from onset of blisters
looks alot better but neck is totally gross as hair keeps getting stuck in blisters
i will NOT share with you the picture of front torso Mabus it looks a lot better. Hang in there! (as if you don't have a choice).Quit your whining mabus, it ain't that bad, we know you just want sympathy.ah the evil twin is on the loose ..... ROFLMAO

It may not seem like it, but those are healing nicely.  The scabs are beginning to form I see.  How is the itching?  The worst is over now and it should get better every day.  I'm sure I don't have to tell an adult this but try not to pick at the scabs when they begin to fall off.  One of these days maybe my wife will let me have my camera back and I can get a pic of the scarring I have from these little devils on here. 

Trust me it ain't a pretty sight.
Bob H.
Mabus, I'm so glad you are at this end of shingles and feeling better. Mabus,  sorry you are going through this! what a horrible thing to deal with. I appreciate the pictures, as I have never seen what they look like. I hope you recover very quickly and your itching isn't too bad. I can't imagine the torture of not being allowed to scratch. yikes! Take care sweetie!

So glad your starting to heal....

With all my sympathy, (


The shingles are terrible, so painful..........so very painful......I have had them 3 times, although the second 2 were not as severe
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