Neve - Photos - OT | Arthritis Information


These are all very recent photos of my girl. She is six, seven next February...oooh, goodie, I am starting to get how to do this. Yippee!

Hi Cordelia, just popped in before i leave for the coast...the photos of Neve are beautiful...shes a gorgeous little girl, you must be so proud....She made a wondeful Witch..I love the green hair. Im glad you have learnt how to post photo's, it really fun. I still have a problem with getting mine smaller.




Thanks, Pin. Yeah, I love her to bits, she is a beautiful little girl. Yep, the green hair is just so gorgeous, isn't it. It was attached to the hat.  Oh the pics at the beach. Love them. She is beautiful. I bet her mommy is also.Her beauty stands out even with all the witches make up! What a lovely little girl!What a darling girl -- although it's too bad that that she dyes her roots blonde with such naturally beautiful green hair.    Cordy, she is a cutie pie! She does have a very sweet face. It's easy to see that she is the love of your life!
You are getting so good at the picture thing. I still have no idea how to post pics!
Hugs, Nini
Oh Cordy, Neve is just beautiful!  I especially like the photo of her in pink...that's her colour!I see and angel that has transformed into a witch.

Good to see you getting the hang of posting images...
Aww, Cordy. She is beautiful. I'm glad you have good support and friends who will take her when you are not feeling well.I just read all your comments to Neve, who beamed at your compliments. Yep, she is so like me especially when I was little before the ravages of RA and medications took it's toll on me. Right now, I feel like a permanent blimp from Prednisone. Blah. My mother who recently died was beautiful also especially as a girl and young woman.

I will post some more photos of her from events that are coming up soon - her awards night and dance concert are happening soon.
Well add one more compliment to the list Cordy!!  Neve is beautiful :)  Great photo Cordy!    lorrie2008-11-21 19:41:42Gosh, Lorrie, I so would like to come on Wednesday but am really unwell at the moment and have transport problems to I don't think it will be possible for me unfortunately. I so wanted to actually meet you and Janie in the flesh.

I am flaring somewhat due to my mother's death. Stressors like that always take their toll of us. I am really mad because before Mum died, I was really stable and had actually had major improvement. My pain was so stable and to a minimum but now the fatigue and pain are beating me up something dreadful. I have basically spent the last two weeks in bed and am barely getting through the weekends at the moment. I am feeling very angry that my stable little boat was tossed onto the jagged rocks. Oh, and thanks Link for your kind words about Neve. I love my girl and think she is pretty special. Cordy, yeslorrie2008-11-21 19:40:29Thanks, Lorrie, I would so appreciate any notes from the lecture.  Hi Cords, I am crying now because you are not coming to the seminar- boo hoo

Just kidding, get well soon, love Janie.

Janie, I am really disappointed too, I would absolutely love to be in it but I know I am just not well enough at the moment for a trip to Brisbane.

I so hope you all have a great time...think of me while you are doing coffee. I am just so jealous. Cordy!! What a beauty your girl is!!
such a great disposition she displays too.....  love that smile..
thansk so much for sharing!! 
Thanks, Babs, she a sweetie. I am rather chuffed that she's mine and I've been given the job to guide her into adulthood, regardless of the challenges RA brings us. 