To those whose RD is in a different state. | Arthritis Information


If you see a rheumatologist that is in a different state and take infusions how do you arrange to take them?  The doc I see now, is 50 miles away, but in the same state and she said that she couldn't arrange for me to get infusions at a hospital that is much closer to me. (15 miles)  Something about not having physicians priveleges there.  How can she not do that, but can give me a standing lab order and them do it there?

I mean, other than making the commute every 8 weeks, are there any other options?  I'm asking because I live in WV and am planning on going back to where I was diagnosed which is 4 hours away in Charlottesville, Va,
Any thoughts or help?
Bob H.
Bob, I'm not in that situation, however I get my infusions at home using a service that delivers the meds and then arranges for a visiting nurse to come run the IV.  It is definitely more convenient and costs less than if I had them done at the hospital (my RD's office does not do them).  Perhaps there is an infusion service in your area, or even a generalized visiting nurse service that might consider it.  Otherwise, I agree that I don't understand why your RD can't write a script for you to have them done at the local hospital.HI Bob,
My RD is in Mass and I live in NH.  I'm going to be starting Orencia when and if Insurance approves.  It is the pits because going to Boston every 4 weeks will be a pain.  My RD said that this is a huge money maker for hospitals (all of the infusions) and he doesn't understand why hospitals won't make arrangements.  He said if I knew of an Oncologist that would order the meds, and give me the infusions that would be fine but unfortunately he doesn't know any doctors in my area.  It's about an hour and 15 min., however, turns into more than 1/2 a day because it's in downtown Boston and there is so much construction, traffic, paying for parking, etc. etc.....
So it's my choice:  Change RD's, or suck it up.  I'll suck it up cause he's one of best.
HI Bob, I think Inner Glow/Suzanne is onto something, I know some nurses can come to your home over here in Aus, but I am not sure where you are, I travel 3 hours or sometimes 4 to see different Drs, my new rituxan drug will be given to me in a hospital overnight due to allergic type responses to most meds and I have to travel approx 2.5 or 3 hours each way for those.  I guess we have to do what we have to do, but don't be afraid to put your feelers out and get some info, best of luck.  PS is Charlottesville where the medicine can be gotten locally, is that why you are going there?  If so and you don't really want to move, do your research first, you never know. My RD is 4 hours away and I just plan my time around them. To move back I have to purchase a car ( oh yeah need a job to purchase a car) and figure out a place to live...not easy at this age.  Daughter has plans to do the same, she would rather raise the baby in Indiana she says.
Anyway, mine is a 4 hour drive.....I deal with it cause the docs here for RA are ""DIFFERENT""
GEesh now I am missin' "home" again. LOL never ends! Good luck trying to problem solve, it is not easy. NOthing is.Bob, check out  I know they're in WV based on  They seem to be nationwide, so anyone else with a long trip for infusions might want to check them out as well.  This is not the company I use (mine is local only) so I can't recommend them per se, but I don't know of any reason not to try them out.

Thanks InnerGlow, I'll look into both.  I see a RD right now in this state but, like I mentioned, I was thinking of going back to where I was diagnosed 23 years ago next month.  When I had hip replacement surgery they sent a home health nurse out to do the blood collection for monitoring of Coumadin therapy and a therapist to make me do my exercises.  That would be great if I could do that.  It wouldn't be cool if I had an infusion reaction at home but I'd assume that I would be required to do the first few in the hospital. 

I'll find out.  Either way thanks for the help/advice everyone.
I had to do my first Orencia infusion in the hospital, and when I had no problems, then I was able to do them at home.  If you're taking a stronger infusion, such as Rituxan, I'm not sure if that makes a difference, but it doesn't hurt to ask.I'm scared to death of the Rituxan.  Mostly because of bad press that it gets over side effects.  Call me "murphy" though as anything that can happen...usally does to me.
Bob- I forget- did you have JRA that went into remission and came back as RA or have you been suffering all 23 years?

JRA, it went into remission for a LONG time and reared it's ugly head back in 2001.  For some reason I started calling it just plain old RA by then.  I guess it's because I was an adult and not a juvenile anymore.  It wasn't as bad and Enbrel whipped it's but for a while but then after about three years stopped working as well.  This took me into the mid part of 2007 (there were other drugs before enbrel but we won't go there for the sake of space) when my new RD decided that enbrel had to go.  I was on remicade for nearly a year when the mother of all flares hit me in late may/early june. 

Things haven't been good for me since: REALLY high pred dose led to:shingles+cellulitis first, then high blood pressure, now the gut problems.  I've also developed high pressure in both eyes so I'm being treated for glaucoma even though it's not technically there yet the doc says it will bring the pressure down and prevent any damage.
bob_h762008-11-15 20:57:24