My hands | Arthritis Information


I was so shocked.

I have had 6 surgeries in all to my hands due to RA. I can type and do ok most of the time but have lost a lot of feeling in my hands through the years.
My daughter and I were looking at our hands and she asked me why my fingers were bent. I told her they never used to be.....but to look at them now, they are. THe arthritis is now taking over where the RA left off with all the soft tissue damage. I feel like such an old woman and """old jallopy""""
It is kind of scary when you can actually watch your body deteriate so quickly. Ohw ell , just have to get used to it, what are the options?????????LOL( oh sooo not funny).
THis is one reason why I need a competant RD, one that knows me and all I have been through with this disease. My ankles are nearly shot these days and that means more yeah, like in another post on traveling for an RD, I do that cause it is my body and i gotta be able to be around for at least a few more years.
Jode - I am slowly watching my hands deteriorate (started long before dx and DMARDS) - I even showed it and joked pre-dx with the MDs that I was contracting "mouse hand" (I thought it was from using the computer mouse too much, geez) and it is discouraging when they don't even look or care.  I know I am on the verge of having a tendon burst in my first finger of my right hand (my prominent side) because of the twisting, but at least now there are the surgeries like you mentioned.  Rest is the only thing that works for me.  Hang in there ~~ huggles ~~ CathyJSNM-have you been to a hand therapist?buck - yes.  I also have an OT therapist who only does hands/wrists (mostly for the elderly of FL, she said it was nice to have someone young for a change LOL), do the hand/wrist exercises every day with putty and weights, and wear special splints at night.  I have noticed lately a slowing down of the progression and the past few days have been almost totally pain free.  I don't know what changed, but something changed dramatically.  But, with RA, I know it will be back :(Just looking at my hands you'd think I was 80 years old and I'm only 53. I think they've always looked old but definitely in the last few years they've aged considerably. Big knuckles, slightly twisted fingers.....I so envy beautiful hands...sigh.

My hands are ugly. I use to have my nails done, loved the way they looked. I went for 20 years and had acrylics done. Havent done them for over a year now. My hands hurt so bad sometimes it wasnt worth the nail tech touching me.  Funny, that you called it mouse hand that is what it looks like to me, like I palmed a mouse. My knuckles are all swollen on top of my hands, I am addicted to lotion, I think it helps to rub my hands. I don't know...If they didn't have to hurt huh...

Six were they for if you don't mind me asking?

Today mine are very swollen and look like they are bleeding under the skin, not like they are bruised but they are bright red and they hurt. My thumbs are started to sublux, they're sliding under my hand. My left wrist I broke about 4 years ago in a couple of places so that one hurts much more than the right but the right looks worse on MRI.It is discouraging....I have to laugh in some respect though.....odd as it may seem. When I broke my wrist( my fault, was getting head phones down out of the closet for mydaughter on the rainiest day of the year and I fell off the stool, so dorkish!) Anyway, my fiance' at the time used to kid me that I broke my wrist playing solitaire, thus the ouse thanks for that memory, it brightened my day.
BAck to the clinic today for refills and jumping out of denial of these tumor, cyst things going on in my heart and my lungs. Prob just Ra but I cannot get any info on that. When I go to my RD I will ask him about it. We got the heart thing pretty well situated to the best of our ability ( cardiologist and I), just got sick of the diet so I splurged on low fat icecream and Hershey syrup...yummmmmmm so good!!!!!!!!!!!! But, it made me feel sick ! lol never fails does it?
Yikes Jode- best of luck to you with everything you have going on! Wendyr, have you had a doctor look at your "bleeding under the skin."  I had these that looked like red dots and they were mostly around the nail but sometimes on the knuckle.  They could get very painful at times.  My RD treated it as rheumatoid vasculitis and rx'd me Imuran to treat it.  The Imuran seemed to be the cure and I haven't been bothered by this in quite a while.  Hopefully this little info will help.
Thanks....well I decided I am gonna live life as though I am dyin', that a song?
GOt my prescrips..........not much for clinics but this doc had a decent bedside manner and seemed competant although would not refill my vicodin..............big sigh................ the drug abuse amongthis community is unreal around here..Today at the clinic I even say a toddler with Fetal  Alcohol Syndrome, so sad.
Miss my puppy too...oh well....hope all are fine.
Yes, Inmuran is good for cracked skin, Enbrel worked thebest on my skin, I nearly was rid of all my brown scaly soon as I went off the Enbrel, theywere back.Wow Jodejjr, you sure are a fighter and so upbeat. That's the way I HOPE to be if anything gets worse for me down the road...and what a cute baby pic!! Keep smiling