Plaq question | Arthritis Information


about 3 weeks ago I started on Plaquenil (sp) I posted about a fine rash over the trunk of body, so I took Benadryl and now I am ok. But my question is....How does it help? Will it cut the inflamation?, Pain? Or is the primary function of the drug to slow down damage. I hope it works soon. I am starting to regret turning down predisone. I have at least 10 swollen red INFLAMED joints currently. If it wasnt for my Vicodin and Ibprofin 800 I would not get out of bed.

Oh, my main question is when does it typically start to help and how will I know? 
 meaning can I expect the  pain or swelling to go?......
(Gosh here I go half way around the barn to ask a question) Sorry folks!Hi inflamedOnline,
I'm a newbie here & my name is Leann.
I too just started Plaquenil 400mg daily. Just saw my rheumy last week so I've only been on the Plaquenil for a few days. This is the way I understand it: Plaquenil gives the MTX a "boost" makes it work better I guess........and it may take a couple months to work, just like the MTX...hope this helps. This is what my rheumy told me....

I started Plaquenil I believe in March of this year. My Rheumy told  me it had to build up in my system before it fully started to work. I'd say within about 6 weeks I noticed things feeling better. But I've heard Plaquenil isn't as strong at MTX and that I may need to start MTX along with it if this didn't work for me. Plaquenil I've heard is a really old drug that they've used for a long time and pretty safe, but they do say you need to get your eyes checked twice a year as it can cause damage to your eyesight.

Take care!
Thanks Klynn,
I hope it starts working soon. Anything feeling better will be a welcome right now. I am trying not to stress with the Holidays comming. I LOVE to cook Thanksgiving meal and I am grateful my kids all help. The kitchen gets a lil crowded at times...but over the years they know whose kitchen it really is
Thanks for the info, Oh yeah I have had my eye exam....just getting ants in my pants...wanting some relief.
I'm sorry you're feeling so crummy! I hope the Plaquenil starts to kick in for you soon! It makes it so hard to keep going when you're feeling lowsy during the busy holiday season but thats great you have kids that like to help you.  I can't wait for my 2 boys to get a little older and HOPE they help mom in the kitchen as well! Hope you have a stress free and wonderful Thanksgiving

Good Times with the family, nothing beat it.

edited: I am so fat that I mispelled words...........and adding.....I can't cook worth a damn, that's why my daughter can't cook either, God love her!  Husband has to bring home take out, that's another reason I'm so f-ing that KFC................this place really rocks!!!!!!!!!!!I have not taken Plaquenil but sure hope it starts working for you.
Good luck to you!
I've taken 400 mg. of plaq. since April 2007 and I have not seen any benefit. I take 22.5 mg. of mtx and Enbrel as well. The only reason I continue to take the plaq is that my rheumy says it will really help me and I trust him. Maybe it is helping with things I can't see. I go in for my eye exam this week. Depending upon how that goes, I may or may not continue with the plaq. I hope that you have good luck with it. I was on Plaquenil about 16 years ago, it worked wonders.  It actually put me into remission, had to come off of it after 6 months due to itching. But it effects were long term.  Didnt have another flare for 5 years. Tried it again last year and itched immediately---bummer.  Hope it does as good for you as it did for me.  It took about 4 weeks to start working so hang in there!