Describe your Onset RA Pain | Arthritis Information


Before you got the OFFICIAL word you had RA, how would you describe what you were feeling? What type of pain?

For me, it's severe stiffness in my hands in the morning and in my feet but bad joint pain/swelling. It's bad in the morning and at night when I lay down. It keeps me up. How did you know the difference between regular arthritis and RA and even Lupas?

I see a new doctor on November 28th. Wish me luck.

Thanks for your input


Hi TT89,

The onset pain for me was in my hands and wrists. I would get terrible shooting pains along the tendons, swelling across the underside of the wrist and then my fingers would curl toward the palm. I could neither open or close my fingers. There was swelling on the top of the hand and in the fingers too. I had two assesments for Carple Tunnel which were negative. The Neurologist said that the inflammation in my hand was putting pressure on the nerves causing carple like pain. I was left undiagnosed for a year and no treatment. During that time the pain went to other joints, hip, feet , shoulders. Things have been better since I was diagnosed and treatment started.

Hope that helps you,



My pain for my RA started in my middle finger, right hand. It realy hurt but I didn't think anything of it cause I was under a lot of stress at the time. Then one morning, my entire finger curled up and I couldn't even extend it! It was sooo scary to say the least! The real breaking point was when I could not lift my right arm to comb my hair. That was when I knew something was "definitely wrong".
But looking back, during this time, whenever I woke up, I felt a lot of stiffness but then it would go away after about 2 hours. I had no idea that it was the onset of RA.
But I always felt like a mack truck hit me (not that I really know what that feels like and hope I never do).
Sorry, I might have repeated my story to answer another post.

I was diagnosed back in fall of 02'. I hope you get diagnosed properly ASAP so you can get the proper treatment. The sooner the better, ok? The meds take a while to kick in. Are you on any presriptions now or just OTC ones?

Best of luck with your doctor cause you will have a doctor/patient relationship with him or her. I really do hope you find a good one! I've had mine from the beginning but am not crazy about him. I am thinking of changing soon. HTHTT89,

With RA, there is swelling in the joints and if it is in one joint, it eventually will be in the other joint. Example: right knee swelling, eventually, left knee will swell too. I can't remember the medical term for that.

I don't believe there is anything like regular arthritis. To my disbelief and surprise, there are like 100 different types of arthritis'. I just hope they find a cure within my lifetime and hopefully sooon!

It's tough but I am happy I can talk to people on this message board with similiar experiences (and unfortunately pain) of how I feel. I feel I have found some new friends...: )

My feet began hurting. I was sent to a podiatrist, and he dxd neromas and plantar faciitis, and gave me three painful shots. I was great for several months and then my left shin began to ache intermittingly. It wasn't bad and I really didn't pay much attention to it. Then I began to wake up with knee stiffness. I had to forcefully extend my legs. It wasn't  painful, but since my mother has RA, I went to my dr, and insisted on RA blood panel, even though he thought I had a local situation in my knees. Blood tests were +.  By the time I saw my RD, (it took a while to get in) my hand joints had swollen.

I wonder now, if my foot problems were RA. I am having foot pain currently. I also wonder about my aching shin. There are many times now, that I ache in spots somewhere between joints.


The first years I started having problems I would wake suddenly from pain in my hands. Almost as if my hands (Both of them) had fallen asleep and when I moved them they felt as if every bone in my hands would break. I could barely hold a toothbrush, button my shirt...or tie my shoes until I'd been up for several hours. My fingers were puffy, red...and hot.

Soon I began having trouble with my shoulders. I could barely raise my arms above my head to brush or dry my hair.

It wasn't long there after that I began having trouble with my knees and hips as well. All on both sides.

I'd been to a GP due to swelling in my feet. The joint at my big toe was very painful and would swell out the bottom of my foot (The ball of your foot) The GP told me that I had bunions and that eventually I'd have to have surgery to have them removed. He dismissed my other symptoms as stress.

I began studying and researching because I knew I had some form of arthritis....but it was different than the arthritis my grandmother and aunts had. Soon I referred myself to a rd.

The RD that I started with originally dignosised me with RA before my blood work was even back from the lab. I had all the classic symptoms. She gave me two shots or cortisone in the shoulders, a prescription for predisone and a prescription for some antinflamatory (I can't even remember which one now). She told me once we got my RA under control the swelling in my feet would go away....she was right. Rarely any problems there at all now.

My RD personally called me at home two days later to see how I was feeling. I told her I could not believe the difference. I hadn't felt this good in such a long time. She said good, we're on track then. Come back to see me in four weeks.

Turns out I'm seronegative. It doesn't show in my blood work....but I have all the other symptoms including errosions on my x-rays. There's like 7 or 8 symptoms on the criteria for dx; I had all but two. We started on DMARD theropy right away and I've been on it every since. Now I also use Biologics.

I can honestly say the beginning is the worst...It's a progressive disease that does progress over time, but it can be slowed. You can improve dramatically with proper treatment. I hope things improve for you soon.


Hey T~ I thought this might be helpful. p;PN=3

I'm not sure if you've seen our "New here? Useful links" section; but there was alot of useful information posted early on. If you look at the top of that section there's a little drop down menu and if you click on "View All" if will give you access to all the pages. I think there's about three of them. If you haven't already done so this information will be very helpful in the early days as you are trying to find information on RA, symptoms, criteria and treatments.

You might have seen it, but I mentioned the criteria in my post and it made me think of that link.

Well thanks for sharing all your stories. They have helped me so much! You guys/gals are great.

I cannot thank you enough and thanks for the links too.

As for meds, right now I'm on OTC Naproxen which helps only to take the edge off but I have to take several at a time, and my stomach is NOT happy.


Again, I do not feel so alone now or crazy. I knew something was wrong. I'll keep you posted on the outcome of my new appt and again. THANK YOU to each of you!

TT8938673.4062615741Aleve/Naproxen is about the same things as of the first antinflamatories I was prescribed. Just always make sure to have something on your stomach. Never on an empty can cause serious damage.

Thanks Lovie, Actually....I don't think it's helping. Today I took Motrin instead and it seemed to help more. Not sure why...but I have a little over a week before I see the new doc...I'm praying he helps me. I've lost faith in docs after what I have been through.

Thanks for all your help!


Your doctor (RD) sounds awesome! She really seems like she has a great bedside manner and is a very good listener. You are lucky to have such an attentive doctor. I wish I were you! I'm thinking of switching my RD but he is the director of the dept and my PCP says if I switch to another doctor in the same hospital, that doctor will not disagree with the first one and it may make things awkward for me. What do you think about that?hatehavingra38673.9748611111

Well my original RD who dx'ed me was awesome....but she moved!!

I think your PCP is probable right about the doctors in the same practice or hospital....although I think alot of them have such different personalities that it might make a difference. If your not happy with your dignosis and you absolutely disagree then you might want to switch to someone else that can give you a true second opinion.

Finding an RD you like and trust is such a very important first step in what will be a long road ahead of you. Try to find one that will listen and be patient with you. Some doctors want to rush you in and out so quickly and rarely listen to you. Those are the ones you do not want. Keep in mind that depending on your age....this will likely be a long term relationship. I choose a young doctor with the intentions of keeping him a long time. My first RD out lasted my first needs to be someone you want to grow with. Someone that will take the time to get to know you as an indiviual because this disease affects us all so differently.

Another excellent tip is get to know your RD's nurse. My nurse and I are on first name basis. She knows me, things about me....always asks how my husband is. Remembers everything right down to the fact that my house has far too many steps. This relationship will be just as important in the long run as your relationship with your doctor. She's the one that keeps up with everything. She's the one that answers the call when you call for help. She's the one that makes sure the doctor hears your problem when you call with one. She'll be the one that you can call with what seems like a stupid question. Get to know this person and make her your friend.

Good Luck!!

My RA started in my hands but I think for years before that I was showing a tendency toward having RA through the fact that I would consistently drop things when I reached for them or while brushing my hair, my brush would fly out of my hands but I never thought about it possibly being RA. Actually, I am not even sure I even paid attention to anything about RA.
Then 3 years ago,( October 2002) my left hand swelled up-became very hot to the touch and so stiff I couldn't even move my hand in any directions, the pain was out of this world and moved up to my elbow...I was absolutely terrified.  The very next day, my right hand did the same thing only with a lesser degree of pain. SO now both my hands we not usable and I had no idea how to make them feel better, except I kept putting cold paks on them for about 4 hours and then switched to warm paks the remaining of the day and the next day.  All in all, everything returned back to normal with in 3 or 4 days.  I was a happy camper when that happen.   Soon another round of problems besides my hands showed up.  My left foot was so bad that when I got out of bed all I could do was drag it sideways until it decided to work correctly and yes, it was hell to even put any pressure on it but the funny thing is, there was very little swelling going on with the foot. (Turned out to be OA and Plantar Facitis with no sign of RA in it)  This went on for quite some time.  Then in February 2003, My hands went nutz again and my foot was showing no improvement. I told my GP what was happening, had all the blood test done and he said everything was fine except that I was showing some inflammation was going on in my body.  He thought it was the left over side effects from having radiation...Well by August everything was out of control and I was feeling so bad that I wanted to kill every healthy person who I came in contact with...LOL.  Talk about High Anixiety...My nurse practitioner friend decided enough was enough and sent me to see a Rheumatologis and  I had the blood test for RA done and low and behold it showed I had RA and I needed help immediately....The rest is history and have been trying to live with the RA the best way I can ever since then.
