O/T Now that the Election is over.... | Arthritis Information


www.howobamagotelected.com  Interesting video. Also on You Tube. If you think the media did not play a hugh part, think againWell, I wouldn't expect a lot of comments on this 6t5, but wow.  It's not like we didn't know about the outrageous media bias.  Still, somehow it's shocking and surprizing when you see it's effects on the masses.  I guess now it'll just be business as usual for cnn and nyt and the like.  Keep the bad stuff quiet so that BHO looks good.Yep, it's those stupid masses and the elite liberal media that is, oddly, owned by right wing neo-cons (you's think they would want to address that, if only they were smart enough to realise it). It must be really tough to be smarter than everybody else and recognise this circumstance when they don't. I bet you guys would do well in politics or media. Better than those people like Colin Powell. Yes, it's hard to be you. I feel sorry for you.Don't feel sorry for us Gimpy.  True, it is a heavy burden but no one said life would be easy.  It's just ours to bear.  :)I find it sad that there are so many underinformed voters out there. But I think this goes across the board to include all people, no matter who they voted for. Well, the election isn't over for Georgia and Minnesota.  Georgia is having a runoff between two candidates for a Senate seat.  And Minnesota is having a recount.  It is over though for Alaskan Republican Ted Stevens, the "king of pork," who was convicted of federal ethic charges and lost to Democrat Mark Begich.   That's one more seat for the Democrats, bringing it to 58 --  two short of a filibuster-proof majority.

Maybe Ted was lucky to lose. Now he might not have to go to jail.[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]Maybe Ted was lucky to lose. Now he might not have to go to jail.[/QUOTE]
uh.. no ma'am.. doesn't work that way in these here states.........  he's convicted.. he'll serve... unless he  wins in appeal....... 
Tuesday, November 18, 2008     Taken from www.fivethirtyeight.com
An Interview with John Ziegler on the Zogby "Push Poll"
I had the chance this afternoon to speak with John Ziegler, a documentary filmmaker and former radio talk show host who built the website HowObamaGotElected.com and is promoting a forthcoming documentary of the same name.
Ziegler was responsible for commissioning a Zogby International survey of Barack Obama supporters, which took the form of a multiple choice political knowledge test, stating a "fact" to the respondent and asking them which of the four major candidates (Obama, McCain, Biden, Palin) the statement applied to. Because I believe that many of the statements on the survey are questionable or false but are misleadingly presented as factual to the respondent, I characterized the survey as a "push poll" in an article posted early this morning.
Ziegler had contacted me by e-mail, asking if I'd like to interview him; the interview itself was conducted by telephone. Ziegler asked, among other conditions, that I post a full transcript of the interview, which I have. The transcript below is intended to be representative as possible from my shorthand transcript, with the exception of two or three rapid-fire ad-hominem exchanges being edited out. The transcript, however, is not safe for work.
Nate Silver [NS]: Were only Obama supporters interviewed for the [Zogby] survey, or was everyone interviewed?
John Ziegler [JZ]: The reason why I interviewed Obama supporters only is because I’m doing a documentary on the media coverage of the campaign and how the media coverage of the campaign impacted what Obama supporters knew or thought they knew about the campaign. I had planned from day one because I knew that no one would take seriously any random sampling of interviewees that I was going to commission a scientific poll of these questions. I also knew that it would be a lot cheaper for me to do a nationwide survey of Obama voters than the nation as a whole because basically I’d only have to do half the number of people to get a representative sample. When I went on FOX last night, I made a deal that if anyone on the left -- you're more than willing to take me up on this -- wants to ask the exact same deal of the McCain supporters and you get examples that are equal to or worse than the Obama supporters, then I’ll pay for your expense. The point here was not to show that Obama supporters were idiots -- there are plenty of idiots on both sides of the aisle -- but what information they got from the media that they were able to consume.
NS: Do you stand by all the statements in the survey as being unambiguously true?
JZ: I stand one hundred percent by the notion that there is absolutely zero ambiguity as to what the right answer is to any of the questions. With the one exception of the Palin-Russia-Alaska question which we asked the way we did for a very specific purpose which was to try and gauge the Tina Fey Effect which I think we did in a very effective manner which was what was actually said by Tina Fey, everyone attributed to Sarah Plain. But for purposes of scoring Obama supporters’ answers we counted Palin as a correct response.
NS: What was the right answer to that [Palin] question?
JZ: The technically accurate question [sic] is that none of the four people said that, but we counted it as correct if they said Sarah Palin.
NS: Why would you commission a survey question with no correct response?
JZ: The purpose of the question, you pinhead, was we wanted to determine the Tina Fey Effect.
NS: Were the interviews conducted by telephone or online?
JZ: How can you ask a question like that and pretend that you have any clue what you're writing about! That's unbelievable that someone could write what you did! That is unbelievable that you wouldn't know that it's a telephone or an online poll and that you went on my summaries of the questions before the questions were even released!
NS: We’ve heard reports from our readers that very similar questions had been asked in an online format. There was no online component at all?
JZ: That is correct, which you would have known if you had looked at the information. Before you called this a push poll -- you don't seem to know the definition of a push poll. How do you have this website?
NS: Is the complete interview available anywhere -- complete results for the interview?
JZ: Yeah if you had done your research it is all online, every question, all the cross-tabs. Man, you're never going to post this [transcript], are you?
NS: Were the respondents informed of the 'correct' response during the telephone interviews?
JZ: No.
NS: Did Zogby have a chance to preview the questions before agreeing to accept your business?
JZ: John Zogby himself or the company?
NS: Either/Or.
JZ: I am quite certain that if I asked a question they deemed inappropriate they would have not allowed the question to be asked.
NS: What questions were removed from the survey?
JZ: We didn't remove any, we edited some.
NS: What questions were edited?
JZ: Nothing was substantially edited but there was some wording on some that we went over with them. For instance, I think I had inadvertently said “See Russia from my home” instead of “See Russia from my house”. There was a distinction about Obama talking about energy prices versus electricity prices so we corrected that. That’s all that I can recollect.
NS: What did Zogby charge you -- what did you pay for this survey?
JZ: I'm not going to tell you that, I'm not a f***ing idiot.
NS: Did he charge you at his usual rates or did he ask you for extra?
JZ: You'll have to ask them. I'm not going to respond how much money I paid for this. It was substantial but I’m not going to say anything more than that.
NS: In the Youtube video, how were the Obama supporters identified for the Youtube video?
JZ: I had nothing to do with it. I had a person who was working with me who happens to be a black female since you seem to think I’m a racist who was the one that chose all of the respondents based on conversations we’d had prior, people who were well-spoken, thought they were informed, willing to come on camera and [who] voted for Barack Obama.
NS: What was the location of the polling place where the interviews were conducted?
JZ: They were both in Los Angeles.
NS: Okay, that's what I kind of guessed. How many Obama supporters did you speak with in total?
JZ: All twelve we spoke with are in the video.
NS: Was there any significance to the fact that in the YouTube video, seven of the twelve Obama supporters were black?
JZ: [Laughs]. The reason why we had more black supporters – that might surprise some of the people that we spoke to -- if we go by your apparent ability to determine race -- the first location happened to be in a black section of town and we were able to get our interviews faster there because of they way that was set up, because of the logistics. We had a second location but it got dark and we didn't have any lights. So, that's it, it was no grand racial conspiracy.
NS: How did you represent yourself to John Zogby?
JZ: As private company, Death-of-Free-Speech-dot-inc which is the name of a book that I wrote.
NS: Did Zogby give you sign-off on the press release that he released on his website?
JZ: I'm not sure what you mean by sign-off. The press release I had input into, yes.
NS: Did you have financing for the project or was it paid for out of pocket?
JZ: It is not self-financed.
NS: Who paid for it?
JZ: You think I'm going to tell you that? When you've already shown yourself to be the enemy?
NS: Was it paid for by the RNC?
JZ: [Laughs]. In your world, the question that I would ask you is what question [in the survey] is there any ambiguity as to what the answer is?
NS: Well, that Obama 'launched his career' at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground --
JZ: That happens to be one of the questions that Obama supporters did the best on! They did better on that question than on any other Obama-related answers! And here you’re telling me that it’s not true?
NS: What do you mean by "launched his career"?
JZ: The first campaign as told by the person whose position he took in the State Senate, as told by her admission, his first campaign event was in the home of Bill Ayers and his wife. [Laughs] Unless you live in the Obama kool-aid world! That is astonishing to me that you would not accept that! And by the way, when you're given four responses to that question, what else was the response going to be? Sarah Palin?
NS: Well, her husband was a member of a secessionist party.
JZ: You are such a hack! That's a very good analogy.
NS: Do you think that certain types of voters are less well informed?
JZ: I think anyone that looks rationally at these poll results would have to conclude that Obama voters are incredibly poorly informed about major issues that occurred during the campaign -- my guess is because McCain voters got their information from different types of media than Obama voters did.
NS: What types of media would you consider credible?
JZ: I think you need a variety of sources, but I do not accept the notion that if it's not in the New York Times it's not true and if it is in the New York Times it is. Just because Sean Hannity says something doesn't mean it’s not true.
NS: What is Barack Obama’s religion?
JZ: You'll have to ask him. But I do know that he never claimed to be a Christian until he met Reverend Wright. And I do believe -- and I’ve never held this against him -- that it would have been highly unlikely for him not to have been registered as a Muslim as a child in Indonsesia but who cares. He did change his website based on that reality –- he was far more ambiguous about that issue on Fight The Smears. I’m an agnostic so I couldn't care less what his religion is. I just care that he lied about it.
NS: When do you think Obama was a Muslim?
JZ: I think he was likely -- registered as a Muslim between the ages of 6 and 10 while he was going to school in Indonesia. It would have been highly unusual for him not to be.
NS: But would you personally consider Obama a Muslim?
JZ: No, because he was a child. We're talking about two totally different things. There's what religion you're born into and there's what religion you become because of your own decisions
NS: Would you consider Obama a Christian?
JZ: You'd have to ask him. There was never any evidence that he was a Christian until he decided to join the church of a racist hate-monger for political purposes.
NS: Would you not believe Barack Obama if he told you he was a Christian?
JZ: Does he believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God who died and was raised from the dead later?
NS: Do you think he’s a believer in Jesus Christ?
JZ: I have no way of knowing that. I don't think there's any evidence that he is, either.
NS: Do you have doubts about Barack Obama's birth certificate?
JZ: I couldn’t care less about that. I accept he was born in Hawaii.
NS: Would you consider yourself well-informed
JZ: I’d consider myself extremely well-informed.
NS: Who are the two senators from South Dakota
JZ: Thune and, uh, Johnson.
NS: Very good. South Carolina?
JZ: Go f*** yourself. I'm done with this interview if you're going to ask me stupid questions like that. Obviously I know who Lindsay Graham is.
NS: Well, since you’re running a website calling people misinformed, I’d like to see if -- there are certain things you’ve said that I would consider misinformed.
JZ: Misinformed? You're a piece of work! You are never going to have the guts to post a representative transcript on your website! I thought you actually ran a legitimate website!
NS: Thank you, have a good day.
JZ: Go f*** yourself.

LOL[QUOTE=lorster]I find it sad that there are so many underinformed voters out there. But I think this goes across the board to include all people, no matter who they voted for. [/QUOTE]
Your probably right about the voters on both sides but, I think it shows that many media outlets were in the tank for Obama. People were so caught up in the " moment " with Obama. That girl wearing the Obama shirt for instance. The press was more interested about Sarah Palins wardrobe then anything Negative towards Obama.
[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]Yep, it's those stupid masses and the elite liberal media that is, oddly, owned by right wing neo-cons (you's think they would want to address that, if only they were smart enough to realise it). It must be really tough to be smarter than everybody else and recognise this circumstance when they don't. I bet you guys would do well in politics or media. Better than those people like Colin Powell. Yes, it's hard to be you. I feel sorry for you.[/QUOTE]
???? I'm thinking your still mad at nobody voting in Canada and the Conservatives winning so much ground ?
Magic Johnson was interviewed on FOx News.  Nice guy.  He likes Fox News.  He wrote a book.  Good businessman.6T5, no, I'm thinking Obama won because he was the better candidate.Gimpy-
Americans and non-Americans have different opinions on why he won, 52% to 46%.
Didn't Magic Johnson own a string of Movie Theaters ?He still does and ALOT of other business enterprises.
to 6t5
[QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]Gimpy-
Americans and non-Americans have different opinions on why he won, 52% to 46%.
I wonder how people would have felt about BHO putting all these " Clinton " people in his administration. So much for " Change ". At this rate I'm thinking Monica Lewinski is the only person left out 
Jan, I doubt all "non-Americans" have the same ideas, just as I doubt all Americans think the same way.

You guys can analyse it all you want, but it won't change the outcome. And not all people that voted for Obama were little lost sheep being led around by the "liberal media: (that one is so tired). A lot of people voted for him because he presented ideas for solutions rather than just sl*gging the other guy, orated well, and generally behave with a little dignity, which can't really be said about the other ticket.

And, 6t5, maybe if Palin had given the media something to report, rather than just repeating the same old tired talking points over and over, they would have had something to report on. Just a thought. Which I know you don't have many of your own. You can keep that one!So the solution was Clinton 3. Thats whats happening. Did ya hear Chris Matthews whoops? Much of the Media was in the tank for BHO...nuff said. Now how about that Canadien Election Eh. What happened. Everybody snowed in or something, so nobody voted?I'd rather have Clinton 3 over Bush 3 ANY day.

Yeah, but the point is that people voted for BHO because he promised "change".  So much for that, huh?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4LwPMDs_LsI voted for him because I felt he was the better candidate.

Still, he said he was going to "change" things and so far, not so much.

Obama isn't the President yet.  One Prez at a time, and unfortunately that is still George Bush.
[QUOTE=hessalina]I'd rather have Clinton 3 over Bush 3 ANY day.[/QUOTE]
I guess you guys should voted Hillary in , instead of all the BS change stuff.
Since you were obviously on the side of "no change", if you believe what you're posting you should be thrilled.

Everybody wins! Whooohooooo!

I guess if I voted for someone on the premise that they were all about change, and then he brought in many of the "old school"  I would feel like I lost.  But if his voters are happy, then so be it.

Well, I would say it's too early to know if he will effect any change or not. Like Joie pointed out, the President is still Bush Jr. "Change" is another one of those empty talking points used by both "sides". I think most people are looking for solutions and Obama presented some during the election. Obviously he hasn't had a chance to implement them yet. I'm not sure where he's supposed to find the people to do those changes if he can't pick from people he knows and knows how they operate.

John McCain supports Obama. If you support John McCain as a leader doesn't that make you think maybe Obama deserves a chance? The guys been President -elect for what, 2 weeks? And already you're denouncing him as a failure. Seems kind of prejudiced (and not racially) to me.Well, I don't remember "denouncing him as a failure".  I'm just doing what everyone is doing, waiting to see.  I hope he turns out to be a good president.  As my mom would say, it'd be like cutting off my nose to spite my face to hope he's a bad president.  But as far as my support for Johm McCain?  I never thought he was a great candidate.  I liked Mitt Romney and voted for him in the primary.  So I guess I lost twice.So, a group is going to run ads during Thanksgiving weekend praising and thanking Sarah Palin for running.  PE Obama hasn't even been sworn in yet, and the 2012 campaign has begun. 

Valley teen has some big questions

By Waverli Rainey
Published on Thursday, November 13, 2008 8:37 PM AKST


Being a Caucasian high school girl sometimes makes me forget a few things.

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in social life, school projects, homework, and studies. 

Sometimes I can forget what America looks like. Sometimes it takes a hateful word, a racial slur, or an act of disrespect to bring me to realization and clear my eyes and see. Sometimes it takes acts and images of hate to penetrate my daily thoughts and clear my mind of its clutter.

meme. If McCain had one, you may have had riots and the Liberals would have gone crazy. Nothing wrong with talking about the election. Move on yourself to another thread that may interest you. [QUOTE=6t5frlane] meme. If McCain had one, you may have had riots and the Liberals would have gone crazy. Nothing wrong with talking about the election. Move on yourself to another thread that may interest you. [/QUOTE]

6tf-that is a ridiculous thing to say. How can you have an intelligent conversation when you say things like that?My only thoughts on this are:
- You can't have it both ways. You can't say race doesn't matter and then say it was about time we had a black president. Either he was the bets candidate or he wasn't. Period.
- Why is he black if his mom was white and dad was black. Doesn't he then have the same claim to one as the other?
- At least some of his appointments are scary. Janet Napolitano for Homeland Security? She couldn't keep Arizona safe, how's she going to do it for the whole country? She kept saying that the Federal Government owed Arizona for all the costs brought about by the Illegals. Is she going to uphold that? (I know she won't)...
While I am hopeful that he will grow into his new position, he seems to have forgotten about all the change he promised... Also, the great Hope he "inspired" does not seem to be reaching Wall Street. Shouldn't there be a huge resurgence of hope and confidence in the future? The opposite appears to be happening... I know he's not President yet, but there are steps he could be taking to promote stability and confidence....IMHO that is ...
hessalina, A friend of mine knows a Traffic Sgt in Chicago. Every police officer was on duty the night of the election due to the fear of riots. That scenario probably was in other places as well. Do you rememver Rodney King? And you still think it could not happen and it's ridiculous? FEAR of riots does not mean ACTUAL riots would occur. And though I'm sure your friend who knows the traffic sgt is a great guy he/she has no credibility with me.

I'm in fear of some white racist nut assasinating the president elect but it doesn't make it so.

Fear is a ploy and it evidently is working on you.

hessalina....Look it up on Google and see how many PD's were on high alert for FEAR there may be a riot or distubance. Your fear of a nut assainating you would not put any PD's on high alert. It's called precautuion. If McCain had one and the Police took no extra steps for a disturbance thay would look incompedent. I'm glad you are not running a Police Dept looking out for public safety[QUOTE=José]
- Why is he black if his mom was white and dad was black. Doesn't he then have the same claim to one as the other? [/QUOTE]
C'mon Jose, you know that anyone with even a drop of black blood is not considered white.  That is the way many whites sees it.  My cousin's daughter is married to a black man.  Her children are black.  They do not look white and so they are more accepted and identify more with being black.  They are a lot younger than B Obama, so if that is how it is for them it had to be more so for him.  So yeah, he has the same claim to both but who will more readily claim him?
[QUOTE=Linncn] Well, I don't remember "denouncing him as a failure".  I'm just doing what everyone is doing, waiting to see.  I hope he turns out to be a good president.  As my mom would say, it'd be like cutting off my nose to spite my face to hope he's a bad president.  But as far as my support for Johm McCain?  I never thought he was a great candidate.  I liked Mitt Romney and voted for him in the primary.  So I guess I lost twice.[/QUOTE]

Linda, maybe you didn't lose twice. Give it a chance. He does not take office until January. This is not the time for any of us to be divided. We are all....screwed with the economy the way it is. I just hope he can put the best in office to help get our problems solved. I don't think it is going to be easy and I certainly hope people don't think he will solve it in his first month in office. It will take time. It will take some sacrifice on all of our parts to get us to where we need to go. I have no clues on what should/could/will happen. All I know is we are not spending any extra money right now, just paying our current debt so that we don't make our own situation worse. I know that does not help our economy but I'm not sure what else to do. No attacks on our soil for 7 years is good news in my opinion. [QUOTE=6t5frlane] meme. If McCain had one, you may have had riots and the Liberals would have gone crazy. Nothing wrong with talking about the election. Move on yourself to another thread that may interest you. [/QUOTE]
if McCain had won I would have accepted it and moved on. There would not have been riots in the street just because McCain won. And if I feel like responding to a thread I am allowed to do so take a chill pill 6t5frlane meme meme, Why are you telling us all to move on and then keep posting on this thread? One of many many on google
6t5frlane I can answer if I want to I just think it is ridiculous and if you don't like my remarks then don't answer.So I guess you are not moving on in ref to the election? I think you pontificated to us all to move on the election is over but you continue to post here so, I guess you haven't moved on either. Post away !Pam, that is my point exactly. I wasn't saying he should call himself either. I was just wondering why he's considered by most as black. If he'd inherited a much lighter complexion, would he still be so... My girls are blond w/ green and hazel eyes. My son has my dark brown hair almost black  and the most amazing very dark brown eyes but a very fair complexion. They all have a hard time convncing their classmates that they are Mexican. Which they are, half. It's kind of funny and sad at the same time. I know it takes genes from both sides to come up with the coloring that my kids have, I also know that most Mexicans aren't the dark color that most Americans associate with 'Mexican', but still....Jose, I guess when you think about it,he probably is more white. Raised by his white mother and white grandparents. He is Bi-Racial. Half white half black. Really makes no difference, except the Dems never seem to want to mention his white past . Why is that?Kind of my point...
One of my nephews is half black but he calls himself Mexican (Mexican American that is)since that is the ethnicity that he grew up in...
José2008-11-21 13:55:58you guys are pathetic.  LOL LOL LOL LOL 
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