Holiday Cleaning | Arthritis Information


SO... I got my infusion on the 11th. It went well. My RD even came to talk to me to see what the results of the bubble test were. I told her I had not heard back from them about it yet. And she wanted to know why I have not been in to see her in a few months. I told her because I missed my last appt, she told me to schedule and appt for the soonest she has an opening. So... I go to see her on the 18th of Dec.

I called my cardiologist to get them to get my coregCR Prior Authorized again. Damn medicaid. lets me get it filled one month without a PA and then the next month I have to get it PAed. I also called to make an appt to find out what the results of my bubble test were. I asked if they could tell me over the phone, but the lady said they had no results for it. I told her because another cardio from the hospital had done one and they were to get the results of it. So... she said she will make a note of it on getting the results from the other cardio before my next appt. I bet they will not even have the results from the other cardio when I go for my appt.
So... I have been pretty much swell free, just a little here and there, but nothing like it use to be. Body parts are still moving well, not much stiffness, and overall going quite well RA wise.
Thanksgiving has snuck up on me really fast this year! I was laying in bed the other morning and realized that it was only a week away from Thanksgiving and then I thought.... I wonder if my brother is coming out for Thanksgiving this year? Then panic kinda set in. So... I emailed him and asked and he said yes.
Now, I have to clean my house up. It is in such disarray. So... now I have to clean, clean, clean my house in less than a week. I just dread all that bending over and all that bothers my lower back to cause it to spasm. And then not to mention the fibro problems that bother me, like my arms getting tired and weak after folding a few pieces of clothing or wiping the table down.
I normally would not panic and fret so much about cleaning, but this year I will not have my mom to help me get the house straigtened out. My sister and my oldest niece (30 yrs old), might stop by and help me straighten up like they did last year, but I really do not want them to, as it is not their job to clean my house, even if I cannot do it.
So... if ya'll do not hear from me for a couple of weeks, I am cleaning house and the other week I am recovering from cleaning the house. Or I could have killed over from cleaning the house
My daughter had projectile vomit Tuesday. She woke up in puke. All over her bed, the floor all the way to the door, on her wall above her mantle, everywhere in her room. She was on the top bunk and man what a mess! She puked in her sleep, she did not remember puking thru the night. But man! That was a lot of puke to sleep puke.
I spent almost 2 hours in her room Tuesday morning cleaning up the puke and I finally just gave up because my lower back and arms were bothering me and I just could not take it anymore. So... I went took a shower and went and laid down.
I think daughter had the stomach virus, I mean... the girl had projectile vomit. She stayed home from school for 2 days and went back to school this morning. She feels much better.
My son is sick though. He is running a slight fever and is congested and runny nose and watery, runny eyes. He will probably be going to the Dr. tomorrow if he does not seem to get any better.
Me, I am hungry. I have been up early just about every morning this week and actually staying awake until 1-2 am. I kinda have insomnia agian. Once I am awake, I am awake for good, unless I just pass out from getting so tired.
I called my mom the other morning to tell her about what daughter said to me. It was at like 8am and she could not believe I was awake. She was not even sure it was me
My daughter told me the other day that she was "aging like good cheese". LMAO! I noticed she might need bigger bras soon, and then told her so. She said "Yeah, I am aging like good cheese!" I said "You mean lumpy and hairy?!"
I would tell ya'll about the bathroom fiasco, it was quite funny I even called hubby up at work laughing until I cried and he laughed too, but I do not think ya'll want to hear something that is a little TMI. Nothing bad, just hilarious. [/QUOTE]
Joonie, you have two sick kids and your own stuff to cope with, let your family help you if they want to.  And that includes your brother!  I know you don't want to need the help, but you'll need even more help if you just overdo it.  You know what I'm talking bout!
And if I called my mother at 8 am, she wouldn't believe it was me either, or she'd ask me who died.  8 am is just not a decent time of day. Joonie!
I've missed you and wondered where you have been!
I now see you have been very busy! Oh my!
I think it is time for you to fall down (just pretend) and call for hubby. Then HE will clean the house.
Uggg I remember those vomit days....Every last thing covered in vomit, books, toys,rug, walls, bedding....I was always a vomitphob too but somehow I managed to clean it. One night running to my son's call I slipped in a big pile of it- yuck!
Glad the infusion has made your RA in control!
Love how your RD doesn't have an opening until 12/18!!!!
