squish time | Arthritis Information


Now it's my turn Saturday but I'm thinking of postponing. My boobs are already sore because it's the "week before".

Did I read somewhere that it's good to have the test then or it's better to put it off or am I dreaming that I read anything at all about it?
I believe it's better to put it off until the tenderness from your cycle is gone.  That's the way I've always done it anyway.  Maybe someone here knows?snowowl. sorry you have to be squished. i'm not sure what that time frame is but here, it takes 2 months to get in to have it done. will you be able to get in soon? good luck. I feel your pain, lol.Thank goodness they have the technology to detect problems early. Saves lives. I have mine done every 2 years. Best of luckOh man snowowl....i just came off 7 in a row...sorry bout that, lol. Wantobe, my comment was to you. lorster2008-11-21 10:04:34[QUOTE=inflamedOnline]Thank goodness they have the technology to detect problems early. Saves lives. I have mine done every 2 years. Best of luck[/QUOTE]
.................................and it's really easy for the testers because my boobs are hangy and flat.............ugly!!!  This place rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.................................and it's really easy for the testers because my boobs are hangy and flat.............ugly!!!  This place rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My boobies resemble that remark... now you have gone and done it! You have hurt my poor saggy, deflated, strechmarked boobies feelings! They are soo SAD by what you said they are crying milk.... ummm... it is 4 year old expired milk... but none the same they are crying.
Shame on you for hurting my boobies feelings like that... you ought to be sprayed in the eye with some of their old curdled milk!
Super Star!LOL I haven't been back in to read this for awhile and got a good chuckle!
I decided to keep my appt. tomorrrow because come to find out when I looked in my BC pill pack this is not the week before my period my boobs are just tender for some reason...
I'm just going to get it over with- like lorster said- it takes awhile to ge an appt.
I'm going to take some Extra Strength Tylenol before I go and see if that helps. I'm meeting my sister in laws for lunch a few hrs. later so I hope it doesn't hurt too much.
I think the digital hurts more then the old way- does anyone else have an opinion?

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