Help me understand my blood results | Arthritis Information


Hello all,

Havent been around for a while. Had a crummy couple of months and only now beginning to feel a bit human. I still have not got a comprehensive diagnosis - rheumy says it is either lupus or RA but I dont have classic symptoms of either. Anyway I am on plaquenil since August and had few flare ups since. Just recently had bloods done again and because the anti dsdna has increased again I am now on deltacortril steroids as well as plaquenil. Can anyone help me to understand what my blood results mean? So far these are the ones I can remember

Anti dsdna is at 146 (increased from 110 two months ago and 77 four months ago). RF is 201. Thyroid function 10.10 (started medication to counteract under-active thyroid). Cant remember the other ones but these were the ones the rheumy seemed to be most concerned about. Anyone got any idea what is going on inside my body? Also are there other blood results I should be comparing for improvements etc?

Thanks for any help


Did you have your ESR, CRP and ANA done?
Pls find out and give levels....
The ANA is indicitive of Lupus but not necessarily ..
The CRp will indicate your level of inflammation
It sounds like he has put you on cortisone which should make you feel normal again but take as low dose as possible as it has some yuk side effects
Good Luck
Love Cathy
Anti-CCP test is somewhere in the ballpark of 95% specific to RA, but if your
RF is 201 you're positive anyway (at least by Australian standards). Sorry, I
think that's all the help I can be
Maybe this site will help you. I am pretty sure all the measurements are pretty universal.
