Finding new rheumatologist | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,

  I hope that this note finds you all fair to midlin'. I have a question for everyone. I have been seeing my current rheumatologist for about two years. I would like to change doctors. Not because he has done anything terrible, but I just don't feel really comfortable with him. I moved to VA. two years ago with my husband being in the military. My last rheumatologist I loved. When I started calling new doctors they keep telling me I would have to go my primary physician and get a recommendation from him to be seen by their doctor. I don't understand this procedure as I have already been diagnosed for years and have a current RA doctor. I could bring my medical records if they needed. Is this the normal practice or do I just need to keep looking.

Hope to hear from ya'll,


Hi Kim,

I've run into this in the past. I to was caught by surprise. Do you have another dr that you go to for ordinary problems and routine check-ups? My internist gave me a referral no problem. Tell them what the problem is and ask for a couple of referrals to a Rheu... just in case it takes you several tries for you to find a Rheu... that is a right fit for you. It really helps a lot if you have a Dr that you like. You don't have to tell your current Rheu... what you are doing. Good luck to you.

