Pain Pain Go Away!!!!! | Arthritis Information


Hi All,

I have had two no good,horrible, very bad days. I am so much pain. I'm not sure but I think that maybe the Ambien I was put on for insomnia caused this flare. The pain is so much worse and this morning I can't raise my right arm, pain right to my shoulder, my hands ache right into the palms and my hip which has been fairly quiet for about 5 months is feeling like I am being stabbed.

Help!!!!! The perocet has not worked at all and I just refilled my Vicodin and will try that. I do have call into my doctor, but have not heard back yet.

I can honestly say I know why people would jump off a bridge, not that I will, but I can understand the pain, the un -relenting pain causing someone to do that. I told my kids, at least when I am gone, they will know I am not in pain anymore......sad isn't is????

The hardest just when I am feeling slightly better and feel that maybe,just maybe, I am getting better, this  stupid fibro comes back with a vengeance.

Thanks for letting me vent, I know that all my fibro friends understand and that does help me to know I am not alone with this.

Love Mindy



 I just posted a whole reply and then forgot to hit post....yikes..I am losing my mind. I have weaned myself off my Cymbalta and am only taking pain med. I feel like a junkie, a pill for this, a pill for that and nothing seems to make much difference, so why take them? I am struggling with this pain and fatigue.

 Thanks so much for the reply I think I will try a glass of wine and maybe some chocolate tonight. ..probably work better that a pill. I get on this no sleep cycle and then the pain increases. I know this happens and so does my doctor...but how do I stop it???? No-one seems to be able to tell me that. I am at the point that I would try anything!!!!

Thanks for replying and keep in touch!


Why did you wean yourself off Cymbalta? I hope you are feeling better. Let me know.



Hi, I stopped the Cymbalta a few weeks ago, I 've been on it about four/five months. But I had so much sweating and nausea and truthfully I was still in so much pain. It seemed to help at first, but then just kind of stopped working. I frequently have that problem with meds. We are all so sensitive to them. I have since heard from a lot of people who have had similar side effects, including more insomnia, just what I do NOT need. I barely sleep now.

Thanks for replying. What do you take? My RD is very good about letting my try different meds, until we find something that works. I think with Fibro what works for some does not for others.

Take care.


Yes, we are all different. I have RA as well as Fibro. I take Cymbalta, Plaquenil, Celebrex and Vicodin. I am going to see a new Rheumatologist on Dec 6. The first one I saw was ok but he never really touched me. How the heck can you check a person if you dont touch them. He was also very quiet and said very little. I need a Dr that will talk to me. I'm hoping my new one works out.

I have spurts of nausea. Dont know if it is from the Cymbalta or not. It sure hasn't made me lose wt....LOL The worst S/E of all my medications has been the constipation.....But I think I have got that under control now. Never use to ever have that problem.

Do you have this problem....My husband is always joking around with me and trying to wrestle me (of sorts) and he hurts me. Anyone else I dont think it would hurt. But he gets mad and says, "That didnt hurt you". Does it hurt you like that?



Thanks for the reply. I know exactly what you mean about hurting when people touch you. A friend of my hubby's who visits once or twice a year always hugs me so hard and the last time, I hurt so bad for days after. Next time he comes I have to think of a nice way to say...Don't touch me!!!!!  I find I even hate to shake hands with people because of my arthritis in my hands and sometimes I do tell people that I can't because it hurts, but then you have to go into a whole big explanation of why....Oh well.

When were you diagnosed with the RA and fibro? I was with OA about 3 years ago and the fibro just this summer. My doctor still thinks it may be RA, but my blood test are negative....but I respond well to prednisone and have had to take off and on to manage the pain (and some swelling) when it gets unbearable. The horrible thing about it is the weight gain, last time I was on it...I gained 7 pounds, took me 4 months to lose it and still have not quite lost it all.

I have seen a rheumy a few times, but my doctor and myself were not really satisfied with him and plus it is a 1 1/2 hour drive to get there. So my RD and I decided that she would treat me and she has been so wonderful. I thank her all the time for really listening to me and I often joke with the office staff, that I must be the patient who calls the most...they say no, but......I think maybe I am.

Take care...keep in touch.
