OT Anyone else waiting for college kid? | Arthritis Information


I'm so excited. I'm waiting for my son to arrive home anytime now for the Thanksgiving break. He has off until Nov 30!
I haven't seen him since early Aug.
He is bringing his new kitten with him. I think our cat will pitch a hissy fit.
My daughter who lives about an hour away is staying from the Wednesday before until the Saturday after Thanksgiving. She is bringing her new kitten too.
My husband only knows about my son's and he was less than thrilled. I told my daughter I am pretending it was news to me that she was bringing her cat.
I guess they are my "grandchildren"
Aww, that's nice WTB.  Neither one of my sons will be home for Thanksgiving this year.  The older one will be home for Christmas though.  Anyway, Have a great holiday and enjoy those kids!!!Thanks Linncn- sorry your family can't be together this year. It's so hard these days- everyone lives out of state....

Yeah, the older one is out of state, the younger is in Afghanistan.   But my brothers and siters and their fams are all nearby and theey will be here for Thanksgiving, so tht'll be good.  How long has it been since your son and daughter were home last?  What time arre you expecting them tonight?  Will they drive in?

I forgot about your one son being overseas! Is all well with him? How's the new little family making out? Is baby keeping them on their toes?
My son just got home- kitty is so cute! She is hissing at my cat.
I haven't seen him since 1st week in Aug so I'll sign off for now to spend some time!
im going home soon!WTB that is extra special....I hope you have a fantastic visit. Hubby will warm up. Just remind him...you get to send grandkids home
Lin, being seperated from your children are never easy, Holidays are extra tough. I wish you the happiest holiday. And I appreciate your son for serving our country.
lilmeraid, Enjoy yourself, becareful in your travels.
Love when family gets together. I enjoy it so much when my kids come over. I try to have them for Sunday Dinners. Good times.
.....................my kids dont like coming over much because i was such a bitch to them when they were growing up.  i guess you get as good as you give............i should remember that here too because ive been a bitch to more than one person on this forum.  it's cause im such a pathetic, lonely, old woman.We're meeting our two DD's at my mom's house on Wednesday, haven't seen them since the first week of September. In the 30 years DH and I have been together we have only had Thanksgiving at our house once and that was because the roads were closed. I'm so glad my mom is halfway between the girls and us.

I feel very sorry for you inflamed0nline, your posts are so sad. Little Mermaid!!!! How are you! I bet everyone will be glad to see you! Hope you are doing well.

Thanks IO! I will remind hubby. I think I'm allergic. I'm used to my cat but the new one is making me sneeze! She is adorable tho!

Nini- enjoy!
Ooh...I want to see kitten pictures!  My parents are coming here for thanksgiving, and they are bringing their 22 lb. cat!  He is such a giant wimp though...Marley is going to kick his butt!  Lawantto!!  I am so glad your boy is home and your girl will be there soon!!  and all those kittens!!!  Imagine me.. I have four ALL the time  LOL!


GOod luck with your son.


How are things going with your son?
WTB im alright, cant wait to be home and have a break from schoolwork/catch up on things!!!Jan- I am very happy to have my son home- the time just seems to be flying by too quickly!
His kitten (sorry La I haven't taken any pictures) is a real handful but cute and fun. Yesterday I was working at the desk when I heard CRASH in the kitchen. There in the pantry I found she had knocked my electric carving kit to the ground. It opened up and the knife handle landed in the cats water bowl spilling it everywhere. Where was the little stinker? Now she was in my mix master in the same bowl with the beaters!  I will have to wash everything before I make the Thanksgiving meal!
Little Mermaid- glad you are ok. Take it easy while you are home and have a lot of fun!

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