Humira and Methotrexate and Menstruation | Arthritis Information


I had to quit taking my meds because of an illness.  My menstruation cycle went back to "normal".  I began taking my meds again and I had a lot of cramping and huge blood clots.  Is anyone else having this problem too?  Was just wondering if it was the meds since my cycle was ok when I was off them.

It might not be related to the meds. I don't know how old you are but I am in my late 40's and a few years back I started with horrible clots and I bled so heavy it just ran like a faucet for 10 days a month. I wasn't on meds then. I became anemic.

My doctor did a myomectomy (I had fibroids too) and an endometrial ablation which cauterized all the blood vessels in my uterus. Now the fibroids and clots are back. When the bleeding gets to be like it was I'll decide what I want to do at that point.

edited to take the cap lock off the last couple words- hit by mistake.
wanttobeRAfree2008-11-24 08:03:43Celena, I haven't had that exact experience, but when I took Arava (another DMARD like mtx), I bled horribly and was in horrible pain like I haven't had from my period ever.  Mtx and Imuran (the DMARD I'm on now) didn't do that to me, so I believe it was from the Arava.  Guess what I'm saying is that it is possible it is the meds, that there are other DMARD's you can try, but just in case, do have yourself checked out by the Gyn to make sure nothing else is wrong.I'm having a terrible time with my periods.  Just waiting to hear from my doctor about resluts from an ultrasound/vaginal ultrasound I had last Friday.  I'll have to remember to ask my doctor if mtx could be the cause.  Although I highly doubt it (in my case anyway) since I've been on it for almost 17 years and the problems are just happening (in the last year) now that i'm in my late 40's.Thanks for the input and I'll look into it more and ask the dr.