*inflamedOnline* WAKE UP!!! | Arthritis Information


Senior Member

Originally posted by inflamedOnline

It brings me great pain to say for this one and only time I have to agree with you!  

My lands, can't anyone see what is going on here? This is real nice way to keep this thread going, lets answer the newbie questions right on this vile thread that was meant to continue to throw Lisa (ME) under a bus. I shake my head. And wonder who is who around here. Thanks everyone.......nice way to treat people.

Ummmmmmm..................lets see Lisa...........you treated someone this way!!!!!!!!!!!!  Go read levlarrys post titled.......inflamedOnline...........i believe he addresses in that post the cruel and heartless way "you and your attack dogs" went after AchingAudrey and i believe him after going back and reading all that for myself!!!!!!!!!!  wasn't that a....how did you put it......a nice way to treat people.  seems to me whats good for the goose is good for the gander.........you shouldnt complain..........i think you have this coming.....honey.
This place rocks and you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"We frame our world with our words"
inflamed0nline2008-11-24 12:56:26bump
and you still SUCK!
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