RA video on you tube. | Arthritis Information


Ever watch the you tube videos?  I watch a lot of the RA videos there.  Very interesting.  This particular video the doc says this disease is not for sissys.  So that should let you know you either have a strong personality or get one after getting this disease.  So a lot of strong personalities on this site and every site like it.
Also, my hands look like this lady's in the video. not that anyone wanted to know but just to give you an idea when you hear me talking about my hands. although I have had the disease nearly 14 years. this hand damage occurred in the last 5 years.  I am amazed she can drive. it is very painful for me to drive, although I have no choice sometimes. here's the lnk:
Thanks, Shelley. I actually wasn't aware of this so thank you for sharing the information. I shall investigate further.  bump
I wasn't aware either.  Will take a look.  LindyThere is some excellent information in these videos on youtube. These are great for referring newly diagnosed people or friends/relatives who really want to know what we're dealing with.
I don't know...that seemed kind of like an ad for biologics to me.

I guess anything that aids general awareness is good, though.
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