I hate all the weight I’ve gained! | Arthritis Information


I have gained over 30 pounds since being on prednisone! I can't stand having a puffy face. I look like a totally different person from two years ago. Although, my doctor warned me about the weight gain, I did not expect these changes in my looks.....: (
Can anyone else share in their experiences? Thanks!hatehavingra38674.5272569444I feel your pain. I really do. I gained 7 pounds in september when i was on prednisone, and i no longer can run to just shed the pounds. It is such a catch-22 with that drug. It makes you feel great, but the effects make you feel yucky. My doc wanted me to try going back on 20 mgs for 5 days and i just do not want to do it. I really do feel your pain. Is there any way you can go off it and use something else?

That stuff makes me hungry as a horse!! I only use it when I have no other choice....I'm not sure what meds you're on but once you find something that works well for you you might not need to be on it.

Over the years i've been on predisone many, many times; but only in short coarses. I'm one of the ones that responds well to DMARDS and now Biologics and can get by without a daily maintenance dose of predisone. I only use it during extreme flairs to give my meds a pick up. It's usually a short coarse of just a month or so. Unfortunately not everyone is that lucky.

If you haven't already try to encourage your doctor to try different treatments in the hopes of not continuing long term predisone use.

I hate that stuff myself....but when I'm at my worst....I welcome the weight gain; and even the angry moods.

Good Luck.

I have gained my upper body mostly but then I am not getting any exercise like I used to I worked out 6x a week so you have to cut down at first I joined on line ww 3 wks ago and I lost 3 lbs first 2 wks it is hard but just keep track of what you eat and the puffy thing will go when you come of I probly gained a good 10 lbs..........teresa


Just call me the Pillsbury Dough Girl...I HATE PREDNISONE but I HATE PAIN MORE...What a terrible decision to have to make....no pain vs pain

Thanks for sharing. My doctor says I can only take prednisone for now, while I am trying to get pregnant. He says this is the only safe drug for me and the fetus. What are your thoughts??? Has anyone been on other drugs for RA, while trying to conceive and while carrying a child??? Thanks.
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