RD Appointment Today | Arthritis Information


It was fine.  I am too exhausted to discuss, really. (edited to say...I lied).  Foot pain is probably plantar faciitis, so I got insoles.  I am going to Vandy to get a second opinion (maybe switch doctors too, we'll see).  My doctor is so careful and conservative and near indecisive it is making me crazy.  I really do like him, and that practice, but I feel like he's not focused on the fact that I am getting other joints involved. He never saw me when my jaw was all swollen, so he's still like "I guess your TMJ is involved too."  He's still wanting to hold out and think that it's just my right wrist.  But my elbows burn all the time now, and my left wrist is swollen (didn't realize it until the swelling went down on the steroids for my jaw).  But with my jaw, anyone who saw me (dentist, oral surgeon) were like, yeah, I don't need to look any farther, that is RA.  And my jaw is still visibly swollen.  I don't know, he's a nice guy, but he was about to send me to gastro earlier this year because he was worried about my anemia, now I'm complaining about stomach pain and he's not focused that I'm on max dose of mobic (I wanted to say "do you understand that I cannot type or write without mobic?") and so he offered PPI's, but I'm already on PPI's, so he just said yeah we should watch that.

And then I have a lymph node around my breast/underarm that is swollen/painful and I just wanted confirmation that it's probably from some infection but he told me I should probably go to GYN if it's there (didn't want to touch there or wanted to get to next patient).  So I have that appointment tomorrow. I guess he's not comfortable doing that.  I think I have some sort of low level infection because my kids have been sick and I have painful lymph nodes (but no fever).
And so my pulse was 98 which I noticed but they didn't, and I know it's probably from Graves but they didn't even point it out to me.  I guess it's okay until over 100 but that is pretty high! 
So with the anemia my hemoglobin is now 12.1 although my RBC and HCT are still flagged low. 
And my WBC was 6.94 last month, but 4.8 this month--it has never been below 6 before!  I wouldn't know but he gave me copies of my bloodwork to take to Vandy.  He just put a check next to it because it is 4.8 and it doesn't flag until below 4.6.  I injected MTX Sunday and I think I usually get bloodwork later in the week, this time I got it on Monday morning, but that seems like a crazy unexplained drop.
Then also my BASO% is elevated to 1.83, never been over 1.0 before.  WTF?  He didnt' mention that either.  I am going to ask the GYN tomorrow.  Why don't I get fevers when I have infections?  I just don't get all of this.
And now my wrist is burning from typing and I have to finish a memo.  Lord have mercy I am going to pay hundreds of dollars in co-pays this year.  Might even meet that 7%, we'll see.  I hope so! I just read I can count mileage, maybe I will get there and that would help a lot with $.
I had bloodwork yesterday, RD today, GYN tomorrow so he can feel my boob and say "it's an infection", endo next tuesday and vanderbilt next thursday.  then dentist soon too.  I feel like a horrible deliquent employee so I'm going to get back to work.
Thank you for reading!!!!!!
KatieG2008-11-25 13:53:53Oh and I guess it is a given at this point that I am going on biologics.  My RD was also like "I gave you all those brochures, right?" Nope.  He wants Vandy guy to decide whether or not I stay on MTX too.  I just dont' have the energy to even think about it at this point, we'll see.  Must. Work.  Now.

Oh Katie you have so much going on. Try and take it a bit easier.


much hugs to you. Hope the next Dr can fix you up

Sounds like nothing is going quite right for you.   Hope your next appointments go well and you get at least one thing resolved.   That's about all you can do, one step at a time and keep tackling the issues.   Hope you find some peaceful time over the holidays.

Take care


I wouldn't worry too much about the wbc....I've had to go off of mtx a few times but that's only when it's gone below 3.0.  And then going off of mtx for a couple of weeks did the trick and I was back over the 3.0 mark. 

Do you have any wrist splints?  That might help.

Good luck with the GYN tomorrow. 

Katie - You hang in there, you have every reason to be exhausted. Sometimes it feels like all we do is go to doctor appointments, and then we don't get answers just more appointments and uncertainty. Just don't give up. Take some time to do something nice for yourself. You deserve some pampering. Sending you well wishes. I ditto graciesmom

plantar faciitis I have that along with Pes planus deformity ( fallen arches).

Plantar Faciitis is very painful.

Take care, let me know if you have any questions about the plantar faciitis, I definitely understand. So sorry you have that pain.


fat, ugly, mean, very bored with it all......
Ditto to yours too w.t.b.  I owe doctors and hospitals more money than credit card companies.  My basophil count was off too.  Normally you don't see them very often at all.  They contain histamines and are seen usually in allergic reactions and other inflammatory responses.  They can also be seen when parasitic infection is present.  I'm sure it has something to do with RA as mine have been elevated since june. 
I don't get fevers when I have infections but this is due to a massive dose of prednisone. 
I hope things get better for you soon
[QUOTE=inflamedOnline]Plantar faciitis I have that along with Pes planus deformity ( fallen arches). Plantar Faciitis is very painful.  I use Ice frozen in little Dixie cups, run on bottom of feet. Really helps. Stretch, Stretch, Stretch...I can not say it enough. All very painful. Take care, let me know if you have any questions about the plantar faciitis, I definitely understand. So sorry you have that pain. Lisa  
fat, ugly, mean, very bored with it all......
you have one ill body IO, i feel sorry for you.............everytime i read a post from you your telling everyone a new ailment..............just how many you got?  does anything work in your body?
boring IO......very boring
Take care.All I can say is that my foot pain has evolved into out right swelling. And it has left a certain amount of damage in the process. I am to tired today from all the running i did the last two weeks to go see how the test came out. But the bone on the side of my left foot is sort of bent and sticking out. And I have a bunion on the left foot big toe that i remember doc saying he wasn't concerned about a year ago. Well it has hurt badly solidly for the last year. Now it is crazy swollen. So now they are checking it out. For years now the bottom of my feet get that fibro feeling like the tendon is too tight. Well i quit taking the plaquinil because i was getting ulcerations on my gums and throat and sinuses. And my feet started swelling. So i think you can just get RA in your feet also. I will let you know what the final verdict is when i find out. Because they said the toe could be osteo but i really don't think so. I looked it up a year ago and most likely cause is RA.
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