Orcenia TV Commercials | Arthritis Information


Since I rarely watch commercial tv, last night I finally caught an advertisement for Orcenia.  I frankly was shocked on two fronts: 1) the long list of disclaimers on side effects like "certain cancers"; and 2) the models not having arthritic hands for closeups on buttoning up a coat or gripping a steering wheel.  At least they could have put people who really have RA and are doing well on it in the commercials.  What are they afraid of, the truth?  Our arthritic hands?

It reminded me a very pretty fairy tale, not about the realities of severe RA.  And lastly, there must be a huge market for a commercial of this caliber to be produced as it was well done and I didn't time it, but it was at least a 30-second or maybe a one minute TV ad. 
If RA is only 2% of the population, I couldn't figure out why the big competition for the biologics?  How many RA patients are there?  Maybe because of the costs to bring it to market?  How much does a dose of Orcenia cost? 

I just hate the "O yes I can" statement.


I've wondered about the ads also.  Enbrel, Humira, and Orencia all get alot of airtime.  Glad to know at least I have a trendy disease.

Everyone wants in on the biologics because they are a huge money maker.  I wish I could remember how much my rheumie told me that Enbrel and Humira brought in last year. 
To look at the good side of that; it means there are going to be more options for us because more people are making their version.

1 gram of Orencia (a full monthly dose for someone over 220 lbs) is about ,000 without insurance.  All the biologics run a lot of commercials, and I believe it because they are so expensive.  Not only does all the advertising bother me from a financial standpoint, and as you say a "reality standpoint", but as someone for whom it isn't working very well, it's also rubbing salt in my wound.

Edited to add, the cost I'm quoting is for the medicine alone, not including the actual administration of the IV drug.  My home infusion service would be an additional 0 without insurance, and if I had it done at the hospital, more like 0.
InnerGlow2008-11-26 18:54:42I agree with you - if my hands, knees, hips, etc., worked as well as those of the folks in the Orencia commercial, I wouldn't need to use it!!  I've been receiving Orencia infusions for 10 months now, and thankfully, it has been very beneficial for me so far.  Once I asked my IV nurse how much each infusion cost, he replied, ",275!!!!!"  Can you imagine?  My insurance however, only pays the infusion company ,200, and they accept that as payment in full? Huh?  Must they OVERcharge in order to get what they really want - the ,200??  I'm thankful I have no out of pocket expense with this, but it certainly is confusing.........can anyone shed any more light on this situation?

Happy Turkey Day!!!

RA is huge $ potential...and they pharm companies hope that these meds translate into other uses

My RA is severe but I don't have tell tale hand/finger damage.  My fingers don't bend very well but they aren't crooked.  You could not tell that I have RA from them
I too dislike the unrealistic commercials for all of the RA drugs.  Everyone is skinny, hands are in good shape, not shuffling, etc., etc. 
Like Buckeye I have moderate to severe RA/PsA but my fingers aren't crooked and since I'm in remission the inflammation and swelling are gone.  They don't look bad.
I really think that the commercials should reflect RA reality.  My Remicade infusions were costing ,800 each infusion last summer.  Lindy
I agree about the realities..but reality isn't what sells.
HI DOGMOM!!  Happy holiday to you!!
I have minor distortions of my finger joints.. I'm labeled severe RA and the enbrel is just keeping it abated at the moment.... I'm not worsening... but I"m far from better.
how ironic.. I just saw one for  www.twofutures.com
that is a website to get your info about your RA in coordination w/ wyeth and amgen labs..
I have to say that the woman's fingers don't look "perfect" in this one... she has very large finger/hand knuckles...like swollen.

I just hate the "O yes I can" statement.


It is a bit over the top..... A little hokey
[QUOTE=justsaynoemore]Since I rarely watch commercial tv, last night I finally caught an advertisement for Orcenia.  [/QUOTE]
I think this statement is why you and others and were so surprised Obama chose to feature an RA patient in his infomercial!  Didn't surprise me at all, because we watch the network newscasts!  Who are their advertisers?  TNF's, Aleve/Tylenol Arthritis, osteoporosis meds, ED meds, and Chantix.  Check it out.
His people looked at the audience those broadcasts market to, simple as that.  Would we care about a guy who needs Viaga?  Nope.  Obama might need Chantix, so can't go there.  Boniva is mainly women.  What's that other stuff for?  Arthritis?  Doesn't everybody have arthritis?  I have that in my knee.....let's go with that......  

I didn't miss the play on Obama's Yes We Can in this commercial.  At least his infomercial showed a real RA patient with obvious RA.  I am just surprised at the focus on RA, with its "rareness" of 2% penetration of the population.  Perhaps they know how dumbed-down we are and are hoping we think its osteoarthritis.  I wonder how many OA patients are going to their rheumatologists and asking for Orcenia. 

The line in the commercial that makes me want to throw a shoe through the screen is...
" I didn't know it could affect my joints..."  Dear god what do they THINK it affects??? Then she hops on a horse...  yeah right.
 lets have a comercial where a woman ruins 3 eggs at breakfast because she can't crack them..
or show someone hunched over her shopping cart for dear life.. (I dont need a walker, I'll just shop 24/7..)
Since I am pretty much housebound cause of my jaw fun yesterday, I have been watching alot of TV.  I have seen the Orencia commercial 7 times since yesterday.  You know your life is sad when you are counting tv ads...
edited to say 7 times since one just came on....no lie!
rocckyd2008-11-27 13:44:16
"or show someone hunched over her shopping cart for dear life.. (I dont need a walker, I'll just shop 24/7..)"
kathy, you've been peeking while I've been shopping!
the orencia commercial with the yes I can slogan has been running for well over a year in some form or another... I think the "yes I can" is playing on the similarity in sound to orencia not to the Obama slogan.
the I didn't know it affected my joints line is an enbrel commercial...and that one is just plain dumb...no arthritis patient is that stupid.
I remember when I was suffering during onset with no relief people who saw the ad would ask me why they didn't just give me that Orencia stuff? I knew that it was  a strong drug reserved for people who did not have success with the drugs I was just starting. Then when I came here and found people who did not even get relief from the OH YES I CAN! drug- I was very discouraged and worried. Here's a realy great segment on how marketing is compromising medicie. It's about 20 minutes long and gets really interesting about half way through:

http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/05162008/watch2.html[QUOTE=inflamedOnline]It is a bit over the top..... A little hokey[/QUOTE]
..............and im as hokey as they come, retarded and stupid!  this place rocks and you all SUCK!!!!!!!
[QUOTE=buckeye]the orencia commercial with the yes I can slogan has been running for well over a year in some form or another... I think the "yes I can" is playing on the similarity in sound to orencia not to the Obama slogan.
the I didn't know it affected my joints line is an enbrel commercial...and that one is just plain dumb...no arthritis patient is that stupid.
That was my take on the slogan, as well, Buckeye. 
Enbrel ad - has anyone picked up on a statement they make, like 'scientists believe' or 'scientists think'????  It seems so odd to me - where is 'research has proven', 'studies have shown', etc.????   To me, what they they think or believe is where drug development begins; it should be a different story once it is on the market!
I've seen that Moyers segment before GoGo - thanks for reposting that.
i know someone who works for Accredo/Medco and they are making a killing off our illness plus even while everyone else is losing money they are making even more....   makes me want to vomit.     wonderwoman2008-11-29 11:15:57It's illegal for drug companies to advertise prescription only drugs on tv in Australia. I think that's a good thing, it stops dangerous drugs from becoming consumer-driven products, and doctors aren't under added pressure to prescribe what their patient has been conned into thinking will answer thier prayers.

There is a loophole though, by making it newsworthy. "Breakthrough in treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Could this be a cure." Which of course they later tell you it isn't. But everyone you see over the following week have only heard BREAKTHROUGH and CURE. Give me strength.
Amen to that!
Orencia gave me about 30% relief before fizzling out altogether. the rd at that time said it was causing me more harm than good and then took me off of it with nothing to place me on. he was looking into the rituxan at that time to place me on. I had been on all of the other biologics every single one. I don't sing their praises.  I take them because they tell me there isn't anything else for me.  they charge 00 for the orencia. they were having a hard time getting the insurance to pay the first dose but the other doses were paid. I still had a huge co-pay. but I roll my eyes at those commercials.  however, I will say most of the people in the infusion room with me have nice hands. no deformities. i wish I could say the same for my hands but it doesn't seem to cripple everybody's hands. no rhyme or reason to this monster of a disease.
Shelly, if you have private/commerical insurance, Bristol Myers Squibb has a program where they reimburse you for the co-pays.  Contact them at the 800 number and ask for the Commence Orencia program.  It doesn't matter that you already started, but you should find out if you qualify.  Made a huge difference for me.at my doctor's alot of the patients have had surgery to replace all the little bones in their hands and fingers.   it is amazing!   their hands look and work great!    i would be afraid though because i do not heal very well.LOL! That was too funny because that is exactly how I shop.  I can't stop laughing.:)

Hi Innerglow,

I should have met you last year.  I am no longer on the orencia.  I am on the rituxan now. the docs took me off of it. however, I did let the new doc know I am having a hard time with my co-pays and he gave me some paperwork to fill out to get help with that.

thanks for information. take care.

reply 2 wonderwoman,

I am seriously thinking of hand surgery, so hope the results are as good as at your doctor's office.  I used to be afraid of it until I started losing function in my hands. but doc says we gotta get the inflammation under control first.

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