OT:Florastor | Arthritis Information


I went to see a GI doc today who recommended that I buy a probiotic supplement called Florastor.  I know that there are a lot of people on here that take probiotics and was wondering if anyone took this one?  I was told that it was "pretty expensive" by the nurse in his office.  I wonder what her idea of expensive is?  The one that I take now that is from GNC cost me a bottle. 

Bob H
I use Florastor quite often and it is expensive but it also works the best. In Europe doctors always prescribe Florastor whenever they prescribe antibiotics (you don't need a prescription to buy it in North America).

I would use it all the time but because it's only one strain of probiotic I don't trust it to meet my chronic need for probiotic replenishment. When I do use it I also use other probiotiocs just so I can get a better range. I also only take one a day rather than the 2 it recommends on the bottle because I want to leave room for other probiotics. The strain in Florastor is resistant to antibiotics and it's a dominant probiotic. You can actually take it at the same time as an antibiotic because the antibiotic won't affect it.

I have a freind with IBS who started taking Florastor and it fixed her right up.Hey Bob, I am new to probiotics, so I have no answers for you (sorry).  I always use to eat yogurt and pickled things, though I can't so much anymore.  Right now I have a bad case of pneumonia and am on 2 mega antibiotics and steroidstrying to stay out of the hospital.  My husband picked up a bottle of no name at the drug store, said they all looked the same to  him (and me when I have looked).  Where do you get Florastor?

Thanks for the info --  I hope it works for you.
waddie, I have to ask the pharmacist for it, as it's kept behind the counter.Thanks Gimpy.   Happy Thanksgiving. I've never heard of Florastor before.  I take a multi strain that I get at Swanson Vitamins and it works really well for me.  I figured it wouldn't when I bought it due to the price, but was surprised at how well it did work.  I love my probiotic!
This is an interesting article.  It says the reason antibiotics won't kill Florastor is because this strain (S. boulardii) is a yeast, not a bacteria.
Yes, but it's not the kind of yeast that gives you Candida or fungal infections. Usually the gut is really crowded with microbacteria so the different kinds of microbiotics have to fight to grow. What happens when you take antibiotics is they kill the good and bad bacteria in your gut, so yeasts and things like C. difficile have lots of room to grow and multiply unless you fill up that space with probiotics and beneficial type yeasts.

Anyway, that's why I only use Florastor sparingly. It's great if you're on a short course of antibioitcs, but long term you would end up with a gut of S. Boulardi and little else. We need a broader spectrum!

Great article, btw, KweenBThanks.  I think I'll try to pick some up tomorrow when I go to fill some other prescriptions and get my stuff for my colonoscopy monday. (can you say yippiee, hooray, fun times?)  I actually get what is referred to as the "trip around the world" because they do the upper endoscopy and then go in from the other end too.  Gee, I hope they do the upper first or I might have a bad taste in my mouth.  ( I know they don't use the same scope I'm just trying to make light of the situation)
Gogo, since I also love my yogurt do you think it would be okay to eat that with the Florastor and not do another probiotic for a litttle while?  I'll absolutely be sure to use it anytime I need antibiotics from now on knowing what I now do about gut microflora.  Doctors in this country are too darn quick to throw an antibiotic at us anymore without cosidering the consequences.  I mean they do preach about resistance and "superbugs" but not about the immediate damage that is being done.  I've always gone to the eating more yogurt when taking them and since doing just that haven't had diarrhea from an antibiotic in years.  When I was in the hospital with shingles and cellulitis and on 2 antibiotics I had my wife bring me a cooler with yogurt cups in it every day and would snack on them between meals.  They seem to have done the trick as I was on vancomycin and invanz and never had to run to the bathroom so that was a plus.
Waddie, I found the florastor web site last night and they had a locator that you could use to find a pharmacy that has it.  There are several around me that I don't ever remember seeing it at.  Like I said though, I'll be on a quest for Florastor tomorrow.  And perfect timing too as I have the colonoscopy monday and due to having both hips replaced will need a gram of antibiotic 2 hours prior to the procedure. 
Bob H.
Best of luck to you Bob! Enjoy the next couple of days of regular food! Thanks.  Oh I plan to live it up the next few days.  I guess that means I'd also better have a near infinite supply of rolaids or tums on hand as this could be a bumpy ride.Florastor and yoghurt is probably enough for your purposes. In fact, I always think getting probiotics from food is better than taking supplements. I just mix it up a lot more because I am on long term antibiotics. Obviously you are eating probiotic yoghurt. Another great fermented dairy source of probiotics is Kefir, which you might enjoy. Kefir is the best food source of probiotics, in my opinion.Thanks Gimpy for the info, I need that stuff now as I have helicobactor-pylori and need to up my probiotics as I am on antibiotics to clear the inflammation.  Cheers Janie.Wow -
Hey, I'm on S. Boularrdi (spelling) - my AP doc insists on it.

I eat Activia everyday seems to do the trick for me

Also staying active and reducing stress helps. If I stress all the Activia in the fridge wont help. I think balance is the key. ........problem is I am always losing my keys....lol

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