Post Thanksgiving Chitchat | Arthritis Information


Good Morning-

How is everyone today?

I either have a flare in my left shoulder or I just hurt myself putting that 22 lb. turkey and the heavy roasting pan in the oven by myself. No one was home when it needed to go in.
It didn't hurt yesterday but when I turned over in bed at some point in the night it woke me up and now this morning I can't lift my arm even half way up. I took a couple of Extra Strength Tylenols to no avail. My elbow is getting radiating pain too.

I really wore myself out the past two days with all the cooking and cleaning up I did. I really did have help this year which I have never had before. My kids did most of the peeling and chopping. Even so I felt very fatigued and I don't know how I used to do it all alone and still feel festive. I'm disappointed in myself this year. I was glad when my company left and I do not look forward to the clean up that is left to do. My fridge is a disaster area. I wrapped things up any old way and shoved them in there anywhere I could squeeze them in because I was so tired I really felt like throwing them all out on the lawn for the outside animals to eat. This morning I see the creamed onions have leaked all over the shelf and I had just cleaned my whole fridge before the holiday real good.

One holiday over- I host Christmas Eve for a bigger crowd....I think it might be time to pass the torch after this year. I just don't have the stamina.
Good morning...sorry you feel so bad, maybe a combination of the HUGE turkey and all the work over the last few days have done this to your arm....the cleaning is the pits...esp a fridge. Try some hot and cold compress on your arm...hope you feel better soon.Good Morning,

WBRAF Pin has good advice Hot and cold effective therapy.
 WE had a wonderful Day although I am whipped myself. I ended comming over to my daughters late last night and spending the night so she could work early this morning. She is a school teacher, but she works at mall for Holidays, she pretty much picks her own hours, etc. She has done this since she was 16, she likes the extra discounts and knowing about the bargains ahead of time. Her husband is a policeofficer and works nights. My grandson is 2 months old and he sleeps so good at night. He is taking his morning nap now. My husband and I are going to see a movie, I think the name is 4 holidays?..It is a christmas movie just released. Well take care everyone. Take time to rest and re-energize.
WTB..sorry you aren't feeling well, take care of that shoulder. IO~ gald you had a great holiday, and that you got to spend some time ith that grandbaby.  I can't wait till Christmas when my son and his wife bring little Maya up for a couple of weeks.
If anyone remembers, my oven "went toward the light" the day before Thanksgiving.  Not a problem.  I took all my stuff to my sister's and we did all the baked things there, and I do my turkey in a separate roaster so all was well.  Or so we thought.  I'm sorry to say that my roaster joined my oven in death around 2:00 pm Thanksgiving day.  We unstuffed the turkey and stuffed it into the smoker, but it wasn't fully cooked till late evening after we were already stuffed with the Thanksgiving trimmings.  It was a really great day, a little sad because we were missing some of the major players (both my sons and my mom).  Still, we had a lot of laughs and much to be thankful for. 
Linncn2008-11-28 09:34:15WTB,
I think it's time to pass the torch too.  You shouldn't have to host both Thanksgiving and Christmas.  That's not fair.  I really hope you feel better soon.
My brother and his family went to my sister-in-laws this year.  My mom was sick and my dad passed away last year.  I have no children.  So, me and my hubby decided to celebrate at Cracker Barrel.  They sat us right by the fire place (romantic), we had a great meal with dessert.  It was very inexpensive.  And best of all - no cleanup and no leftovers to pig out on for days!
WTB, I hear you. We do a lot of hosting at our house and for the first year and half when my RA wasn't as well controlled I had all the joy sucked out for me because I would get sooooo exhausted from it all I couldn't really enjoy it. Even with potlucks people need all kinds of serving dishes and stuff. I talked to my BF about it and now he makes sure he does the majority of that stuff, plus we are way more organised in advance than we used to be. (Also, my RA is a lot better controlled). Another ting you can do is allow guests to do dishes and stuff when they offer---and someone always offers. That felt kind of weird at first but now I embrace it.

Sometimes it's fair to just say to the family and friends, "Hey, I just don't have this in me anymore". You will be pleasantly reminded that being with you is more important to them than being with the turkey. Surprisingly I felt pretty good yesterday and today.
 No clue why.
 food all turned out well and everyone had a nice time.
 I did a little shopping today..went out around 1030, bought a big boy bed for Jakie, and Christmas lights for the porch..
whooooo hoooo. they are making the big bucks off me..
Was it crazy out there?  I just read that a Walmart employee got trampled to death when the customers broke the doors down.  Can you believe that?? Thanks for the well wishes. A lot of heat later I have my range of motion back but still have the pain.  Pin- I just can't do cold. For some reason that is painful for me.I haven't been babying myself so maybe I "worked" through it.

Gimpy- you are right- I have to learn that it is OK to accept the help when it's offered. My daughter's boyfriend asked if there was anything I needed him to do this morning and what do I say- no but thanks for asking. Here I am shoulder aching and I turn him down- why?!  I just have it ingrained in my head that I take care of the chores I guess.

Lisa- I bet you enjoyed that little grandson- can't wait til it's my turn for that. For now it's their kittens I get to babysit- LOL. Let me know how that movie was- I want to see it too.
Linccn- I admire people like you. I would have been all flustered that I had to go elsewhere to cook my dinner but it sounds like you took it right in stride and had a good time on top of it.
kweenb I do both because Thanksgiving is my family and Christmas Eve is my husband's...he doesn't like to go anywhere- wants to be in his own house...although I really pressured this year and He allowed me to accept my nephew's offer to go there Christmas Day for dinner! His mom will be up for the holidays and she's 85 - I reminded him we should take advantage of getting together with her every chance we get. Your dinner did sound very romantic! I'd like to be sitting next to a crackling fire right now! Sorry your mom wasn't feeling well though- and it must be a tough year for holidays without your dad-
kathy- oh boy that's a big thing going from a crib to a bed! I bet you'll have fun tonight!
wanttobeRAfree2008-11-28 14:28:19

WTB~ I only have my brothers and my sister and their families to cook for.  It's not like their's any pressure.  They like me no matter what we have for dinner.  And my sister is also my best friend, so we had fun doing all the sides together at her house.  In fact, we decided that we'll do it this way from now on. Whether I have an oven or not :)

[QUOTE=inflamedOnline]Good Morning, WBRAF Pin has good advice Hot and cold effective therapy.  WE had a wonderful Day although I am whipped myself. I ended comming over to my daughters late last night and spending the night so she could work early this morning. She is a school teacher, but she works at mall for Holidays, she pretty much picks her own hours, etc. She has done this since she was 16, she likes the extra discounts and knowing about the bargains ahead of time. Her husband is a policeofficer and works nights. My grandson is 2 months old and he sleeps so good at night. He is taking his morning nap now. My husband and I are going to see a movie, I think the name is 4 holidays?..It is a christmas movie just released. Well take care everyone. Take time to rest and re-energize.
..................obviously you can tell i dont have much of a life.......i'm on here all the time even though its the holidays, i'm so pathetic and this place rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with friends, shopped in Puerta Vallerta yesterday, and nothing on the schedule for today but some chores and babying our cat.  He's not eating, losing weight, so I bought him some kitten food and special milk and I'm hand feeding him the kitten food.  He doesn't act sick just tired and not eating.  Hope to relax some today.  WBRAF, hope your arm and shoulder are feeling better.  Sounds like everyone had a great day.  Lindy here in this small town the stores were not at all crowded.
there were  6 people shopping in the mattress store, and at KMart there were tons of parking spaces..
maybe they all drove  2 1/2 hours to the nearest mall?
My daughter went to the mall at 5 am Friday morning.  She said the place was packed.  This mall is huge too.  She got some good deals though :)
Glad you didn't have to get trampled to get your shopping done.  Or trample anyone :)
Hope everyone is O.K.Wanttobe-Did you have your martini?  I sure did!  My mom and Dad were visiting for a week from out of state.  We always have drinks and hors d'oeuvres before dinner...yum martini!
We then travel to the nearest big city on black the night in a nice hotel...and shop the whole next day.
Saturday night we always put up 2 real trees and I get the lights on-one white, one colored.  All day Sunday it's trim the trees!  And a second martini! 
No more drinks till xmas.We went to my sister's house for Thanksgiving.  It was a 6-hr drive to Minnesota (we left right after church on Thursday morning), and a 9-hr drive back on Sunday (through the snow/sleet/rain/etc across Wisconsin).  A great time was had by all!  We took the kids to Benihana; they love going there.  My boys think we should get one of those table stoves installed in our living room.  It was good to get away from the office, from the school board, from housework, from local politics... if only for a few days. I missed some of these replies- I guess the post got buried and resurfaced!
To all who asked my shoulder is a lot better thank you! Still a little painful to take off clothes over the head but no biggie.
Sounds like everyone had a good time!
Linncn- even family makes me flustered...
La- I enjoyed every sip of my martini-glad you did too!
Sno-next year buy a smaller turkey LOL!
And on to the next holiday.........
