Methotrexate annual injection and placquinal | Arthritis Information


Hi all. I have seen a new Rheumy this week and she has recommended I have an annual injection of methotrexate and start taking placquinal. Would welcome any advice.. I have had lots more blood and urine tests and will get the results next week when I see her again. Short update. major flare at 4mg of Pred from 5mg which I had been on for 12 months. I got an oesteoporosis fracture and it was time to reduce again. Have had PMR for 3 years . Still have pain, aches, profuse sweating, fatigue, weight gain and every pred side effect. Uggggggg.
I have also been on Proteos, strontium ranelate for the osteoporosis, and I am having bowel problems with this, very sticky motions 5 to 8 times a day. I am only telling you this cause I cant see you xx

Hi Janie... lovely name we named our eldest daughter Jane!!! Close enough x Thanks for your reply. Nice to talk to another Aussie but sorry it is this way! I live in Horsham, Vic. My brother lived in Hervey Bay for a short time , years ago, we planned to visit but did not make it then. I know its has  beautiful beaches and weather and we will get up there one day!.  I will let you know when I have more info on the yearly mtx. No one else has replied yet and I have looked everywhere on the net to get as much info as I can and have not seen Mtx as a yearly dose? She, the Rheumy rang me to say it was not yet on the PBS and would cost 0 but she is going to see if she can get it through another department. I told her I would pay as its about the same cost for a year of Proteos ,and she still wants to try. I will post on here and the RA site when I get more info.

 No I have not tried Mtx or Placquinal . Tried Fosamax, Actonal and others but I have esophageal ulcer from taking NAIDS for about 14 years . Dr seems to think apart from some jaw calcification in a few patients this maybe okay for me. But as you can see I need more info. I take Pred, Nexium, Tramadol, Temaze and Proteos at the moment.
Janie I had read about you and your son Liam? on the RA site. You have been dealt a double whammy!!! You are a great Mum and friend to many others while having to deal with your own pain. Thank you for taking the time to answer me , Lyn x
