new - see the RA specialist on Wednesday | Arthritis Information


Good morning all.

You will have to excuse my post - I am copying from things I typed for the specialist - typing has become so difficult.
My symptoms: Hands - extreme pain - left sometimes much worse - will awake me in middle of night - hard time getting comfortable enough to fall asleep - anxiety meds help at times. They stay half closed most of the time.  Pain worse from about 12 noon until I get to sleep - mornings seems to subside a little. Pain peeks 4-8. Morning usually just stiff - not much pain.  I do make sure that my hands are extended and actually lay on them to keep them straight. Sometime when I wake up, I find myself clenching both hands.  Starting to have stiffness and pain in both ankles - only stiffness in knees and elbows.

Hoarseness - has been a problem for over a month - depends on time of day - worse in afternoon -ANYONE WITH THIS ???

Shortness of breath - I contribute that to smokin, Lack of appetite - loss of weight (over 100 pounds in last 3 years), Fatigue - all the time - every day. I am tired when I wake up - contributed that to depression.  Low grade fever - in afternoons and early evenings.  Feel like I have the “flu” - even saw PC in early Oct - had flu test and strep test - both negative.  Malice - no energy for the simplest things

Eyesight - declining - use reading glasses - eyes also somewhat dry - Dry mouth - - Extreme irritability because of pain - I’m either yelling or crying a lot - Depression - have always battled with - not currently on any medication

About my situation - I quit work in August to care for my mother full time - she passed away Oct 16. I worked for 3 years as a real estate paralegal - a lot of typing - before that 12 years with a criminal defense attorney - also a lot of typing. Have not looked into getting back to work yet because of the pain and knowing that there is no possible way that I will be able to type for 8 hours the way my hands feel, not to mention being hoarse - how can I answer phones ?

Used to do a lot of cross stitching - used left hand to gather fabric - thought that might be the reason behind some of the stiffness.


High Cholesterol - tried several medications in 2004/2005 - extreme joint pain in knees - was taken off all medication - lipator and one other. Now much lower. In 2004 - weight was approx 260 - now I am about 151.

2000 back surgery - fusion L4, L5. S1 - no pain or stiffness in back - I thought if I ever got arthritis it would be in my lower back because of the surgery.

Long history of sinus infections - cyst in lower cavity - 2 surgeries - 1999 and 2006 - still get infections (4-5 per year) so alot of meds are out

Hernia surgery 2007 - Pneumonia 3 days later - hospitalized 4 days.

Currently taking Clonipin for anxiety - see a psychiatrist - will discuss feelings concerning arthritis at next visit.(December 10).

Symptoms in hands were bad enough to send me to PC in late August (been having some pain and stiffness for over two years - but took Motrin/Tylenol and every cream that I could find (icy hot helped the most) and just went on. Was prescribed Celebrex by PC. In November, the pain was unbearable, Celebrex was not working - Lodine now - its not working either. Also take Nexium for stomach problems due to medications.  PC doc did blood work - said RA and is sending me to a specialist.

Looking back, pain and stiffness in hands started in 2002/2003 - I just thought it was a fact of growing older. Gave birth on 4/26/06 - at age 41- easy delivery - but after delivery is when stiffness in ankles, hands and knees became very noticeable.

Have not been able to wear any rings for over a year because of knuckles swelling.

Problems with daily living: Dressing daughter - cant manage the buttons or snaps - even the diaper tabs are hard, Turning on/off lamps with the turn switch, Opening any jar, medicine bottle, or even a soda bottle, Using knife to cut meats or hard fruits, Turning door knobs, Flicking a bic lighter, Using scissors, nail clipers, Typing, Writing, Sleeping

Support:  Have 16 year old son that helps everyway and anyway that he can - especially with his sister. Also have renters that assist in meal preparation. I have many friends that have helped in various other tasks (mainly helping me go through my moms things, getting the house clean, etc.).

Hello and welcome. I'm sorry things are so bad for you right now. I have or have had alot of the symtoms you're having. I spent years quilting and cross-stitching and can't do it at all now. I have more damage in my left hand than my right. The first year I was diagnosed, 2006, I was very depressed. I still go up and down where that's concerned but I'm more accepting of this disease than I used to be. I was in denial for a long time. My medication helps alot with the fatigue. I also try to go to sleep with my hands and fingers layed out flat but I wake up with pain because I end up curling them while I'm asleep. Braces help but I end up taking them off in the night because they're uncomfortable.
What a good son you have. I'm sure he loves you very much. I hope you're able to find some relief from your pain and that you find a good rheumatologist who can diagnose you and tell you exactly what's going on. There are many supportive people here who can help with your questions and concerns.
All the best to you.
Welcome!  I hope you have a good appointment this week.  Make sure you stay and ask all of your questions, and get answers to all of them.  Don't feel rushed and don't let the doctor leave until he has addressed all of your questions/concerns!  Good luck!

Oh and I don't get hoarse per se but just sound sick when I am not.  That is it's not hard to talk, but my voice sounds like I have sinus drainage when I don't.  I know that RA can cause that!

Hi Audrey!katie - when I made the apt - they told me it would be an hour long - boy - I feel special - an hour long apointment - should be able to get all my questions answered - I am a list person - so I will be ready - believe me I have alot been typing for days and still have three more days before I go - doc is going to love me - lol You might want to check this out:
thanks Island - I read it over - in my list I think I already have everything - I appreciate the link - I know I am doing what needs to be done
Have an awesome Sunday
Good Luck!!!  Let us know how it goes for you.hi Jis,
I hope you get all your questions answered at your appt.
Best wishes, and keep us posted.
take care
anyone here gettin social security disability ?
I will have questions later about that
