Apology to IO | Arthritis Information


I want to publicly apologize to IO for accusing her of being I0. I have read in another thread that she is leaving the forum. I feel bad about the way things have been.

I watched the board for days and days hoping that I would catch the little weasel that has infiltrated the board for his/her sick entertainment. I saw a pattern and thought it was IO. I am sorry and I want her to know that. I would hope she would not leave the board as she has a lot to offer the members here. I have apologized to her privately and don't expect her to accept but do want everyone here to know I'm sorry how I treated her.

I do want to add that if the weasel comes back to the board, I am going to call Ernest and let him know and get some action. I think if we start calling the sponsors of this board, maybe this type of thing will change.

People changing their names is the lowest form of cyber bullying there is as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, wanted you all to know.      LoriLori, your apology was an example of your grace and fairness. I think that IO will accept it, at least I hope so.

We have all certainly been tested, by the "weasel" in question, haven't we?
 Admitting that you were in error and asking IO to accept your apology, is a step toward the healing of this forum.
Thank you. Hugs, Nini
Lorster....i called the sponsors a while ago....not interested but google who advertise here are great....if it carries on they will get hold of ernest..Lorster,
Well, an apology was very appropriate.  This should be a lesson to all that you should DA*N well know who the "bully" is before you start naming names.  My name was thrown in there too and thankfully I have thick skin and really don't care what you or others think.  Remember, not everyone has thick skin and you can really hurt someone's feelings by making unfounded accusations. 
Phats= Lorster apologised and I think we should leave it at that...Do you really feel the need to have a go at her some more...you have had a go at lots of people for unfounded reasons and havent even apologised, so lets take it that she made her apologies and its up to Online and her to make their peace.Pin,
Mind your own business.  If you have a dig at me, start a new thread. 
I acknowledged her apology, but Lorster doesn't go without blame here and apparently neither do you.
One more thing Pin...Get your facts straight before spewing your hatred, I have apologized before on this board.
Phats I dont want to start a new thread its not a subject that i think warrants a new thread. neither have i spewed hatred at you, i just think that lorster apologised and well done to her...no need to carry it on. Yes you have apologised before but a lot of times you havent....Who do you think i have to apologise to and what for? Whatever sh*t stirrer.  I have apologized when it was appropriate and didn't when it wasn't.  I couldn't give two sh*ts what you think about me.  Move on to someone else.  I don't have time for your games.  I HAVE a life.  Maybe you should look into getting one too.My apology was to IO. Phats, I'm not sure how you got into this discussion. This has nothing to do with you. I have not ruled you out as the stalker. I'm hoping that ernest gets busy and checks out the site that is deteriorating and I'm hoping people start pulling their adds and then maybe he will pay more attention. Then again, maybe Ernest is entertained. Who knows. I don't care if IO accepts my apology. I simply apologized. [QUOTE=lorster]My apology was to IO. Phats, I'm not sure how you got into this discussion. This has nothing to do with you. I have not ruled you out as the stalker. I'm hoping that ernest gets busy and checks out the site that is deteriorating and I'm hoping people start pulling their adds and then maybe he will pay more attention. Then again, maybe Ernest is entertained. Who knows. I don't care if IO accepts my apology. I simply apologized. [/QUOTE]
Lorster, when you post an apology like this for all to see you're opening yourself up to scrutiny.  If you're unhappy here, join this forum:
No arguing there, just support, pure & simple.
For pity´s sake ENOUGH!  Loser, I mean Lorster,
I dont' really care if you think I'm the "stalker" or not.  Your dumb as a box of rocks.  If you "watched" the board like you claim, you would know it wasn't me.  Besides, why would I create other names and then open myself up to public scrutiney by posting under Phats?  You are just too dumb for words.
You never apologised to me in private!
Now you post " I don't care if IO accepts my apology"
Jeesh.......shakin my head, this forum is nuts.

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