Concerning The REAL Bullies | Arthritis Information


Is it any surprise that once again it's LyndeeNZ, PinCusion, Lorster and the rest of the same old nasty filthy members still causing trouble? Now they want to make complaints to the "bully" police. Why weren't they complaining when they were group attacking AchingAudrey? That was just good clean attack dog fun wasn't it? The more the nasties egged on InflamedOnline the uglier and nastier InflamedOnline got, wetting her panties in glee to be such a big part of an attack group. When AchingAudrey said that she was leaving, InflamedOnline sang her victory song for all of us, remember? "Ding dong the witch is dead....................." Remember? Maybe next time InflamedOnline will make sure that she knows who the wicked witch is and more importantly, make sure that the wicked witch is actually dead. InflamedOnline is as much of a bully and as nasty ugly as any member here or ever has been here and deserves every bad thing she gets. These nasty bullies, after getting rid of AchingAudrey had to continue their fun and so then turned on one of their own, InflamedOnline, with the alpha dog Lorster leading the attack and her butt sniffing follower PinCusion as the leg dog. If those filthy bullies want to report someone, they need to report their own nasty selfs. And now Lorster's thorazine spanzule has kicked in and now she wants to apologize for attacking one of her own attack dogs (InlamedOnline) and let us know that she is playing detective, trying to find out who is the "weazle" even tho just recently she was trying to convince us that she is so computer ignorant that she has trouble signing in. Look in the mirror Lorster. You are the weazle. You are a large part of the filth. You are a big part of the trouble. And that is certainly no surprise. These nasties didn't mind when one of their own stole AchingAudrey's name (Aching Audrey) and constantly attacked AchingAudrey. That was just good fun. They have no fairness or honor, just filth and ugly. If they had fairness they would have been against all, not just those they chose. They are a group, a group of puke and each one licking up each others as all good mad dogs do. Report your own sick assed selves or better yet, start your own forum and see who comes, remember how that works? Yous want to say who stays here and who's allowed here, start your own forum. What makes yous such an important part of this forum? Yous are the cancer of this forum. Loster told SC-Dude that she is glad AA is gone because AA started the trouble. Lorster, for years, long before AA, almost every trouble here at this forum is stirred with some Lorster and shaken with some bitter PinCusion, maybe yous should leave? Yous and your group are the bullies. Yous are always involved in almost every attack, right? Do you think that ADMIN is as biased and predjudiced as yous are or actually see yous filthy tactics also? Do yous think that your filth is hidden somewhere so that ADMIN doesn't see your ugliness? Yeah, that's right too. Do you think that only your complaints are accepted and that your filthy actions are not seen and read? Yous are the real bullies and yet you scream "bully" when some other member fights back. It's amazing how filth is attracted to other filth and all of you are one big ugly group of filth. Still got your card up your dirty sleeve Pin? What a peice of filth you are. It's so surprising the complaints sent to ADMIN by the same people that are part of the attacks. Do you think that your filthy posts are overlooked because you write such angelic complaints to ADMIN? "They" are the trouble and yous are the "whats"? Your posts speak the truth. Your complaints are full of bias, lies and predjudice, it's just that simple, got it?

So some of us are filth??? And I have ' attacked' members here??  lolol, I havent laughed this much in a while so thanks for that Lev.
Oh, and its just like the pot calling the kettle black if you believe your own inane rantings. Have you done a count of your own followers lately, there aren't many. 
If you are so full of love and admiration for a person who threatens anothers life, then you sure are one sick boyo. Now THATS real dirty stuff.
Must admit are getting to be quite the orator.

I wont even comment on the lies you spout Lev. Merry christmas

Talk about them? I don't even read them---although I do usually skim the first couple lines until I see it's the same old drivel.

One bully is ignored to cyber death and then Lev appears. I'm detecting a pattern.....

I think Lev is just trying to make up for running off our NICE, beloved Audrey aka anaudlife. She was sooo sweet and caring.... and I remember Lev going after her like an attack dog with rabies!

I mean, Lev, himself... the only person... ran her off.... all by his lonesome.
I think that if ONLY ONE person with no other help from anyone else on the board can run someone off... that they are MUCH MORE aggressive than a group.
SO... moral of the story....
Lev has no room to talk!
Sorry guys, but Lev is right on the money.  Lorster is all the center of almost everything that goes on here.  She starts sh*t, then erases posts, then "apologizes", then starts the same crap again.  Pin is always in the middle too.  They both need a frickin' life.  Lev knows what goes on here, as most of us do.GoGo - interesting - my thoughts exactly!  I was thinking when SC Dude left our own bully would be making a show.
Chicken Lev - 10 days until I'm in MI - cluck cluck!
LOL, my husband got a good laugh out of your post Lev, thanks for entertaining us tonight. Wow this place is still as awful as ever!  For any of you that would like some real help and support and very RA knowledgeable insight join this forum:
It's a Godsend and there isn't any arguing, fussing, name-calling, or any of the mess that goes on here.  We offer support to people who really need it, that's what these forums should be for but this one isn't and hasn't been about support for years now.
Hey Sherry -
Are you offering to take Lev with you?

It isnt peaceful here no!! Its just a bunch of people with an illness trying to defend themselves from bullies. I used to shut up and ignore them but if someone new signs in and i chat to them they wont get any help if they believe what Lev writes about me and others...Lev only comes in here when the board is starting to turn  peaceful, he stirs it up and spews out his own brand of rubbish. He supports people like AA who came in here with her racist ideals, he wrote a post to me and in it he picked on my two god children who are only 3 and 1 for being mixed race. Most of Lev's posts havent got a thing to do with RA or any other auto immune disease...I dont go out to cause trouble but I wont let other trouble makers on here cause trouble for me....

Phat- You are the first to criticise people,  yes you may have apologised  on occasion but then on a few others you havent....Take your own advice and dont read my posts.. You go on about being straight talking but then when other are the same  its a different story.You dont like it when others give their opinions.

You keep saying get a life...I have a wonderful life thanks, I have a great Husband, 3 lovely kids a nice home and some beautiful friends here in UK and all over the world.I have 2 very beautiful god children and am thankful everyday of my life for what I have. I am even thankful for my RA as its taught me humility and patience and most of all compassion to other sufferers so your opinion of me has no relevence to my life.

Hi Pin, I feel that you should try and ignore the sh*t that happens on here, we are all sick enough without having to continually defend ourselves, take no notice of individuals and their "opinions", they really don't matter, I know it can be hurtful but trust me not many newbies will stay around when the sh*t keeps getting scraped up and restarted on a new thread by individuals who normally complain about just that! Kind regards and I think you must have a wonderful life with all your lovely family, concentrate on that. Janie..i have kept quiet for years on here, as soon as the rubbish starts I normally bow out and my name is still used in the posts so I might as well defend myself..I know what you are saying but my life with my family is tied up in all I do, if ive been to ill to post in the past they have posted for me and when all the old regulars were on here my kids and my husband would chat with them, for them it was somewhere i came when i didnt want to burden them with how bad i was feeling..This board has been a lifeline to me and so many others, It only takes a few who pick up on others troubles and get off on bullying them. Where are all the old regulars now, the ones who helped people through bad times? They are longer here, they moved on due to the stress on this board and they never said a word, they just quietly slipped away and I still keep in contact with a few who miss the old board and its help. So I will do my upmost to drive out the bullies and the nasty comments, get on ernests nerves if i have to, contact the boards sponsors so ernest might think twice before leaving the board unmoderated as I feel very strongly that people need this board for SUPPORT, its what it used to be for.Well said Pin, it is terribly sad that the old regulars have left, so you do what you can do cos, I would hate to see you go.  Hugs Janie. Judging from the posts in here I don't think the "regulars" want a moderator in here, I think you all enjoy tearing each other up and keeping the newbies out.
Everytime I check in here I can't help but read the OT posts because there are so many of them.  This place is a social network for junk, not an RA Support Board.  And by continuing to post to the OT hateful threads you just keep them going.  None of you can resist the urge to "defend" yourself as you put it, this thread is proof enough of that.
Kiss my Ass.
Why aren't you telling Loser, I mean Lorster to kiss your a**?  After all, she is the one who started all this crap?
Phat's, I'll decide what I do and what I don't do, got it?
Well, piss on you.  I did feel sorry for you being the target of all the crap, guess you get what you give, huh IO?
Piss on you too.

This is really a sad place.

[QUOTE=inflamedOnline]Piss on you too.[/QUOTE]
I thought you promised you were leaving this site?  Geez, you are one angry B*TCH.
I'll do what ever I want to do. So piss off.
I'll do what ever I want to do. So piss off.
Inflamed down there, Ooooohhhh, I'm so scared of you, meanie.
Maybe you should go to the dr, they have shots for those problems


[QUOTE=levlarry]These nasty bullies, after getting rid of AchingAudrey had to continue their fun and so then turned on one of their own, InflamedOnline, with the alpha dog Lorster leading the attack and her butt sniffing follower PinCusion as the leg dog.[/QUOTE]
AA isn't gone, she's just chosen not to post.
I'm not challenging, just asking how you know AA is still here but not posting? 
If you look at their profile, it will tell you when they last logged in.  She logged in on December 1.Oh, ok that makes sense.





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Checking for messages to feed her sickness, is my guess.

Edited to change : Their to HER
inflamedOnline2008-12-03 09:21:59Okay,
Let's start with Joonies accusation about me running off Anaudlife. Anaudlife, Audrey was doing what she was told by her husband that owns the johncow website. He was showing his followers how to start a money making blog using his wife Audrey and a blogsite by her called If you read the 6 steps of, you will see that johncow told her to go to forums and free advertise. That's why she was here with her webpage link in her signature line. He also said to be sincere and caring and offer some trinket and make it look good, she offered a book. Joonie, you have had a problem with sticking your nose into others business for quite some time, haven't you? Way back during the RAFRIENDS forum right? You really stuck your nose into other peoples business, didn't you? When Lorster and the group was attacking Audrey, you mysteriously appear as if a head coming out of Lorsters neck, adding to Lorster's attacks and then start a thread, "Why can't we all get along"? Probably if we could break into the private message boxes, we would probably have a clearer insight, right?
I know that I have called you some nasty names and stand by them. I wish that I could think of some that are even nastier. Sorority house vomit must run through your veins. I am not a racist. I beieve in equality for all, no matter who and what someone is. I also do not believe in giving any special rights because of race, sex, ethnicity, religion or any other reason including someone having 2 "black" godchildren. I am 100% against affirmitive action. I am against all racism, not just white racism. I think that racism is criminal and sickening and I believe that anyone that uses race as a trump card is even sicker, the sickest, like you. I never said anything against your two "black" godchildren that you use as if they were amunition. Now, you show everyone where I attacked your"black" godchildren because they were black. This is your accusation, now back it up.  Here is your quote, now back it up.
"I used to shut up and ignore them but if someone new signs in and i chat to them they wont get any help if they believe what Lev writes about me and others...Lev only comes in here when the board is starting to turn  peaceful, he stirs it up and spews out his own brand of rubbish. He supports people like AA who came in here with her racist ideals, he wrote a post to me and in it he picked on my two god children who are only 3 and 1 for being mixed race."
I stand up for almost any member that is group attacked in order to make that member leave. Granted, I was gone and missed some of what Audrey posted, but nonetheless, she has as much right to post here as anyone does, it's just that simple. PinCusion, you have been involved in almost every attack since you've been here. You and Lorster attacked Audrey along with InflamedOnline and the other mad dogs and after Audrey left you two dogs attack InflamedOnline. You are pure nasty. And whether AchingAudrey is gone or not gone has nothing to do with any of you. She has as much right to be here as any of us, got it. Whether she lurks or gets her PMs or posts, what's it to yous. It doesn't mean I agree with everything about anyone, she has the right to be here. If anyone should have to leave it would be people like PinCusion that posts such slander as she did about me and her 2 "black" godchildren. That's sick and criminal, she's sick and anyone that supports her sickness is just as sick as she is. What's the matter PinCusion, you think it's great fun when you and "the group" are attacking a member, right? Of course you are justified, after all, you have 2 "black" godchildren, so of course, you have special rights, right?
InflamedOnline, show some class, not your ass.
KweenB, I really don't know if AA has left or not. I haven't seen a post from her so I guess I just consider her gone altho, she has every right to be here and post here if she wishes. She will need to learn that you can't apologize to a bunch of mad dogs, the mad dogs just take it to be weakness. Say what you want to say. I know that I missed some of AA posts but I know that she can be passionate. We are all responsible for our inside. Our own inside. I think that people like PinCusion that make slanderous statements should be thrown off the edge of the earth, but instead, I'll just call her on it and make her look nasty, just like she is.

Geez, Lev.  Go back and read my post.  I NEVER said AA had no right to post here. 

Wow Lev!!  Why are you attacking those whom YOU condemned and believe 'attacked' others?!!
Like I said, its the pot calling the kettle black dontcha think?
Or maybe there is another set of rules for your ego?
Your behaviour epitomises the definition of an online bully as described in a link in the post I put up a few days ago re online bullying.
Go take a squizz and see yourself in your true light.
Oh. I forgot. Your type just wont ever see it. So true to form, I expect a tongue lashing from you about now or when you are next about, and I havent once used your favourite words 'filth' 'dog' 'vomit' etc to describe you. And thats because I have more class than you.
ETA: Your favourite.
LyndeeNZ2008-12-03 18:22:43KweenB,
I didn't mean that you said she had no right to be here. I guess I just answered you and then went from there past your sentance without starting a new paragraph. If you read it in a way that I was down on you, I assure you and all it wasn't my intention. I guess I was just stating to all of us that she has that right and I don't know if she is here, isn't here, lurks here or what-ever, I'm not obsessed by her enought to be that concerned. I leave that to Detective Lorster and IO. So, let me rephrase my answer to you and here it is.
Oh. hope you had a good day KweenB. LEV
LyndeeNZ, can you find anything about forum gangs or cliques or groups that attack other members? And yes, you are full of class. Keep saying it over and over and maybe you'll actually convince your concience. When you are part of an attack, what kind of bully are you, the "GOOD" kind. Just out of curiosity. "Classy" people like yourself always attack in groups, don't they?

Lev, With all the class around the world, I say to you:



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