Arthritis Information -diet and RA


I found out  I  have RA and  fibromyalgia  a  few months ago
and i'm on minocycline and doing a lot better.  I got all my energy
back and am having some swelling in my knees, I also get very stiff if
I sit for awile, but I'm doing ok.
I have found by changing my diet, it seems to help.  My Dad was crippled from RA, and he had a book about eating and RA and I started eating a lot of salads and veggies and I eat only a little chicken.  I've given up almost all sugar and wheat, it seems to help a lot, the book talked a lot about food allergies.  I also started exercising 3 to4 times a week  with a show called "Total Body Sculping with Gilad".  On days I can hardly move or I'm hurting, I feel great after doing this.  I'm determined to keep moving, as I watched my Dad do nothing .
I've enjoyed  reading all your messages.

Welcome Catherine....glad to hear you are doing so well.

You'll make a great addition to our group. It sure sounds as if you'll have some great information to share with us here.

Hope yo see more of you.



Good information! I do feel that I have reactions to certain foods (eggplant, vinegar, certain spices). Vinegar is really bad for RA! I stayed away from salad dressing for months and then when I did finally have some, I had a flare up. Anyway, do you have the name of the book your dad used? Do you think it is still in publication. I have one too,
"Getting Well Naturally Series, Arthritis" by Michael T. Murray, N.D.
Unfortunately, I have a sweet tooth. What tips do you have for people who love sugar??? I have been using the sugar substitutes.
Thanks for your info and hope we talk again!Thank you for the welcome!!!
The name of the book is "How to Eat Away Arthritis" by Laurie M. Aesoph,N.D.  My Dad bought it in 1996.  I noticed they still sell it
on amazon.  I thought it made a lot of sense.
I know to give up sugar is hard and I don't think you can all of it,
but I was a pepsi addict (about 6 a day!) and I changed to Diet Coke,
still not good for ra because of the acid, but it's a start.  I think if you
eat a lot of greens and  major salads before you eat other things it will
