Yet another acupunture meta-analysis | Arthritis Information


Yet another acupuncture meta-analysis: Garbage in, garbage out
I know quite a few people, including myself, who have had good results with acupuncture. Most don't care if it's the "placebo" effect, since healing yourself with only the power of your mind is a good thing, in some people's opinion (obviously, some people think healing yourself with your mind is a bad thing IE: author of this linked opinion blog post and people who think acupuncture is garbage).

I don't really care how the "placebo" power is harnessed: acupuncture, reiki, exercise, only that it is. (And I am not saying that is how acupuncture works---I'm just saying I, and most people I personally know who use it, don't care if thats how it works. We only care that it does work).

I continue to see an acupuncturist for certain health issues, and it is paid by my extended health insurance. Obviously the provider recognises the benefits, or they wouldn't offer to cover the service.