OT Film- A Christmas Story | Arthritis Information


My very favorite Christmas film is A Christmas Story with Peter Billingsley as the boy.  Hilarious.  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Christmas_Story

I wish I could post a picture.  Maybe someone else can.
Jan, that's my favorite Christmas movie as well.  I love it!  My favorite Christmas gift of all time was when my kids went together and bought me a leg lamp like the one "the old man" won.  My son built a giant wooden box for it, and my daughter stenciled "FRAGILE" on it, just like in the movie!Loved that lamp!!!!!!!  Fabulous.

I just watched that last night!

I like a lot of Christmas movies- Charlie brown Christmas & Rudolph of course but also movies with the true meaning like the original Christmas Carol & It's A Wonderful Life.
Yes, there are alot of good Christmas movies, Charlie Brown, etc.
Grinch, Prancer, One Magic Christmas....
We do a lot of movie watching this time of year. That's me & my husband- the kids think we are nuts.
This movie is just too funny! one of my favs

Have you guys seen any of the Christmas shows they have on the Travel Channel? I think it's tonight that they have an episode where they tour the most decorated houses. It's good stuff! Snow Owl-

Thanks for the picture of the family.  So cute.   I love it that the dog ate the turkey and they end up going to a CHinese restaurant for Christmas dinner.  So good.
We watch this every Christmas eve, it's one of our favorites. I got DD the Hallmark ornament of the leg lamp in the crate and when you press the button it's the dad's voice saying, "Fra-gi-lay, it must be French."

You guys want to see something really freaky?  This is a pic of my friends son Elijah. 

He looks almost like Ralphie.  In fact his mom is making one of the "deranged easter bunny" suits for him and is going to take pictures and use them in their xmas cards.  The poor kid will need years of intense psychotherapy to get over this one.
Bob H.
That's awesome!!
(Poor kiddo!)
I love "Frosty the Snowman" I love it so much that I bought the video years ago. I also love "National Lampoon Christmas Vacation". Cousin Ed cracks me up every time. When he kidnaps the boss. LOL  I'd like to do that to my hubby's boss. Shhh don't tell anyone. LOLNinil-
Hallmark tree ornament sounds good.  I saw a Hallmark sound card that has picture of Ralphie and you open it and it says "I dare you" to the kid about putting his tongue on he freezing steel!!!!
Still like this film.Like this one  but our absolute all time favorite is "The Bishop's Wife" with Cary Grant, Loretta Young and David Niven.
perfect. Weve watched it at least 5 times so far this Christmas Season.
I like "It's a Wonderful Life", featuring George Bailey, the social housing activist, and how he positively impacted the lives of those around him by helping them buy affordable, decent housing and keeping them out of the rental slums of capitalist Mr. Potter.

It's a Christmas classic!I recently saw "Christmas Carol- The Movie".  It is animated and very good.I also recently saw "The Agony and the Ecstacy" about the painting of the Sistine Chapel.  Quite a film.I love the old Christmas Carol/Scrooge with Alister Simm (sp?)  That is a great one too!My hubby is jewish but loves A Christmas Carol.  He reads the bood every Christmas eve since he was a little boy:)Snow-
I haven't read it but saw the movie!!!!!

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