Hello, everyone! | Arthritis Information


It's Mel (MrsA). Haven't been on in a while, but I have been reading. There's a lot of crap going on, but there is still some valuable information being passed on to fellow RA sufferers (thank goodness!) I just hope any true newbies that sign up can learn to skip the drama. When you're newly diagnosed, there are so many questions. I'm sure you all remember well.

As for me, my RA could be better, could be worse. I have horrific flares from time to time, but I'm managing. My RD is going to be starting me in Imuran after we get back from our vacation. I did try Humira and it SUCKED. I'm currently on a regimen of 500mg Naproxen 3x a day. It seems to help and if/when the pain isn't tolerable, I take a vicodin. I've also had the lovely recent development of a new diagnosis - raynauds. Yeah, I don't like that so much! So that's the cRAppy stuff.
Now for the AWESOME-TOTALLY-NON-RA-RELATED-FUN-STUFF!!! We are going on vacation next week to CA and Vegas. My husband hasn't seen the CA family members since he came back from Iraq and he is absolutely stoked! I'm excited to meet them as well. Plus, we're taking a couple of days to go to Vegas... and renew our wedding vows!! Weehoo!! I'm absolutely thrilled! Got a gorgeous dress and everything!! Also, my oldest son will be here the day after Christmas for a few weeks. I've missed him desperately and can't wait to see him. We are still talking about 3rd grade in CO, but TX schools are so much better. I've yet to hear a good thing about schools in my area and believe me, I've been asking.
We have about 5in of fresh snow on the ground and it's still coming down. I heard we're supposed to end the day with about 8in. It looks really pretty and it's so calm, peaceful, serene... and very white! Haha! Joonie, 50 degrees is balmy! Where's your swimsuit, girl!? Our high today is supposed to be EIGHTEEN!!
I hope you are all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day! It's good to be back!

Have fun in CA and Vegas.


Welcome back sounds like fun going to Vegas..really nice you're renewing your vows!!!enjoy your vacation.....The vacation sounds like fun.
Glad your son will be visiting you.  Oh and you can keep that much snow.  Especially with the 18 degrees.
Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome and wishes!
I just took my almost 2yr old outside and I had to fight to get him back in! LOL He was having a field day playing in the snow (while I was freezing!) It's funny because he fell down and couldn't get back up because his arm got stuck in the snow.
He's yelling "socks! jacket!" cause he wants to go back out. I'm still THAWING!! haha
I have been wondering what happened to you! Last I looked you up on MySpace you seemed really busy and all. I have not logged into MySpace in months, but my husband has logged into my account and keeps adding freaks to my friends list. He is a pain in the butt!as a newbie - I have enough drama in my personal life - I dont apy attention to the Drama here - (the Jeasus healed me) - I am getting alot of info and glad you are back -wishingyou a pain free night and a peacefull sleep Mrs. A - good to see you back and getting an update.  The insanity that's now running the world is evident in here too, so its the usual petty infighting, and you haven't missed much but some great laffs at some terrific stupid statements.Hi MrsA - gald you're back!
Good to see you again! Enjoy your vacation. The weather here in So. Cal. is still beautiful. Around 73 today.
Enjoy all the good things that are happening in your life and have a great Christmas.
Hugs, Nini
Mel, darling Mel. You were one of the first newbies I helped out on here. Memories. Shows how old I am getting in terms of this board.  Hello Mel. Welcome back! Hey Mel...nice to see you back. :)

Thanks, Jas! And all who have responded. It's great to hear from all of you!

Hope everyone is having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable evening/morning! Glad to see you back, MrsA!  Your trip sounds like a lot of fun! Always nice to have something to look forward to.  My husband and I got married in Vegas and we had such a good time there.

Hi Mrs. A......good to hear from you. Renewing you vows in Vegas sounds so romantic and fun!! Have a great time and remember, "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" LOLGood luck with the 2 year old!!!!!
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