Strange PM from Peaceful Soul | Arthritis Information


Peaceful Soul sent me the following private message yesterday at 11:20pm:

You are one sad excuse for a human being

Peaceful Soul just joined Dec. 2, and I haven't posted much since Dec. 2, so what provoked this? 
Who knows Joie, just block your PM's.  I really am unwell at the moment and I don't think I can cope with this board at present, it is making me very sad to see how some people can be, isn't this supposed to be the time of good cheer, please people, think of your families and how you would feel if someone was doing it to one of your close family?  Cheers Janie.  I used to let Liam read some of this with me but he was utterly disgusted at the treatment some people were getting and it is very hard to explain to a child why some people are so nasty.  Regards Janie. Yeah I got the same PM...Lev aka Ernest.If you look back a Levs posts he was the only one to attack you...I have looked very deeply into Lev aka Ernest over tha last few days and there just so much there, i cant believe I didnt see it before..I have had a lot of PMs asking me to show my evidence and I will do, I deleted my Pin cushion details and am trying to retrieve my pm's to ernest, its a bit of a long process to gather amnd collate everything that i have found and what my nephew casme up with but please bear with me and I will post everything. I wouldnt be surprised if Ernest doesnt drop the site in the coming days..I think these PM's and nasty posts are his swan song.....

You are one sad excuse for a human being.

Edited to add my pm too
pincushion2008-12-05 08:15:56
Private Message

You are one sad excuse for a human being.

Private Message
Subject: YOU
Sent: Yesterday at 11:20pm
Sent by: Peaceful Soul
Group: Newbie
YOU Add Buddy   Delete   Reply
You are one sad excuse for a human being.

here is the same message to me....i feel special now, LOLPeaceful Soul. I think you need to dig deep into your soul and determine if you are truly as peaceful as your name implies. Maybe you could just find another forum.Well I was going to try and be funny. and say they saw you crying and knew you were sad.  And just wanted to send you some love. 
But the sad excuse for a human I haven't figured out that one yet.
I think whoever they are they need to be themselves and tell you why they feel that way about you.  And if so many are getting this message why on earth would this person want to stay??  Well I say because they love the drama and it gives them something to feel good about.  I mean really if they had stuff going on in RL they wouldn't have time for BS.
So hang in there you all.  I know I don't know what's really going on but I say hang in there.  Let them think what they will.  We all have the right.  Even those not playing with a full deck.


Thanks, that was well said. I appreciate the non judgmental post and the encouragement as well.


Best Wishes,


Calmness will prevail.  Block PMs, don't respond to any post by the bullies and eventually they will disappear.  They can only destroy the forum if we help them by not blocking and replying to their nonsense and getting caught up in the drama.  Even if it's personal, let it go.  If you respond then you own it.  Even personal attacks should be ignored.  It's hard but if you don't ignore then we have a forum filled with hate and fear fueled by the bullies  Lindy

Lin, what do we do if the forum owner is the bully ?  I am really trying to gather all info I can as I dont want anybody on here to be used by the owner of the board...Yes, ignore bullies, dont answer PM's but when it could be Ernest who is instigating it Id be worried..

Take care

Pin, if that turns out to be true then this isn't an RA forum any longer.  If it turns out to be true I won't be involved any longer.  I refuse to be used to further someone's twisted sense of the macabre, and that's what the forum has turned into.   The forum's intent has changed and the forum will be destroyed.   It's happened before to other forums and will continue to happen.  I don't think there's anything that can be done about it.  Lindy 

If Ernest is a member of the forum, maybe he has RA.  That he would use a different name isn't that unusual.  Alot of people on the board don't use their names.  He might not want to be known as the owner of the board  in order to avoid complaints/suggestions.  He'd rather be annonymous.

Linncn2008-12-05 15:46:32As long as their are bullies on a forum (and the ones on this forum know who they are) there will be victims.  Why be a victim?  Why put up with the crap?  I don't get why you people stay, leave this forum once and for all and leave it to those who only wish to make trouble for the rest of us...
It's so much better than this forum!
[QUOTE=pincushion]Lin, what do we do if the forum owner is the bully ?  I am really trying to gather all info I can as I dont want anybody on here to be used by the owner of the board...Yes, ignore bullies, dont answer PM's but when it could be Ernest who is instigating it Id be worried..

Take care[/QUOTE]

pin you are so full of sh*t I can smell your UK ass all the way here and I'm in the U.S.  You keep running your mouth about all this info you're's total bull sh*t.  If and only IF you post any "info" it's just going to be sh*t you made up and copied and pasted.  Pure & simple!
Can we all say a collective "Kiss my ass" and "Full of sh*t"? 
Well... I got one too.
Private Message

You are one sad excuse for a human being.

Joonie, welcome to the sad excuse for a human club. Well... Just another club I have been inducted into this week! I am starting to feel IMPORTANT! 