New, wondering if it's RA? | Arthritis Information



I'm hoping someone here can help me figure out what's going on.  I'll try to be brief...
I'm a 34 year old female.  Have been having recurrent joint pain for over 3 years now.  First saw my PCP Dec 2005 and Rheumatologist in 2006.  My main problem is joint pain - or what seems to me like tendon pain.  It can show up in my fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, and toes.  It usually happens in more than one type of joint at a time, and both sides are usually affected - although sometimes to different degrees.  Pain can often wake me up at night.  I flare up every 4-8 weeks and a flare can typically last from 1-5 weeks.  The joints very rarely swell, and when they do it's not that dramatic.  I get very stiff and sometimes feel like a little old lady.  Xrays in 2007 showed nothing.  Bone scan at the end of one flare showed activity in one wrist and the follow-up MRI showed something similar to a tendon tear (although I had NOT injured it in any way). 
Blood tests in 2007 came out negative for ANA, rheumatoid factor, ESR, although I was not flaring up at the time.  I'm currently waiting the results of my most recent blood test, which was for ESR and CCP.  The rheumatologist told me in 2007 to basically just take ibuprofin and call her if I swell really bad.  Now after a visit to my PCP, she'll see me again in a few weeks.  The last time I felt really good was on a short burst of prednisone in 2007. 
I'm starting to wonder if it's early RA.  I'm getting very tired of hurting.  Any opinions?
Well, those symptoms are consistent with RA, but it's hard to DX when you're not a doctor and it's the internet. IOf I were you I would get another RD, because if it is RA early aggressive treatment is the best thing you can do to improve your long term diagnosis.

It's very frustrating. We have heard story after story on here of women who took years to get a proper DX. Push nicely but firmly and consistently on your healthcare team for answers. Hopefully the blood tests will show something they are willing to work with.

Good luck, and remember there are people here and on other resource boards always ready to give advice.It can be a frustrating process.  Keep in mind that if anti-CCP is negative, that doesn't necessarily mean you don't have RA. 
Have you looked at PRA?  I think that's what its called.  I'm not saying I think you have it but it sounds a little similar maybe. 
I had problems with my feet that were similar without any visible swelling about 10 years ago, had to have been something related.
Good luck!
I'm surprised your RD did not put you on a DMARD way back a couple years ago. Especially with the stiffness you have. I agree to get another RD and get some answers. You are not being treated agressively enough for the suffering you are enduring.Megan,
Sorry to say, but the regulars on this foum will not help you.  All the people that are giving you advice are sad people and I wouldn't trust any advice they give.  Do a search on all their other posts and tell me if that's the kind of person you trust with advice about your health.  They seem real sweet to newbies, then later on, the fangs come out.  Terribly sad people.  Don't just walk out of here...RUN!
Go here, to this forum:
The people are kind and compassionate and VERY knowlegeable.
Megan, welcome aboard and sorry you had to find us.  It's hard to overcome a mindset that medical doctors are perfect, but they aren't.  RA needs to be hit hard and fast.  I have blown through a few MDs in my journey, kept beating the doors until I finally got answers, and then the right combo of RX for my version of RA.  Good luck and we are all pulling for you, well, except for one.  I found this quiz online, thought it might help a little:
I think you should get another opinion. Maybe if you didn't mention any of the previous docs, the new doc would be able to work with a clean slate? Tell him all your symptoms, pain, stiffness, etc. Sometimes the docs tend to look at what everyone else does and instead of really looking into you, they just go by what was previously said. Maybe you need Dr. House. Hi, sorry you feel so awful. I hope you find some answers soon. I too vote for Dr. House. He's an arrogant jerk but he's always right. LOL
Like someone said....keep beating on the doors until you can get some answers.
take care
Morning Megan, my only opinion is to seek out another RD and make an appt.  You've had symptoms for 3 years and in the arthritis world that's a very long time.  One of the diagnostic tools used is a short burst of Prednisone.  If the pain is helped or goes away then usually PRA, RA or PsA is diagnosed and treament of some kind is started.  The newest theory is to hit RA hard at the start of symptoms. You need to find an RD who will take that theory into consideration.  Good luck and keep posting.  There's been a bit of drama on the forum so please ignore some of the posters.  It happens at most unmoderated forums like this one.  They'll disappear in time.  There's a world of knowledge on the forum.  Lindy LinB2008-12-06 09:24:47soundsl ike you could be RA but not sero-positive
next flare?
when you are swollen...... get in to the RD's office... that's how I was DX'd... fluid in knee.....

Thanks for the responses.  I appreciate all the opinions.  I think I'll take my chances with the fangs, too.  ;)

I'm going to keep the appointment with the current RD since it's in a couple of weeks, and will push for a DMARD.  I think it's also time to start looking around for another RD.  Only other RDs are an hour away, but associated with well-known hospitals.  I'll do my research and get on the list to see one of them.  From what I can tell, it can take a couple of months as a new patient, so I'll hang with my current one until I can get in. 
My PCP has offered me a prescription for a short burst of prednisone in the meanwhile.  That's like dangling a big piece of candy in front of me.  I'm practically drooling at the prospect of good sleep and feeling "young" again.  I was thinking I should stay miserable so the RD can see me in that state, but she's just going to have to take my word for it.  Hopefully by the time I see her I'll feel better again.
What does PRA stand for?  I remember seeing it somewhere in a previous post and thinking it sounded a lot like what I go through.

Hiya  and welcome Megank!

......I am relatively new to RA but I do know that PRA stands for Palindromic RA and Im sure someone will be along soon and explain it to you.
Hope you get a proper Dx soon and can begin on the right meds AND feel better.