Any ideas? | Arthritis Information


It's been awhile since I've posted since my RA was forced into remission with MTX.  I've been MTX free since July 07. I feel great and have only had intermittent episodes of pain in various joints, primarily fingers, elbow and shoulder that has always gone away as quickly as it begins.  Dr. assured me it didn't mean the RA went away but said I should not be concerned unless it didn't go away in a day or two. He doesn't think it is necessary to restart the Mtx but to just take 800mg of ibuprofen around the clock for a few days during these episodes.  I don't always take that much ibuprofen since it wreaks havoc with my stomach and I'm always fine in a day or two.  Earlier this week while at my desk I noticed discomfort in my knee when I would get up from my chair and by the time I got home I had difficulty only going up and down stairs or up and down from/to a sitting position.  Walking was a relief, no pain.  Today I woke up and my knee felt completely normal and I took no ibuprofen since yesterday morning.  Any ideas or thoughts from any of you?

I always thought that if our remission was induced by meds we would have to continue taking the meds in order to stay in remission?
The max dose for ibuprofen is 800mgs 3x daily per my RD. Did your doc try to give you anything to take to help with the stomach issues? I know that much tends to make me feel pretty icky. You might see if your doc will let you take naproxen instead. I take at least 500mg 2x daily and it seems to help. On days that are bad, I take a 3rd (ok'd by my doc) and sometimes a vicodin to liven things up. LOL  My only advice is if you're taking that much naproxen and/or lots of vicodin is to drink lots and lots of water. The meds tend to stop things in process - stuff that is meant to be expelled, if you know what I mean.
If you're not taking the MTX, I would suggest continuing to take the ibuprofen. Maybe 400mgs? Because if you get to the point where you are in major pain, taking the ibuprofen may not provide a lot of comfort for ya. For myself, if I get to the point of 10-scale type pain, taking anything is like eating skittles and doesn't do a damn good for me. I just don't want to see you have to go through that!
I thought MTX was a life sentence also.

Ari - good to see again, and your post.  I was told by my ex-rheumy MTX was for life, and the newest version of what the professional lobbying group for the rheumies (which Lev keeps posting) says it too. 

Good luck - its always a balancing act.  Take care ~~ Cathy

Ari, not sure that I understand what your RD is recommending.  I'm in clinical remission but I'm  still on all of my meds but I am trying to reduce MXT, not completely stop.  I've been told I'll probably be on dmards and biologics or some combo of them for the rest of my life or until there's a cure.  Did you meet all the markers for clinical remission?  Labs completely normal for at least 6 months, no inflammation or synovial fluid on MRI, no swelling, and no pain?  Lindy I had to stop MTX due to liver problems but I was on Humira so that has been working to control the inflamation. Prior to Humira any time I was off MTX for very long my symptoms always returned over time. For me....maybe not everyone; I have to continue on some sort of DMARD or Biologics to continue any level of remission; which I have sone with the help of Meds.
IUB works well for me yes; but it isn't slowing the progression of the disease....only masking it. Something to consider.
Maybe a low dose DMARD would be a good idea long term. Just a thought. I know you don't want to take long term meds. Truth is; none of us do.
glad you made it to remission, Ari..
your life now seems like my life for about 20 years... no flares.. just small smolderings ... monitored and maintained by NSAIDs........ 
keep an eye on it... keep it down.. I wish you the best.
