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Any one with bursitis? I think my right hip is inflamed. I am calling for a appointment Monday to see the ortho. My knees are all red and swollen, my feet hurt like hell, fingers have become more inflamed over night, I am desperately trying NOT to take prednisone.

I wonder, does anyone else seem to turn worse overnight?...I am going to have hip looked at, knees drained and cortisone shots ( I hope). I had shots in both my knees, it has wore off, I hope it has been enough time to get it again.

Oh yeah......It has snowed snowed snowed... It's all part of having Ra. It's a day by day thing. I can be fine one day and then

wake up with my feet hurting and/or hands hurting. It can even be an hour by
hour thing too. I'm fine in the morning and by afternoon I am in pain.
Advil seems to help with some of the inflamation for me. I also do alot of stretching
and moving around to lubricate the joints.
I sure hope you start feeling better.
I've had nasty hip bursitis  for 3 years now, ever since I went into the pain management program.. I ended up with far worse pain, because they wouldnt listen to me.. I wanted help protecting my joints and they hyperextended them..
 Anyway I have had 2 or 3 shots for the bursitis which helps about 6-9 months..
and oh yeah go to bed fine...  wake up unable to stand up, walk, or hold a cup of coffee.  I hate starting the day with vicodin and eggs.  sheeesh
Did your bursitis in your hip hurt worse when you laid down. I go to bed in pain and wake up in......well you all already know the perils of waking up....I am feeling very poorly today. Trying not to be such a downer. There is so many things I want and need to do for the holidays, So many things I enjoy, but not able....it is a real pisser.
It keeps getting closer to my ortho appiontment. I want some shots and drained also. Sat threw three MRI's Friday so i should be good to go. I see foot doctor for the first time Tuesday. So i do not know what he is going to do? That is i think shots will help but i may need surgery. My toe has a limit to how much swelling i am allowed to have. Too much and i can not walk. Or even sleep either.
I was down to 5 mg of pred. Now i have been taking 15 mg and it keeps the swelling down a little bit so i can walk around. But i am still grounded from the pain and all of the appointments. Next friday i plan to go out of town for a few days. After three weeeks of all doctors and dentist and such. Well thats my plan. Who knows what the RA has planned?
I can lie down on my left side for about 3 minutes then it hurts so bad its terrible.  and then rolling over is impossible.
 I wake up if I accidently roll onto that side.. but lately I am more likely to wake up from  red hot numbness in hands and feet

3 minutes or less!.....my neck is hurting from sleeping on my left side...I'm calling him first thing in morning. Another long night. So tired, it has been troubling me for months but, the past few weeks it has intensified, I thought the pain was coming from my lower back, but it never has resolved, and I would bet my bottom dollar it is bursitis. Hurts to sit, especially in bed, terrible to lay on the hip, only relief, standing  or laying on left side with pillow between the legs.

Thanks for the response Kathy, and others. This is the real reason I am here.[QUOTE=inflamedOnline]

3 minutes or less!.....my neck is hurting from sleeping on my left side...I'm calling him first thing in morning. Another long night. So tired, it has been troubling me for months but, the past few weeks it has intensified, I thought the pain was coming from my lower back, but it never has resolved, and I would bet my bottom dollar it is bursitis. Hurts to sit, especially in bed, terrible to lay on the hip, only relief, standing  or laying on left side with pillow between the legs.

Thanks for the response Kathy, and others. This is the real reason I am here.[/QUOTE]

3 minutes or less!.....my neck is hurting from sleeping on my left side...I'm calling him first thing in morning. Another long night. So tired, it has been troubling me for months but, the past few weeks it has intensified, I thought the pain was coming from my lower back, but it never has resolved, and I would bet my bottom dollar it is bursitis. Hurts to sit, especially in bed, terrible to lay on the hip, only relief, standing  or laying on left side with pillow between the legs.

Thanks for the response Kathy, and others. This is the real reason I am here.[/QUOTE]
Uhhhhhhhhhh, we've read your posts and everyone knows the REAL reason your here.  To argue and be a royal bitch.
what makes you think it's bursitis and not your RA?  IF I don't sleep on my air mattress bedding.. I am in agony in the a.m..........  It's been that way as longt as I can remember..why would I think it's something other than RA?

I read that bursitis is felt in the hip area, and joint problems are felt in the groin. I also read that the symptoms I have like laying on the affected side causes more pain. I also read that Bursitis is common in people with RA. So I feel it could possibly be bursitis. When I had my shoulder surgery for torn rotator cuff he removed the bursa , he said it was inflamed.

I am in alot of pain everywhere...but the hip is causing me alot of problems. I will find out when I go to ortho

The most prominent symptom of hip arthritis is pain. Most patients think that their hip is in the region of the buttocks and are surprised to learn that true hip pain is most commonly experienced in the groin. The pain can radiate down the front of the thigh for a few inches as well. Occasionally it goes all the way down the thigh to the knee (“referred pain”). This is because the hip and knee have an overlapping nerve supply. In fact, in some patients with hip disease, knee pain may be the only symptom! Back pain is even more frequently confused with hip pain. Pain in the buttocks, across the low back and down the back of the thigh usually comes from the spine. It usually indicates a pinched nerve in the lower spine. Patients with a pinched nerve will also often have numbness or tingling in the leg. To complicate matters, some patients with an arthritic hip may also have a pinched nerve from a back disorder. It is important in such cases to determine which problem is causing most of the pain: the hip or the back. If your problem is mainly in your back, you may still be left with most of your pain after going through a hip replacement, and you will not be very happy with the result! If most of your pain is from the hip, a hip replacement may have the added benefit of improving your back condition as well, since the stiffness of an arthritic hip can aggravate a back problem.

Most patients with significant hip disease have a limp and one leg may feel shorter than the other (see true and false leg lengths). Bone-on-bone contact occasionally causes the patient to feel or hear the hip creaking during walking. As the disease progresses, the hip becomes stiff and less movement is possible. This may make it difficult for you to clip your toe nails or to tie your shoe laces, and may also limit your ability to spread your legs. Quite often the first step or two after prolonged sitting may be especially painful. Eventually you may have to “take a break” to ease the pain after walking only short distances. The distance you can walk will gradually decrease until you can only take one or two steps at a time. The three common causes of pain around the hip are arthritis, bursitis, or a pinched nerve in the lower back (the commonest cause). The groin pain of hip arthritis is sometimes misdiagnosed at first as a hernia.

Thank you Lynn,

What is hip bursitis, and what symptoms does it cause?

There are two major bursae of the hip, inflammation of which can both be associated with stiffness and pain around the hip joint. The trochanteric bursa is located on the side of the hip. It is separated significantly from the actual hip joint by tissue and bone. Trochanteric bursitis frequently causes tenderness of the outer hip, making it difficult for patients to lie on the involved side, frequently making sleep difficult. It also causes a dull, burning pain on the outer hip that is often made worse with excessive walking or stair climbing. The ischial bursa is located in the upper buttock area. Ischial bursitis can cause dull pain in this area that is most noticeable when climbing uphill. The pain sometimes occurs after prolonged sitting on hard surfaces, hence the names "weaver's bottom" and "tailor's bottom."

Bursitis of the hip is the most common cause of hip pain.


An abnormal or poorly placed bone or joint (such as length differences in your legs or arthritis in a joint) can put added stress on a bursa sac, causing bursitis. Stress or inflammation from other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, thyroid disorders, or unusual medication reactions may also increase a person's risk. In addition, an infection can occasionally lead to inflammation of a bursa.

Who Usually Gets Bursitis?

Bursitis is more common in adults, especially in those over 40 years of age.

What Parts of the Body Does Bursitis Affect?

  • Base of the thumb
  • Elbow
  • Shoulder
  • Hip
  • Knee
  • Achilles tendon
LOL My all those parts hurt. Sorry Milly. Must be painful for you. I am sorry, Lisa. I hope you can figure out what is causing you the problems. I have pain and problems with my right hip/upper thigh area. Still not fixed, but been told it is a bunch of things. Only thing that seems to help it is when my inflammation is down and remicade in me.
I hope you feel better soon, and it gets fixed soon.
I feel your pain! Well... not really... how about I have felt your pain before? The vicoden is working for those parts at the moment. If i forgot to take my pain pill we would have a problem. My butt has been throbbing for years. They gave me a dounut pillow once. The spine specialist reached down and pressed on my groin area once. I jumped up to the ceiling and said yes thats it. Ischical tuberosity. I am unfortunately a bit used to it by now. Like it is a part of me to have a throbbing butt. If it is not to stiff we do alright. You know the drill. If it is a joint it swells. Shoulder and toe are the ones the pain pills are not working on. Everything else is down to a dull ache. You know they hollar out at me from time to time. Don't forget about me says the knee. I'm sick to says the wrist and so on. Like a bunch of kids fighting for attention. I have taken it pretty easy today and my body is thankful for that. I have to sleep on my left side. Can not lay down on that shoulder. My medicine should be kicking in here any day now. Thats how i look at it.Well, this Am is just awful, I am still laying here in bed, I need to make it to the shower, we put in a new 52 gallon hot water tank, I plan to use it all this morning. Waiting for the  vicodin to work. Very stiff this morning.thanks for all that info!!
Now, I know it's both!!  I have outside pain.. and inside groin pain (so badly when I bend over)
And, I learned that my dad's knee issue all these years really WAS his hip (which he just had replaced!!)  LOVE this place and all the info here!
and that I need to see an ortho!!  UGH..
That happened to my uncle. He got his knee replaced and then found out it was his hip that had been the problem the whole time. So he had to get his hip replaced also.
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