Pain Patches?? | Arthritis Information


I have finally been able to get significant pain relief by using pain patches (Norspan).  Analgesics at maximum dose didn't touch the pain.  The patches have been going really well - 7 day transdermal patches.  Over the last few weeks though I've developed what I can only describe as burns - obviously an allergic reaction - blisters, welts, burning, intense itching etc.  The site of the patch from 4 weeks ago is still very visible.  It also seems that because of the reaction there is very little absorption happening so pain levels are way up again.  Has anyone else experienced success with these for a while and then your body starts attacking them and reacting nastily??  What symptoms did you experience?  What solution did you find?  Any suggestions as to where to from here?  Many thanks for your help.

(I have RA, Osteoarthritis, bursitis, diabetes - insulin dependent - and multiple myeloma.)
I've never used pain patches, but I experienced the same problem on my first attempt to quit smoking.  Those patches did the same thing to me.  They were daily patches and I was supposed to change the site each time.  I had welts all over me.  I didn't stop using them because I was determined to quit smoking.  My body never adjusted to it.  I don't think I would have been able to stand one of those patches in the same place for 7 days.  My skin couldn't take it. 
I think you need to contact your RD and tell him you are allergic to them.  Maybe you can take the same drug in a pill form.
kweenb2008-12-07 09:34:08My husband has that problem with the smoking patches too.
I use lioderm patches but they are 12 hours on 12 hours off so I don't have them on for days at a time none stop. Their not really that strong anyway.
Glad you've found some relief....but sorry to hear there's trouble associated with them. It's always something, huh?
Thanks for your responses kweenb and Lovie - appreciate it. 
It's so often true with this mind-of-its-own disease that something works really well for a time and then suddenly (and for no good reason) our bodies decide that No - I don't like this anymore!
I'm hoping to see my GP later this week - not sure where we go from here in order to deal with the pain.  I don't really want to go down the path of tablets - have only just finished dealing with the constant nausea and stomach issues from the last combination of meds.  Though I can't say I'm too impressed by the return of the pain levels either.  Working full time is becoming a serious challenge for both body and mind!
Does anyone have any suggestions for alternative pain meds which you've found effective?
