OT Monday Monday | Arthritis Information


Ok how is everyone's Monday going?

So far I have been rear ended this morning on my way to work which made me late and I have a toothache like nobody's business. It's my lower front tooth and it feels like I banged it real good but I didn't. It's probably a good thing since I have been having trouble with all my teeth throbbing peridically and I have resisted going to the dentist. I have a 5 PM appointment today.
Being rear ended was lucky too since I had a little damage to my bumper already when my brain fog  made me forget my husband's buddy's truck was behind me.... Today a guy hit me after a guy hit him when we stopped for traffic. They were going at it pretty good because the middle person said the last person had been right on his ass all the way down the road.
Gee all clouds have silver linings.....
wanttobeRAfree2008-12-08 09:47:53*high five*
way to find that silver lining, Wantto!!!  HOpe the rest of your day has positives!!
I hate tailgaters. When I have one behind me I let them pass. If I can't I just drive slower and slower. Really, is that 10 feet they're not leaving getting them anywhere any faster?Crap- now I found I brought my soup bowl but no soup....no lunch [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree] Crap- now I found I brought my soup bowl but no soup....no lunch[/QUOTE]

LOLYes Sno- another silver lining! When my mouth feels better I can eat twice as much as I could have if I ate lunch!
Glad the turkey is finally off the menu!
Sorry about the fender bender, a horrible way to start your day.  Am glad you're ok.  I went shopping and bought a kitchen cabinet for our outdoor kitchen, had a little breakfast and have been reading a book this afternoon waiting for our delivery.  Considering it's siesta time, they'll deliver it this evening.  If  they don't deliver today, then I'm off to the shop tomorrow morning with my limited Spanish and hope for a tomorrow delivery.  I don't want to wait around for two days for a delivery from less than a mile away!!  We may take blankets, wrap it, and put it in the truck and do our own delivery  tomorrow.  LindyBummer about the accident That bites on the fender bender.  And on the dentist too.  I hate hate going to the dentist and always put it off.
I had a long day.  Had to go pick up mri films and I called in advance.  Lady wrote it down wrong so I had to wait and wait for them to get them.  Went to dr's.  Packed and busy as heck.  Then had to go for a darn x-ray which I had to wait and wait then too.
Then home for one hour then to geocery store with step sis.  Who had to stop here and there and everywhere.  Drove me nuts.  Never thought I was going to make it home.  Now I am ready for bed.
Well the dentist couldn't find anything wrong. The tooth hurt like hell when he tapped on it and when he made me bite down on some kind of paper. He says it sure appears that the tooth is dying and needs root canal but the xray does not support it at all. I told him about that periodic throbbing all my teeth get and how I relate it to RA but my RD said no- it is not, tell your dentist. Well he had no answer for that either. He checked for bone loss with new xrays against old but it was not significant. He says my gums are receeding but not excessively so. What I see as exposed roots is really just tetracycline staining becoming more evident with age. He cleaned in between the tooth that is hurting and sold me a bottle of prescription toothpaste for sensitive teeth. He said he can't say he won't be seeing me again this week but he'd rather do less (wait and see if it gets better) then more (a root canal).
I just don't get it. I really like and trust both my RD and my dentist but neither can help me with the terrible mouth pain I have. There seems to be no answer for it...
That is horrible when you have terrible pain and no one can seem to figure out what is causing it.  I sure hope you get some answers soon.Thanks shykymom- I took a percocet left over from my onset days and I feel pretty darn good right now! I told that darn doctor at the time that I needed something stronger than what you get for having a dental issue! It didn't do squat for RA pain! Wantobe.....I had the same thing that you are describing, ran to the dentist, he took an xray and told me it was my sinuses.  And he was right!  Treat the sinuses and spare the teeth!

GG- he did mention that the "whole mouth throbbing" could be sinuses. I'm not suffed up when it happens tho- are you? Do your bottom teeth throb as well? My neck is no worse for the wear thankfully. I had gotten an instant headache after the slam but I didn't say anything when I was asked if I was hurt. It went away- I had my toothache to occupy myself... I guess I'll join the painful tooth club........I've got it.  Had teeth xrayed - nothing.  It's only one quadrant, the rest are just sensitive.  Switched to Sensodyne tooth paste and it's helped some.  Started about the time I started Humira.  Guess we're all nuts,Lin B- I'm glad I'm not alone in this! Mine started about a month into my onset. I could swear it's RA related. I had just had full xrays and check up and nothing was amiss. [QUOTE=GG]Wantobe.....I had the same thing that you are describing, ran to the dentist, he took an xray and told me it was my sinuses.  And he was right!  Treat the sinuses and spare the teeth!


Been there, done that... I was sure I was in for a root canal.  The dentist took one look at the x-rays and said "massive sinus infection."  He then called my GP and sent me right over to his office. [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]

JR- this is my bottom right front tooth. That couldn't be sinuses could it? Were you congested at the time?


Probably not. kweenb- it's the gum line and the actual tooth itself. It feels like a banged it really hard but I didn't.....it's very strange
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