Time Span Between Orencia Infusions | Arthritis Information


Just wondering if anyone has gone longer than four weeks between Orencia infusions.  We will be traveling for 5-6 weeks in February and it will be difficult to arrange for an infusion.  (I did go five weeks one time with no adverse effects and am tempted to do it again.)  Will discuss with doctor's office on next infusion.  Thanks for any input you may have.I've never gone longer than 4 weeks between Orencia infusions. Usually by the beginning of week 3, I'm starting to hurt pretty bad, so I take 5 mg. of Prednisone beginning week 3, and stop 3-4 days after the infusion, or when I can feel that the Orencia has kicked in.  I don't think I could go 5-6 weeks between infusions,  but that's just me. I'd definitely talk to your RD about it.When I went away on my usual Orencia week in October, I was able to get it at a 3-week interval so I could be infused right before I left.  This required approval from my doctor, my insurance company, my infusion service and the Pope himself (ok, I'm just kidding about the last one).  I did not want any potential extra pain while I was travelling.

Having said that, are you sure how difficult it will be to get the infusion while travelling?  I don't know where you're going, but if it's within the US, there are a number of national companies that can provide infusion services at your home (or even hotel).  I'm sure it would require some advance approvals and wrangling, but could probably be done.  Just something to consider.
bump - Sharo, it looks like you started another threadSharon, I asked my infusion nurse while he was here today, and he said he has patients who have gone 6 weeks between treatments due to travel without any problems.Innerglow...Thank you.  You always have an encouraging response.Brisen,  Thank you for responding.  I think I'll find out it probably depends on the individual.  I don't know how long you've been on Orencia, but maybe it will have a more lasting effect on you time. 

Sharo, I've been on Orencia for almost a year now, and am at the maximum dose of 1000 mg. It works really well for me for about 2-3 weeks, then fizzles out. Do you think I have any chance of it eventually lasting the entire 4 weeks? My RD doesn't think so, but it sure would be great if it did. I'm at the end of the biologic ladder at this time, at least until some of the newer drugs come out, so my options are limited.

I haven't had the problem of the Orencia not lasting the full four weeks (at least not yet).  I know when I first started it (last May) my nurse practitioner said that improvement can occur even after a year's time.  I sure hope that this is the case for you!  Good luck!
Good Morning All - Although this may now be slightly off-topic, I'm really interested in hearing from other Orencia users.......I've had Orencia infusions every 4 weeks for almost 1 year now, and unlike both Humira and Enbrel, I truly feel the benefits from this drug.  However, for the past 2-3 months, I seem to suffer from some sort of "cold", every few weeks: no true infection, "just" a cold, but it feels miserable and seems to last for a full 2-3 weeks - ugh!!  My IV nurse has said that possibly Orencia is suppressing my immune system a bit TOO much, and maybe, with my Rheumy's approval, we should space the infusions to 5 weeks, at least for awhile.  Anyone else have a similar situation?  We truly walk a fine line with this "immune suppressing thing", don't we??!!   Wishing you all a peaceful day, and thanks for your responses........

I haven't really caught a cold this year, although both my husband and I did struggle to fight off one a few weeks ago.  It seems like everyone we know had some bug (grandkids and friends).  For me Vitamin C usually does the trick.  I take 3 or 4 (500 mg ea) about twice a day.  I do feel like I'm clearing my throat a lot, but it may be just this time of year.  It would be wonderful if you could go to five weeks.....I know for me it seems like the "four week period" is here every other day!  Happy to hear the Orencia is working for you....are you taking it with Methotrexate or by itself?  Good luck and stay HEALTHY!
Hi Sharon - Thanks for your reply!  You're right - those 4 week breaks between infusions seem to come around very quickly, don't they?!  Thanks for the tip re Vitamin C - I know I'm bad, but I don't usually take more than a 1-a-Day type vitamin, but I think I'm going to give the extra Vitamin C a try - can't hurt, right?!  (And by the way, the 2 colds I've had in the past 6 weeks, were both from our 11 month old grandson - thanks for sharing, William!!) 

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