Recent eye doctor followup appt. | Arthritis Information


So, I had my 3-month followup appointment after having both eye ducts cauterized shut to help with dry eyes.  My doctor was very, very pleased.  Every time I go in I learn something from him, he is excellent.  He was gently pushing my my lower lid, and said lubrication was coming out of all the pores, which he hadn't found before.  So, the shutting off of its drainage duct into my nose worked.

Then, as he always talks out loud during the exam, he goes your cataract looks good - and I go, what cataract?  I have one slowly developing on the far right side of my right eye.  Now I know why I have been bumping into things and missing counters with mugs and shattering them on the floor.  He said my eyes were in excellent condition, and that cataracts grow with inflammation, so this cataract is slow growing for now, but will speed up with any inflammation.  He said all the inflammation I had in both eyes was gone except one area in my left eye, next to the nostril.  That is a 180 from a year ago when I had the sudden corneal ulcer.  So all the hard work of hot compresses, eye lash washing, flushing, eye drops, and painful procedures have paid off.
And afterwards I thought, what a great way to know if you are flaring or not.  If this cataract grows, I have inflammation.  I will be thinking on this one for awhile. 

Wow.. sounds like a good visit.

Cauterization.. was it painful?   I have my Optham apptmt next thursday.  The temp plugs she put in my ducts are gone.. it pushed them out rubbing my eyes or  in my sleep.. and I HATE the Restasis.. so I am not as diligent w/ it as I should be.. though I do drops all day long..
Salagen, for my Sjogrens should help some w/ the eye lube.. but not sure..
WOOHOO!! I am happy to hear your eyes are doing much better!
Yeah... that does sound like a lot of work... the washing & flushing and all that  jazz. But it paid off!
I hope your eyes continue to get better. Babs - cauterization itself wasn't bad - I asked him if I was going to smell my own burnt flesh and he laughed.  He touched the instrument to the duct for about 5 seconds, and that was it.  No smell either :)   
BUTTTTTTTTT, the numbing pain shots before were awful, awful.  After the first one, he goes, still want to go ahead, and I looked at him like he was crazy and told him to hurry up and get it over with.  It was one poke, but then he moved it around in all directions and the numbing medication burned as it went in, so the pain was bad from the shots, not the procedure.  Had a tiny bruise near the duct, and that was it, no post-procedure pain. 
But the benefits have been worth it, for me. 
My temp plugs we tried first were dissolving, and one was too big and was painful.  He asked me why I didn't come back to get it taken out, and again I looked at him like he was crazy and said, they dissolve in a week, a week of pain in RA is a breeze, especially when you KNOW it will stop LOL.  Gawd, the things we have to endure.  Take care ~~ Cathy
Yes I am at one percent cataracts. That is one is just starting. Hmm wonder if my eye moisture is draining down the back of my throat. I don't think it is going into my nose. LOL My nose is pretty dry also.
Cathy it sounds like you have a good eye doctor. Glad you are doing better.
Hi Cathy,
Glad to hear you got a good report at your eye doc appt. 
I've had RA for 31 yrs, but never realized how it might affect one's eyes.  I've had sjogren's, dry eyes, for years, then this year developed slceritis, which I understand is RA related -- I'm on my third month of prednisolone eye drops, which long term use can contribute to cataracts.
I noticed one evening, when I closed one eye then the other, I saw a difference in the light in the room.  I mentioned it to my eye doc, and he said it might be the beginning of a cataract.  Oh well, at least they can be removed and a new lens put in.
Hope your eyes continue to do well.  Take care, and hope you are enjoying the holiday season! 
As my eye doc explained I am 45. She is also 45. Often cataracts start at our age. But alas with RA we may not live long enough to need surgery. She says it may not fully develope till i am in my eighties. But with the inflamatory process mine may develope faster than the one my eye doc has. We are currently the same percent the same age. I could do a study and compare with her as years go by.Oh Cathy, I got nauseated reading your post. (I'm nauseated anyway). Did he actually stick the needle in your eyeball? And you were awake? OMG. You are much braver than me. But I guess if it has made your life much better, it is all worth it.No, no eyeball stick - in the area around the duct, the skin.  I guess because it is a drainage hole into your nose, he had to get the numbing agent all the way around the duct.  It was awful.
Thanks for everybody's great comments, and perhaps its something we could all look into if became necessary.
This doctor is magnificent.  He was the one that wrote the letter to the first rheumy I was referred to, and when I picked up my records to go to another rheumy two years later, this eye doctor's letter to the first rheumy was in it - and he suggested a mixed connective tissue disease.  The first rheumy (and my husband was in the room and THIS DID NOT HAPPEN OR I WAS TOLD THIS) said in his notes that I was crazy, making up the symptoms for drugs, refused to test me, and was referring me to a shrink.  My hubby goes, he never said that?  Moron. 
They say the eye is where disease can be first spotted.  I believe it now. 
Thanks!!  I will even ask for it if you've had so much success....... I HATE the Restasis...
thanks thanks thanks!!
