oral candidiasis | Arthritis Information


I've had thrush since Thanksgiving.  I'm about to start my second round of oral nystatin.

Anyone have anything else they do that is helpful?
Sorry you are experiancing this. I have no ideas , but I wanted to offer my support and let you know to hang in there someone will come along with some good advice.
May want to google some help?
Best Wishes,

I've never tried Nystatin, but Difllucan always works for me.  Maybe if the 2nd round doesn't work, you might ask your doctor for something different.

I also noticed that my incidence of oral thrush diminished greatly when I added a daily probiotic.  I didn't initially take the probiotic for the thrush, but found later that it helped.
I had thrush a few years ago when I was on a high dose of pred.  It did take about a month to get rid of it.
Not fun....
I would stick with the Nystatin rather than ask for a Diflucan, because Nystatin has virtually no side effects while Diflucan is very hard on the liver.

If you can afford it, have a Bio-K everyday but sort of swish it around in the back of your throat for a while before swallowing it.

What meds are you taking. I know many meds can give you thrush. But i am more apt to get thrush with certain drugs than others. Two main culprets for myself are Ceclor and hydroxy Chloroquine, the generic form of plaqunil. If i take a long course of antibiotics for say 30 days then just about everything would do that. But there are certain things that give me thrush instantly.
Also do you have Sjorgren's. Dryness can make you more vunerable. Anyway it goes with the territory when you have RA. If you have had it that long look for a culprite. Yogurt is good. Many drugs do not work well if you drink grapefruit juice. I had a doctor tell me once to drink grapefruit juice. The high acid helps get rid of the thrush. Also sometimes when taking Nystatin you get a bunch of the stuff coming up to service and it seems like you still have it when you do not. Ask pharmacy there are good probiotics out there also.
Thanks for the answers.  I lost my post.  I'm going to try the probiotics.  Has anyone tried mycelex?This may sound really simplistic, but I used just salt water rinses when I was in Hawaii, on vacation, and didn't  know what was wrong. I had white spots on my tongue and mouth and everything I ate burned my mouth. So, I just used the old home remedy of salt water and within a few days it was completely gone!
Hope you find something that helps soon

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