Having a cold while taking enbrel | Arthritis Information


I was just wondering if anyone else has heard anything about enbrel masking cold symptoms.  I've been on enbrel for approx. 5 years now and every time I've come down with a cold I don't take my shots until I'm feeling the cold going away.  Has anyone else heard of this or am I just being overly paranoid??


I'm on Humira and it's been my experience that it takes much longer to get over things while on this medication. MTX also. I however do not stop taking mine until things get to a point where I have to go to the GP and I'm dx'ed with something and prescribed an antibiotic.

Being off my meds causes more trouble in the end than a cold stretching out over the coarse of a couple weeks.


My doc always told me there was no reason to stop Enbrel for a common cold. He said only for more serious stuff-strep, mono, surgery, etc.  I don't know about your dr but my rd says whenever you are feeling ill temp etc.  you need to stop taking your enbrel, mtx, or humira till  you are feeling better, one reason is it prolongs your sickness, and it can cause it to get worse.  REMEMBER YOU ARE ON MEDS THAT AFFECT YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM BY CAUSING IT TO BE EVEN MORE WEAKER!!!.  I hope this helps.  meme

I don't stop my meds until I have to though because in the end, being off my meds will be far worse than having a sinus infection.

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