OT: Front Row advice | Arthritis Information


  Everyone can't be in your front row.  

Life  is a theatre- invite your audience carefully.

Not everyone is  spiritually healthy and mature enough
to have a front row in our  lives. There are some
people in our lives who need to be loved at  a
distance.  It's amazing what you can accomplish when
you  let go of or at least minimize your time with
draining negative, incompatible, not going anywhere
relationships and  friendships.

Observe the relationships around you. Pay attention
to : which ones lift and which ones lean. Which ones
encourage and which ones discourage.  And which ones
are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are
going  downhill.

When you leave certain people, do you feel better  or
worse?  Which ones always have drama or don't really
understand you?  When people bring drama into your
life, they don't deserve a place in your life.   

Which ones know and appreciate you and the gift that
lies  within you?  When someone has wronged you and
cannot openly and  honestly acknowledge what they have
done with a sincere apology to you, they do not
deserve to be in the front row of your  life.

Only allow those who bring respect, love, peace,  and
honesty into your life.  When you seek growth, peace
of  mind, love and truth, the easier it will be for you
to decide who  gets to sit in the front row and who
should be moved to the balcony  of your life.

You cannot change the people around you... But you  can
change the people you are around.  Choose wisely  the
people who sit in the front row of your life.

This is so true and since I've retired I've practiced this without regret.  Lindy
"Choose wisely  the
people who sit in the front row of your life"
Wow- I need to leave this lying around my house...I am loving this...   Great post - with the holidays and committments coming up, it's a great reminder to choose carefully.   It sure is true that those who don't belong in the front row take up way more energy than what we'd like.     My dad has not been part of my life for about 15 years now and recently decided he would like to establish a relationship again. Not sure where he belongs, but I do know that holidays are stressful enough without adding more stress, so I think for now, he'll need to stay in the back row.
Is this the way Jesus would have done it?

I don't believe he loved anyone at a distance.

I believe everyone would have been in the front row in his life.

Maybe those that bring drama to your life, or lean on you, are there because they know you are a strong person and can be leaned on.

This is not the way I view people I guess and I want everyone in my life to know I'm there for them.

Sorry, but this poem had an angry, unforgiving tone to it.

I don't find it angry or unforgiving at all.  I find it very insightful and made me stop and think.   It's not saying to not care about the people in your life, but to choose wisely where you focus your energies.   Unfortunately, there are those in your life that can be draining and there comes a time when you have to decide where they belong.    It doesn't mean that's where they stay, it may be short-term or long-term.   Just my opinion.


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