"Mysterious Placebo Power is Underappreciated" | Arthritis Information


From The People's Pharmacy (mentions survey of rheums):
From the editorial:
"Now, these doctors were not writing prescriptions for sugar pills. Most were recommending vitamins or over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin or acetaminophen. About two-thirds of the respondents thought there was nothing unethical about this. After all, the treatments were meant to make the patient feel better without creating complications."

I would like a placebo with an olive in it.

Suzanne how are the kids?


I would like a placebo with an olive in it.

Suzanne how are the kids?


I'm in the market for an energy placebo, because my kids are running me ragged!  The older one made the basketball team, and these afternoon practices are killing me.  When the boys practice first, she doesn't get done until 7:00!  She has a game tonight and her band teacher scheduled their Christmas concert for the same time (he told her he didn't think she would make the team!!!!!) so she is upset to miss it.  And I have to miss her game, because tonight is also my little one's holiday program.  She is a hen (??????, her class is doing some folk song.  Apparently, being any animal is good, because most of the kids are farmers).  Have to bring in cookies for a cookie exchange, too.

So I need an energy placebo for now and a glass of wine later!
Sounds like an event to remember.
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