laryomalacia/Pics/Appointment 12/18 update | Arthritis Information



My beautiful baby boy Grandson Gavin has this condition. He is 4 months old. He went to see a specialist in Charleston, WV and had a light and tube put up his nose and down his throat to look at his voice box. He has snurgley breathing and high pitched sounds. The Doctor believes it is this condition. He however wants the kids to get a second opinion from a college in Huntington, WV. He believes he should outgrow this, but this next Doctor specializes in treating this condition and he would feel better to have a second look at by this Doctor. I am hopeful that the next doctor will agree with him, in that Gavin will out grow this condition. Some have to be treated with surgery. They are setting up the second appointment and they are to take Gavin back to this first Doctor in Charleston in Feb, 2009. So this should mean they will have a second opinion fairly quick. Wanted to share, and ask for prayers for my little Grandson. He is a beautiful happy baby.

Edited:couldn't resist posting a few pictures of Gavin : below

inflamedOnline2008-12-18 20:36:53My nephew had these awful breathing noises. Had so many test. Weak muscles was finally what was decided. That is that he would grow out of it. He is eighteen months old now. Never needed any treatment. They layed him a certain way in bed. He did also seem to have trouble chewing and swallowing a little when first started eating big people food.That is my hope Milly. Thanks for sharing that with me.prayers going up right now! Prayers for you and your grandson.many positive thoughts your way IO... I willl keep prayers that ALL is fine w/ your little guy.. I have a four month old grandson too... they are more precious than words..

 Newborn picture: My husbands hands

6 Weeks old:
8 weeks:
3 months:
OMG- how precious! That first picture- he looks so tiny! Gosh I can't wait til I have a grandchild- I might claim him/her for my own!Very, very cute.  So little.  I hope he finds his way to health and happiness!
Much prayers your way.
He is  a cutie!OMG he is sooooooo cute!!!!!! I love that 8 week picture with his little hand! It ALMOST makes me want to have one. hehe ...someday!aw.. sweet little man...
he was a preemie like my lil guy?
I hope this all works out for him..

My daughter called and said that a appointment has been set for next Thursday with this other Doctor. I will feel better when this is all over. Thank you for Prayers and encouragement.

Babs, He was only 10 days early. So they consider him full term.

inflamedOnline2008-12-11 14:20:05I sure hope he will outgrow it. Poor little peanut!
Prayers are with you and family,
Hugs, Nini
yes, prayers for the little guy and his family. Is he a red head? The last pix looked like he had red hair. My baby boy (15 years old) is a red head. He has the prettiest color of hair.
What a precious baby, I pray everything will work out for him.
Thanks for all the prayers and concern. I appreciate the support. So hard not to worry. Worry does nothing for the situation I know, so I have my best optomistic face on Yes Owie...They put the small tube with lights and took a good look. It was put in his nose and down the throat. Got a good look at voice box also. Tonsils and adnoids appear normal. Thank you for the suggestion, It was a concern at first, but has been ruled out.your precious little guy will be in my prayers. He should be enjoying his first Christmas without all these pokes and prods. Hug him and spoil him rotten with all the love in the world!

Please may I ask for continued prayer. My precious beautiful little grandson goes to specialist in Huntington ,WV tomorrow. His crib alarm went off twice last night, it detects breathing, this makes the third time. Each time when my daughter and son in-law got to the crib he was sleeping and breathing quietly. His breathing is so loud and snurglely 95% of the time, Yesterday I sat with him for a few hours while his parents worked and I was doing a few things while he was in his swing and I kept coming back to the room because I thought he was fussing, he was snug as a bug and content as can be, It was his very loud breathing sounded like he was fussing...It is getting louder as he grows, the first specialist said that it will get louder before it gets better, as he grows he takes in more air so the sounds are louder. 99 % children outgrow this condition by 2 years old, so odds are fantastic, but the stop breathing thing has me paralyzed with fear.....please pray for him. Please.

I want to go to the appointment with the kids but, they are having to travel and I could tell my place is to stay home, I have a ortho appointment tomorrow but I would cancel in a heartbeat. I am close to tears with worry. I just found out a little while ago about the alarm going off twice in a row last night.....

inflamedOnline2008-12-17 19:50:30
Recent pic of Gavin!
That is concerning. We are all praying for your little grandson. Thank goodness he has a monitor. I hope they get to the bottom of this tomorrow.prayers for you sweet little man...Thanks Milly,Babs.
It's the apnea episodes I am so worried about. I wish I was able to go to the doctor visit with them. Thanks again,

okay he has been seen by Dr. Chaffin pediatric ENT/surgeon. He advised that 95% of babies with this condition will outgrow this condition. Phew....He was not concerned as much about the alarm going off, since the baby was sleeping peacefully each time ( normal breath sounds) and his color was normal. He is going to follow Gavin through the next two years and is writing a letter to the other specialist that sent Gavin for a second look. He told the kids he is the only physician in the State of WV that performs...something palsy...and should Gavin need this procedure he would benefit by following him. makes sense to me. He also started him on reflux medicine, the reflux is secondary to the Larolymalacia it is a result of the uncoordinated breathing structure. He told my daughter if she thinks he ever worsens, or she gets scared, or has any question or doubt do not hesitate to call him. they liked him. His Bio is impressive. Thanks for the prayers for my little guy, there isn't anything I wouldn't do to help him. He makes my heart skip.


my g-son takes reflux meds too... these little preemie guys have such a rough start.... he'll be fine, IO....