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i have company from out of town then i got shinlges on top of RA.   and my husband came home from along business trip and my body fell apart.    my friends want me to take day trips with them and shop.  help!    i am not even getting dressed.   why is it no one understands this disease much less shingles or any illness for that matter.    i am going to become a recluse.   all my friends are running at top speed sick .,and i cannot move and i feel bad because i cannot make them happy unless i over do and wind up in the hospital which i might anyway.  bedtime ,maybe tomorrow i will have the strength to say NO.  aww wonderwoman- they expect you to put on your mighty cape and be well again! They are all so used to you being able to do it all that they do not want to accept the fact that RA robbed you of that. I know the feeling. I don't have the answers....
Hope you feel better soon. Lose the guilt, go to bed and sleep tight. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you!
ughhhhhhhhhhh.............Take the Wonder out of your name for now and then the WO....and tell them you are just The female guest will understand,

Seriously, don't  feel the need to please others at the exspense of your health. I know that it is easier said than done, but shingles!!!! that is a painful condition. Sorry for your problems...
inflamedOnline2008-12-11 05:58:52JI have to cancel plans with friends often and they either understand or they don't!!!  Instead of going shopping with them, maybe you could arrange to meet them someplace for lunch.
I hate saying no as well.  I feel guilty and I also feel like I am missing out on the fun stuff.
I am so sorry about the shingles.  Those are rotten!!! 
I am sorry, WW! I am hoping you are feeling a little better today.
I hate to say no, too. But I go and do anyways. Besides... I have no friends, I mostly have to tell my family no. I am a sad case, aren't I?
WW, if you have an active case of shingles, you should not be going anywhere. You are a public health risk at this point. You should not be around young children, babies, pregnant women or anyone who has never had chicken pox. You need to tell your friends this and plan on entertaining them at home until the lesions are completely dried and you have been on medications for a certain amount of time.believe it or not..... i had alot of pain starting thursday night after remicade.  slept with a heating pad thursday and friday.  saturday i noticed a rash on my left side.  my friend who has had shingles came down to take a look see.  she said if they got darker red, call the doctor.  saturday evening they got darker red  i called the doctor on duty.  i got a steriod pack and valtex.  started them all saturday night.  sunday after 8 steriod pills i felt pretty good still had a small rash.  sunday afternoon i took a bath and the rash stung like chicken pox.   then monday the rash was gone.... but i had a terrible sharp pain on my left side.  i could not move at all.  i went to the gp.  he wanted to put me on kaflex and lortab.  i cried.  i knew this was not right.   i came home and called my remicade nurse she made me an emergency appointment to see my RD tuesday afternoon.  she said DO Not take the kaflex.   my RD said he had seen 6 cases of shingles that day.   he said start back up the valtrex, lortab,steriods, and he ordered me lidoderm patches (i think for nerve pain).    RD office told me i could be sick awhile and called in refills of everything else.   my RD said he has seen several cases where there is NO RASH at all.  i feel a lump in there.  it must be internal.   my RD, told me my next stop is the hospital if i get any worse at all :-(  
Keep Praying!  I am improving!   Got to go to bed or i will not be able to move or get up for church and my company and my  ( hopefully happy)?   husband .     wonderwoman