Anyone have trouble with Vertigo | Arthritis Information


Well have been experiencing dizziness for weeks now and finally went to check it out. I have vertigo so came back to office looked it up there are types of vertigo and one is associated with autoimmunes of couse. Is there anything that is not going to be caused associated to my Ra. Anyone else have this problem would love to hear comments and what to expect and how long it lasted . Thanks have a great day... LauraNot sure when you have it.  I don't like heights.  Like to be on the ground!!

I haven't had it recently but I get periodic boughts of it that my GP says is due to "crystals" growing in my inner ear. it can last anywhere from a few days to a few months. Eventually they disolve and the vertigo goes away. There is really not much that can be done.

There is a procedure you can try. They say sometimes it knocks them loose and causes them to disolve. For me I just felt very sick to my stomach after.
You are in a sitting position. Lie back and whip your head to the right. Sit up and repeat whipping your head to the left.
Of course I don't know what's causing your veritgo. Could be an inner ear infection. If it's bacterial- antiboiotics will help. If it's viral it has to run it's course. I'm sure there is a ton of other reasons for vertigo as well but they are the ones I know of.
Good luck with it going away quickly- I know it's the pits!
I recently had Benign Positional Vertigo. When a little crystal breaks off in your ear and floats around you get vertigo when you roll over in bed or go from laying to sitting---it only lasts a few seconds. I looked up the symptoms and knew what it was so I didn't go to the doctor for about 6 weeks then it took me another 6 weeks to see an ENT specialist and by then it had resolved itself! The ENT said it would probably come back.

Treatment is just moving your head around to lodge the crystal in a place it won't bother you and it eventually dissolves. She gave me some rintouts showing how to do it and said if it returned to go in and she would show me how and then after that I would be able to do it at home.

She said it's a very common condition.Sicknening Vertigo. Mine was MS related. Been at least 7 years...shutter....never want that again. Take care. Try some Dramamine.

Yep.  Been having the same problem for a few weeks now.  It comes and goes.  I've been told that there is a little fluid behind my ear drum but I don't feel like I have an inner ear infection.  I think it may be related to blood pressure meds in my case but it could also be from anxiety as well.   I know exactly how you feel though.  It's like being drunk but not fun. 


I got this real bad a few times in the beginning.

It scared the begeezus out of me as I could not even stand up and felt sick to the core.

Fortunately this only happened a few times but I do suffer from slight dizziness on occasion.
Don't know if this was a side affect of RA or the drugs.
I had vertigo alot before my dx. I have to guess that for some reason the prednisone has been helping with that as well as the RA meds. Had vertigo for years and now suddenly it does not bother me like it used to. So to me it seems auto-immune related. I don't have an idea as to what that would mean or be. It is just an experience i have had. I have had it and I agree it is very scary.  I had it a few times after I started Enbrel.  However, my RA Dr. said it could not be related to that medication.  I also had it one night a few hours after I took 20 mg. of MTX.Yep, BPV like Gimpy.  Unfortunately mine has returned and is really bothering me.  Goes away for awhile and returns when I least expect it.  Have had a bout for the last 24 hours, using exercises to dislodge the crystals but not working.  There are many reasons for vertigo and should be checked out by specialist, just to be sure that it's not a symptom of something more serious.  Hope it clears quickly for you.  Lindy