Arthritis Information -Loosing my memory


I've had memory issues big time this last year.  I've been on methotrexate which when I researched on-line a lot of folks had memory issues with it.  It adversely affected my job...BIG TIME...I was just 'forgetting' a lot of stuff.  I had a bad review and no raise because of it.  Well, I had to really go back to step one and double check EVERYTHING.  I basically re-trained and got myself back up to doing excellent work (unfortunately I was laid off and I believe that period of bad work was a deciding factor).

When I realized that my memory was going bad, I began to do 'morning pages'.  It's not really journalling..not really because journalling is something you think about.  Morning pages is writing 3 pages first thing in the a.m. and just letting the thoughts go.  That had a good 'clearing out' effect.  Like wiping the slate clean.  I HAD TO start putting some effort into remembering stuff.  Since the arthritis has really got bad this last several years, I have noticed memory issues.  I even took a memory course.  The most important thing I learned there is that to remember something you have to pay attention first.  I found that a lot of things I couldn't remember because I just never gave them much thought to begin with.  Dealing with arthritis pain takes a lot of my immediate attention.
Then of course the FATIGUE of arthritis as well.  I went to a seminar on arthritis and when I mentioned the fatigue my rheumy said that was really pain management.  I started taking more aleve (tylenol is much better for your body but it doesn't seem to work with my pain).  He also suggested Tylenol PM at night so I was getting the REST that I needed (the tylenol PM did work for me).  Once I increased pain meds and especially started using the Tylenol PM so I was getting my body the REST it needed, my memory did improve.
I still have problems though and I carry a small notebook everywhere I go.  I carry a calendar as well.  I just don't worry about it.  I have the notebook all of the time and once I write it down I don't worry about it.  I check it every evening and morning. 
And honestly, I have taken up meditation.  Just focusing.  I started using a guided meditation tape.  They are actually quite wonderful..a quick 10 minute guided meditation can do WONDERS for your focus and ability to focus.  If you do that everyday when you are in a situation such as a structured interview, you'll be able to pull on that to focus.
Since I've been laid off and looking for work, I'm really kinda scared about LEARNING a new position.  Fortunately, I'm excellent at technical writing and can take step by step notes.  Once it is written down..I'm good to go.  Wow..I wrote a book!  Talk about rambling.  So, here are my suggestions:
1.   Increase pain meds and take Tylenol PM if you're not getting GOOD rest
2.  Do morning pages (3 pages max) to get the 'junk' out
3.  Carry a notebook with down everything IMPORTANT you need to remember
4.  Find yourself a guided meditation tape so you can 're-train' to focus
5.  Breathe!  (try it now..3 deep full breaths...hold and release)'s a good thing
Just wanted to know if there  was anyone out there loosing there mind.  I can't seem to remember things that happened a few days ago.  I was sitting talking to my twelve year old son and I said "What did I cook on Saturday?"  It was only Monday.   I couldn't remember.   I recently went on an structured interview and couldn't comprehend some of the questions.  It's one of those "Situation, Action and Result"  questions they asked.  I seemed to be just rambling.  I'm getting worried that some of these Meds are messing with my memory.  Anyone else out there feel the same way.  It's really starting to bother me and affect my confidence level.  Any Suggestions. [QUOTE=your2smart]Just wanted to know if there  was anyone out there loosing there mind.  I can't seem to remember things that happened a few days ago.  I was sitting talking to my twelve year old son and I said "What did I cook on Saturday?"  It was only Monday.   I couldn't remember.   I recently went on an structured interview and couldn't comprehend some of the questions.  It's one of those "Situation, Action and Result"  questions they asked.  I seemed to be just rambling.  I'm getting worried that some of these Meds are messing with my memory.  Anyone else out there feel the same way.  It's really starting to bother me and affect my confidence level.  Any Suggestions.I had a reaction like this a couple of times over the years. The first time was due to naproxen toxicity (prior to it being an over the counter medicine). I had to read up on it myself after telling my doc about my symptoms. It continued to the point where I couldn't even remember my nephew's name and had difficulty recalling phone numbers or words. Once my doc finally understood that this was a drug reaction, and we stopped the naproxen, it took about 2 weeks before things came back to normal for me. I would imagine that other NSAIDS could have the same affect as well, so if you're on an NSAID, or any other medicine, ask your doctor about it or read up on the side effects.

The 2nd time I started having some severe memory issues was when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism due to the RA. It's so much better now that I'm on levothyroxine.

Good luck to you.
