prednisone crash | Arthritis Information


Something has happened to me that I havn't read before.  I have been on pred. for 2 years w/a high dosage of 10 and the last three months of 1 1/4 mg.  I went to the doc and complained bitterly about the weakness in  my legs, awful fatigue then abdominal pain , pain in my upper arms, shoulders back of neck.  He just said "you need to get off the pred.". Then I went to an endocronologist and she ran a couple of tests.   She said my adrenal glands were not producing ANY cortisol and the test read "l" and normal is 6 to 20.  So I have induced addisons disease.  She immediately started me up on 5, just to get normal again but my adrenal glands may never start producing again.  I think the docs who know we have been on pred a long time need to pay attention to testing to what our glands are really doing when we taper. This could land us in the hospital or worse.


I was advised that when I went on Prednisolone that as you were introducing more cortisol than your glands produced, they stopped working.   This is part of the reason why the lowering of the dose has to be done very slowly so that the glands can kick-in again.

My Rheumatologist reccomends 5mg for three months, 4mg for three months, 3mg for three months, 2mg for 3 months, 1mg for three months then stop.

This is assuming that both your CRP and ESR are normal and the PMR has burnt itself out.

mrs UK
