back home from the hospital... | Arthritis Information


i don't know whether i am just not a good patient or people have lost their minds but had an interesting experience this hospital stay and it seems something similar happens before I leave. this time it was pft person to do a pulmonary function test. yelling like i was 2 years old because she couldn't wait till i finish my breakfast and didn't want to come back later and if i didn't go now it would be too late and how she came by yesterday and i was not there. just crazy. i told the nurse about her behavior. the nurse sent the manager and the manager called her supervisor.  other than that particular experiences the nurses took really good care of me....this time.  i know i am not the best patient because i do ask a lot of questions and won't take something if you don't tell me why i am taking it. but i don't call for anything. i stay in my room and try to understand they have patients sicker than i am.

so here i am home.  I have a lot of follow ups with kidney specialists, pulmonary because the pulmonary problem they told me i was misdiagnosed for now they say it is back so still have to rule that out with another heart cath. will try to get them all done by the end of the month. oh what fun!
i am in my own place, no waking up to needles and blood pressure cuffs at 4 a.m. each morning. yay!
thanks everyone for well wishes. wishing you all the very best also. take care.


I'm glad to see you are home.  At least now you'll get some rest.  Hopefully, you'll have some answers soon. 

I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with the PFT person.  I know they have bad days too, but dang, yelling like you are a 2 year old?  Was she embarrassed at her behavior at all?
I don't think asking a lot of questions and not taking unknown medications makes you a "bad patient". Just the opposite, actually. People who take an active role in their medical treatment have better outcomes. If healthcare workers have a problem with that, they're being "bad healers".Welcome home, I don't think you are a bad patient.  You are your own advocate and you sound like you do a great job.  Glad you are home!glad you're back home...   Hope you do well..Glad you are home- there's no place like home! I agree with everyone else- you don't sound like a bad patient at all.

thank you all... and yes it is good to be home!


2 kweenb - I didn't get to do the pft test after all so never saw her again.. I lost my chance when I didn't go at breakfast so it was scheduled as an outpatient visit. however, I told the nurse which sent the complaint up the chain of command also told the student doctor who ordered it, in the end her supervisor was contacted. I voiced my feelings about not being able to trust even my dog in her care if that was the way she talked to people.  after that rant of hers I would never go anywhere with her. I told anyone who would listen that most patients will just go somewhere else to be treated by people they trust.. I have so much of my care tied up in this place that I will not be run off that easily but if I had to leave  they would know they have a loose cannon on their team.


2 Gimpy-a-gogo -- that's right. they are bad healers if they have a problem with asking questions.  the fact I ask questions and played defense was brought up a few times so I thought they may see me as a difficult patient. it was brought up in good taste so I didn't take offense to it but realized I had placed a few speed bumps in the conversation so they could slow it down just a bit. so that's right, my mom never asked questions just took whatever they said and didn't know why or what she was taking. that is what they are used to, patients like that.  they are so focused on their agenda sometimes  they forget you need to sign off on it as well so have to slow them down a bit..


2 Reegie -- thanks, you are a sweetheart.:)



2 Babs10--thank you!  I sure hope so.


2 SnowOwl -- Thank you! once the swelling was down, the blood pressure went down as well. so no need to keep me anymore.  it seems to just pop up out of nowhere. so they tell me I am a mystery.  well, I love to watch mystery movies but didn't expect to be one.  However, a McDonald's ice cream cone sounds really good about now.  I'll keep that in mind.


2 wanttobeRAfree  --  What a nice thing to say.  yes, it was a relief to get home. Thanks so much.

Hi Shelly, there is nothing like your own four walls eh??????  I find the worst thing about hosp is my meds, the poor staff trying to understand my crazy schedule, although last time I asked my specialist if I could self medicate as it is too confusing for me otherwise and he agreed.  lad you are ok, stay well, gentle hugs Janie. No place like home....