Christmas carols | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, I took my two boys 12 and 8 y.o. to Christmas carols in our local park by the beach, it was lovely, beautiful balmy evening with a lovely sea breeze, there were free rides, and candle making, lots of families brought their own chairs and picnics, all the kids had coloured lights to hold up and wave with when darkness came, I try to enjoy every minute with them, I don't know about you all but I feel when you have chronic illness and life is extra hard sometimes, we really appreciate the little things..  I felt so overwhelmed watching their little faces light up.  Our first Australian Idol winner, Guy Sebastian is now a local and he arrived after Santa and sang some songs and carols, and told awful jokes lol, all in all a lovely start for me to the school holidays.  I told myself I was going to try extra hard these holidays to make an effort to go out with them instead of hearing all about it when they get back, hubby and I took them to the Gold Coast on Monday, went to Movieworld and Seaworld, it was extremely painful and hard to keep up but I made it and my youngest keeps telling me I am the best mum for taking them to places as I usually don't go.  I figured I will have enough time to rest when they go back to school.  Another year over and the precious time with them goes too fast.  Hugs and Merry Christmas Janie. hi janie, good for you and your family. I had the zometa on thursday and I am feeling awful tonight. every muscel is paining dont know where to put myself have taken tramadol, panadol, tamaze double dose and now a valium. upper back pain a bit higher than fracture and some headache and general restless. hope this passes soon      lynHi Lyn, I know exactly how you feel, I think my extreme pain after that drug was improved after 24 hours and lots of pain killers, my RD almost had me admitted to hosp, temp 40 degrees, awful pain and nausea with eventual vomiting, really great eh?  But in the drugs favour, my BMD values improved, my RD told me I had regrown bone just like Harry Potter!!!  Best of luck, hope the pain goes away soon and that the drug helps, regards Janie.