EEG | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, I am on night watch this evening, Tomorrow Liam has to have a sleep deprived EEG. because of his epilepsy, so no sleep for him.  I volunteered to stay up with him because I can barely sleep most nights anyhow, but hubby insisted on sharing, so he is getting up at 3am to swap shift!!!  He is wonderful.  I don't know how he will keep Liam awake in the car, it is a 90 minute drive on isolated roads, nothing to look at!!!!!  Godnight, regards Janie. Good luck in keeping him up Janie! Good luck & prayers for Liam that his EEG produces answers. Good luck.  I hope you can keep him as well as yourself awake.

Hope all goes well , maybe get some new activity for him to do in the car and that will keep him interested until you get to the hospital.

Keep us informed

Hey Janie,
How did Liam do?  You all must be very tired
Pam S
*edited to sign my name* Good that things went pretty well.